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    preferment Beispielsätze


    1. forward to enjoying the benefits that such preferment would bring

    2. have scarce any chance of preferment, they figure to themselves, in their youthful fancies, a

    3. The same difference runs through all the inferior degrees of preferment in

    4. get some fortune and preferment than common soldiers ; and the hope of those prizes is what

    5. Those fears and expectations may consist in the fear of deprivation or other punishment, and in the expectation of further preferment

    6. But though this order of men can scarce ever be forced, they may be managed as easily as any other ; and the security of the sovereign, as well as the public tranquillity, seems to depend very much upon the means which he has of managing them ; and those means seem to consist altogether in the preferment which he has to bestow upon them

    7. The ambition of every clergyman naturally led him to pay court, not so much to his sovereign as to his own order, from which only he could expect preferment

    8. Under such a government, the clergy naturally endeavour to recommend themselves to the sovereign, to the court, and to the nobility and gentry of the country, by whose influence they chiefly expect to obtain preferment

    9. Where church benefices, on the contrary, are many of them very considerable, the church naturally draws from the universities the greater part of their eminent men of letters; who generally find some patron, who does himself honour by procuring them church preferment

    10. Politics and selfish preferment began to make their appearance

    11. 3 "No sooner does your faith grasp the identity of the Son of Man than your selfish desire for worldly preferment creeps back upon you, and you fall to discussing among yourselves as to who should be greatest in the kingdom of heaven, a kingdom which, as you persist in conceiving it, does not exist, nor ever shall

    12. Do you not know that there can be no place of preferment at my table? Do you not understand that I love each of you as I do the others? Do you not know that the place nearest me, as men regard such honors, can mean nothing concerning your standing in the kingdom of heaven? You know that the kings of the gentiles have lordship over their subjects, while those who exercise this authority are sometimes called benefactors

    13. 15 Jesus then stepped over to James Zebedee, who stood in silence as the Master addressed him, saying: "James, when you and your younger brother once came to me seeking preferment in the honors of the kingdom, and I told you such honors were for the Father to bestow, I asked if you were able to drink my cup, and both of you answered that you were

    14. "My father had been a captain of a man of war; but, disgusted with the service, on account of the preferment of men whose chief merit was their family

    15. Edward's marriage with Lucy was as firmly determined on, and the time of its taking place remained as absolutely uncertain, as she had concluded it would be;--every thing depended, exactly after her expectation, on his getting that preferment, of which, at present, there seemed not the smallest chance

    16. The preferment, which only two days before she had considered as hopeless for Edward, was already provided to enable him to marry;-- and she, of all people in the world, was fixed on to bestow it!--Her emotion was such as Mrs

    17. influential, were always going to help him to preferment, but always forgot to do it when the blades had left the Grindstone,—he had wearied of that poor work and had come to London

    18. Now I belong to this last-named class; and certainly my prospects of military preferment are most encouraging as well as certain

    19. They also now comforted each other, that whose lot it was to suffer, even he should have the best of it; therefore each man secretly wished that he might have that preferment: but committing themselves to the all-wise disposal of Him that ruleth all things, with much content, they abode in the condition in which they were, until they should be otherwise disposed of

    20. The family history was typical of the Catholic squires of England; from Elizabeth's reign till Victoria's they lived sequestered lives, among their tenantry and kinsmen, sending their sons to school abroad, often marrying there, inter-marrying, if not, with a score of families like themselves, debarred from all preferment, and learning, in those lost generations, lessons which could still be read in the lives of the last three men of the house

    21. "I confess that's what I should be afraid of, if we parsons had to stand at the hustings for preferment

    22. Miss Noble nodded at her nephew with a subdued half-frightened laugh, conscious of having already dropped an additional lump of sugar into her basket on the strength of the new preferment

    23. Did I gain Preferment from my Illustrious Lovers? Rather I would say, with all Modesty intended, they gain’d it from me, for I had begun to learn, having had Womanhood so rudely thrust upon me in my seventeenth Year, that Men come to a Brothel as much for Understanding and Compassion as for the Fulfillment of their Lustful Desires, and that a Whore who pays Attention only to their Bodies (and not to their Minds) will ne’er flourish long in her Trade

    24. Edward’s marriage with Lucy was as firmly determined on, and the time of its taking place remained as absolutely uncertain, as she had concluded it would be;—every thing depended, exactly after her expectation, on his getting that preferment, of which, at present, there seemed not the smallest chance

    25. The preferment, which only two days before she had considered as hopeless for Edward, was already provided to enable him to marry;—and SHE, of all people in the world, was fixed on to bestow it!—Her emotion was such as Mrs

    26. "But the motives of a man who takes orders with the certainty of preferment may be fairly suspected, you think?" said Edmund

    27. The ‘Eleventh Commandment’ deals with a variety of topics—the social intrigues necessary to bring about preferment in political life, a communal order, an adventurous unconventional heiress, and her acquiescent, good-natured uncle, and most cleverly are the various elements combined, the whole forming an excellent and diverting little story

    28. Do those who administer the Government make it a rule to employ in the public service none but men of real capacity, or worth, of integrity, and of high character? Do they give their contracts and offices without fear, favor, or affection, to men of responsibility and character—to such men as you would in private life give your own contracts to? Or do they bestow them, as is done in some Governments differently constituted from ours, where church preferment and military preferment are sometimes made a dirty job of Parliamentary interest? Do they employ men of clean hands, with fair characters; or is every caitiff, without examination, welcome to their arms, provided he can bring with him the proof of his treachery to his former employers? It depends on these facts whether confidence is due to any Administration of the Government

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    Synonyme für "preferment"

    preferment advancement raise elevation furtherance betterment improvement