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    play the role of Beispielsätze

    play the role of

    1. In other words, they had to play the role of a scriptwriter to earn their right to inhabit the land

    2. After some discussion; we picked on Captain Howard-Smythe to play the role of the Bulgarian General

    3. Fullerton was using Elena’s name from the forged passport Colling had had prepared in Zurich, so that she could play the role of the girls’ nanny

    4. women may play the role of the inferior, but the facts must be considered; Japanese

    5. As for Kathleen,Peter didn't know she would have liked to play the role of his girlfriend for real

    6. You can play the role of victim in response or the role of victor

    7. where I play the role of life-mentor

    8. One minute he would play the role of being a good person and helping non-profit agencies invest their money with them for good things and then the next minute steal it

    9. You want someone with developed combat skills to play the role of a villain, right?’’

    10. Describe to me the qualifications and skills that you think would be relevant to help you play the role of the Shadow Dancer?’’

    11. They play the role of mentors most of the time, because mentors are

    12. ‘’Inspector, I simply play the role of the She-Hulk in movies: I am not the She-Hulk and you will have a pretty hard time trying to convince a prosecution magistrate to gobble that fable up

    13. It was now time for Sergei to play the role of grieving husband

    14. We are unfortunately currently missing a golden opportunity to play the role of honest mediator in Indochina, a role that would allow us to distance the Vietminh leadership from the Chinese and Soviets

    15. During my visits with my clients, I had to play the role of their girl friend, personal secretary, sometime cousin sister, sometime fiancée, and sometime their mistress and so and so

    16. she was to play the role of a girl named Sally whom he had

    17. Once you’ve returned from your own hero’s journey, The archetype that tends to be most effective you’re now in a position to play the role of the and most real is the classic hero’s journey mentor in your RA’s journeys

    18. You play the role of detached spectator or impartial arbiter, not because you're afraid to stand up for your beliefs, but because your reach is for understanding rather than proving that you're right

    19. Emotions play the role of gatekeepers and circuit breakers in the decision-making processes involved in the selection of a leader

    20. HARD Lakers fan, so of course, I had to play the role of the Celtics fan (which wasn't that

    21. They play the role of nations gathered necks and legs under the flame of the dragon

    22. Jesus didn’t play the role of hero

    23. It’s too easy to fall back into the old way of thinking, to feel sorry for ourselves and play the role of victim

    24. They in turn play the role of a receiver as

    25. While greenhouse does its job in making plants grow, you still have to play the role of a gardener to make this thing happen

    26. Lloyd looked as if he would have preferred not to get involved in this dispute, but it was hard for him to refuse to play the role of umpire, so he muttered: “If I can help both sides, of course

    27. I’ve asked Victor to play the role of interviewer because no one else is here except the cats, who are crap at sticking to the subject

    28. As a critic, O’Neil loved to play the role of the benevolent detractor, ignoring your successes and instead focusing on picking apart and revealing your mistakes

    29. The event plays the role of the publisher and the listeners play the role of the observers

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