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    practical joker Beispielsätze

    practical joker

    1. Vic must me a practical joker; he probably had an air horn placed nearby

    2. some could be practical jokers, too

    3. There’s a little of the practical joker in Him--and not

    4. practical jokers I wasn’t about to wait there and see

    5. But were they the real thing? Munro was a notorious practical joker

    6. I had plenty of friends who were big-time practical jokers and I said, “Yeah, right,” and hung up

    7. The sheriff knew the mentioned man to be the town reprobate and practical joker

    8. "'What, be driven out of our own house by a practical joker?' said I

    9. "Unless we have come upon a primitive practical joker," Summerlee suggested, "which I should think would be one of the most elementary developments of man

    10. No boisterous practical jokers or very fast men frequented it

    11. Our hero passed a very bad night; that is, he did not get thoroughly off to sleep for five minutes: as though some practical joker had scattered bristles in his bed

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