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    plunging Beispielsätze


    1. He hesitates on the edge of the trees before plunging across the stretch of grassland which surrounds the Naveta … it looks far larger than I remember: a massive prehistoric building looking like an upturned hull of a boat, hence the name

    2. When they emerged on the other side, greeted by towering purple and red sandstone cliffs, plunging over one was a shimmering blue ribbon of water, into a motionless pond below

    3. Slipping into her own gown, she hunted desperately, for something to set off the plunging neckline, of pearls and brocade

    4. But still, Rafe knew damn well the smallest mistake could send him plunging to his death

    5. You have to understand that—” He was interrupted by Maileena’s sudden shriek and the feeling of someone plunging at him from behind

    6. Then she put her arms about him quickly and kissed his mouth, plunging her tongue into his in a wild abandoned manner

    7. This animal type of plunging at her with a hard cock, only to have it slip out, was almost the very essence of fucking with a young boy

    8. He repeated the tongue movement, this time doing it on her other leg, starting just above her knee and running his tongue slowly up her thigh and plunging it deeply into her cunt as he had before

    9. air, and then plunging back into the sea, they seemed to be searching for something that was beneath the water’s surface

    10. She slipped her fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck, her fingers plunging into the curly masses, which were fanned across the mat

    11. Laying Aspen on the bed, Sebastian slipped his hand into Aspen’s panties, plunging inside her, dragging a succulent cry from her lips

    12. Sebastian wasn’t conscious to see the cave collapsing inward or the Guardians and Arrows plunging into the wreckage

    13. But my eyes were shutting and no matter how hard I fought to keep them open I was losing the battle I made one last desperate try but I lost and the shutters came down plunging me into darkness and despair

    14. With Alex, the relationship seemed to be either grinding up a long hill or plunging perilously toward the depths of despair

    15. The door closed in her face, plunging the cell into blackness

    16. Focusing his mind on the Dark Healing, Skelda quickly dropped into a trance, plunging down the First Path of Darkness

    17. Time and again the tireless arachnids returned to the surface, where they recharged the fine hairs on their abdomens before plunging down again with their fragile loads

    18. Thomas’s hands were up in the air, as if he were standing at the very edge of a precipice, afraid of plunging to his death

    19. I needn't of worried though because I was saved from this horror when the translucent fibreglass of the lorry's roof gave way, plunging me into the interior

    20. Long, wavy strawberry blond hair tumbled over the shoulder of a shimmering silk blouse with plunging neckline

    21. Just as that thought had popped into his head, the lantern finally died, plunging him into darkness

    22. All of a sudden, the car was plunging vertically downwards again as the Earth came up, for a moment, and then it was pulling out of its dive

    23. Foremost among them that silver knife plunging into Jade's chest, my master's cackle, Argyl's hate, over and over it burned through me and I could not breath, the memory of Jade, of my tree lover, of Argyl, of all the nameless men I had fucked for my master's profit, all the tortures, all the thoughts, all the moments lost in drugs, the murder of that woman, the infant I could not slay, it was all there at all once

    24. He increased the speed of the engine as visibility improved, and they were soon plunging along through rolling waves

    25. About the time she was gasping for breath and moaning loudly, he changed the rhythm, plunging deep inside her heat, as far as he could go

    26. He began stroking her pussy with his cock, plunging all the way in and all the way out, again and again

    27. When he started plunging into her at a regular tempo, she moaned and moved with him

    28. All this water would vanish into the sand in a day or two, but I needed to get across now, and avoid getting the engine swamped by plunging the truck into a ford that might turn out to be too deep

    29. ” He sighed, turning away, and plunging back into his

    30. Dacian slid off the edge, only just catching the ledge to stop himself plunging to

    31. She was sure at any moment they would go plunging off the barrier-less road and down an embankment into a gully

    32. It shut behind her with a musty thud, plunging her into deep blackness

    33. AJ was as quick as lightening and came up behind the distracted doctor, plunging a syringe deep into her neck

    34. "Put it in," I implored, plunging to within inches of his cock

    35. playing, he was effectively plunging in and out with his two longest digits

    36. I settled for a plunging back silver sequined cocktail dress, and black ankle boots

    37. Taking in as much of the fresh air as she could, she hesitated only a moment before plunging into the fire engulfed house

    38. Then, as best he could, Johan had placed the would-be weapons in the people’s hands, showing them how to hold them upright in order to bring them plunging down on an enemy

    39. Everything is open and everything is known, and all the time, the wild plunging sensation drags them through the tunnel into another realm

    40. Alternately climbing out of the darker shadow of one hill, then plunging down into the next, they trudged along until, while overtopping another of the few that were left, the brief hint of a silhouette of a mounted rider coming from the north slipped into the darker shadow of lower ground just ahead of them

    41. An insistent tugging at his hand told Moshe that he had not released Sari before plunging into this all-male environment

    42. An airplane would come plunging out of the clouds a half mile away, gear and flaps down, the pilot frantically searching for a glimpse of the runway as he got closer to the ground

    43. Therefore plunging into its depths

    44. The raven made no sign that he’d heard and Simon could sense no more words plunging in

    45. Alternately climbing out of the darker shadow of one hill, then plunging

    46. An insistent tugging at his hand told Moshe that he had not released Sari before plunging into

    47. She pulled the comb back and stabbed down again, this time plunging the sharp handle deep into a rolling eye

    48. The spear-tip poked through the buttered tarp and the blankets, hitting Halfdan just over his belt-buckle and plunging deep into his guts

    49. He tried to get between the wheel and swing oxen to jump the cart tongue, but the plunging of the hurt ox on the other side prevented it

    50. With the momentum from the swinging motion his feet flew up towards the beasts face plunging the sword deep into its eye

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