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    play back Beispielsätze

    play back

    1. “When a crash happens, the black box can play back the conversations in the cockpit and show mechanical details of the aeroplane’s activity

    2. The only thing Nolan could do to numb his pain was close his eyes, it was the only way his mind could play back old images of happier times

    3. As they began to play back the recent telephone conversation picked up in Nidan’s

    4. FBI: “Gentlemen, I am about to play back to you the story you just gave us

    5. If you play back your recording, you would hear the difference

    6. It will play back like a video; and in that video, you'll not only see what you did - you'll see the thinking that was behind it; the motivation that was behind it; the actions that you did; and the effect of your actions on others

    7. leg strap, I began to play back in my mind what I had originally seen about

    8. You then run the macro to repeat, or "play back," the commands

    9. ” He hated being on display back at the prison he escaped from, and now he was doomed to repeat the same fate

    10. handed him his play back with my comments

    11. I snort, thinking of that song we used to play back home in the Brickyard that went, I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy

    12. It was superimposed over a photo she’d set as her display background—three smiling, dark-haired boys resting their chins on the edge of a swimming pool in the bright sunshine

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