Verwenden Sie „preserved“ in einem Satz
preserved Beispielsätze
1. Those who are in Him will be preserved
2. A congregation without elders today can follow the teachings of the inspired New Testament, preserved for all generations, and function in an expedient fashion
3. A few have been recreated lately from preserved DNA but they are still too rare to feed quibartas
4. What is devitalized food and why are the Yogis so against it? Dead and devitalized foods include everything that has been preserved, bottled, bleached, refined, canned, pickled, or polished
5. Study all I have written in the chapter on diet and do not eat anything which has been refined or preserved
6. It is attached to the end of the leader so that the leader’s end taper is preserved
7. What is it that is not before-hand preserved? And why, when the
8. In the time while Gordon’s Lamp was away on its mission, most souls of means got preserved, and the bulk of mortal Chinese voluntarily ascended to the bases in the moon
9. It was said he preserved his soul inside a great crystal atop a black tower after he was killed
10. They’d dug up a body ten years ago, a body preserved by the peat
11. Like language itself, it is a product of objective reason and has been preserved as a guidepost for anyone 'who has eyes to see, and ears to hear
12. I have preserved you as the head of
13. Only a few driftwood-like hunks of the original log rebuild structure remained, preserved in the grip of the live growth around it, growth that was very, very old
14. She says her soul was once flesh but has been preserved in the crystal after her flesh died
15. Then the solution leapt into his mind, there was a lost basin out in the Kinsheeta! That basin must have preserved some kind of high energy technology for almost forty centuries
16. In 1309, Ralph de Born, prior of St Augustine's, Canterbury, gave a feast upon his installation-day, of which William Thorn has preserved, not only the bill of fare, but the prices of many particulars
17. "I don't think they would appreciate having the biological masses hear the news that biological life can be preserved indefinitely
18. wish that he’d kept a diary so he could have preserved
19. All elements of creation are preserved
20. mentality of that time was preserved, because
21. the original preserved in the archives of the
22. new fence, they preserved a part of the old wall
23. people had succeeded in their preserved attempts of beating the
24. preserved in the fire (what the traditionalists proclaim wil
25. the wicked wil NOT be preserved in the fire, the traditionalists
26. says they will be destroyed (not preserved) ; and that the destruction will last
27. Jesus said the human soul would be destroyed – not preserved
28. states in Matthew 10:28 that the soul will be destroyed (not preserved), He is
29. It was always the women of our line who preserved the clan
30. He never doubted that she preserved her own secrets, as they all had
31. That method, which has been preserved to this day, made sure no one in Men of Midas would go on to do something foolish that might jeopardize the organization and its ringleader
32. Please observe the motto that the fire in the stomach should be well preserved and should remain capable of digesting the food you eat
33. He said that he never realized how much valuable information had been preserved
34. so that the mischief making may be preserved
35. It is the first great revolution in the affairs of mankind of which history has preserved any distinct and circumstantial account
36. The fall of the western empire is the third great revolution in the affairs of mankind, of which ancient history has preserved any distinct or circumstantial account
37. It is only by means of a standing army, therefore, that the civilization of any country can be perpetuated, or even preserved, for any considerable time
38. These include geological properties and artefacts that we can observe, folk tales, which are in many cases considered myths only and the historical records that have been documented and preserved through the ages
39. The first question people normally ask when encountering manuscripts that are copied is: “How accurate are the copies when compared to the originals?” or “How well were these manuscripts preserved through the ages since the days of Moses?” Although these manuscripts were copied by hand, until the invention of the printing press in the 1,400’s AD, the Jewish scribes had an intricate and ritualistic system by which this was done
40. The followers of Luther, together with what is called the church of England, preserved more or less of the episcopal government, established subordination among the clergy, gave the sovereign the disposal of all the bishoprics, and other consistorial benefices within his dominions, and thereby rendered him the real head of the church; and without depriving the bishop of the right of collating to the smaller benefices within his diocese, they, even to those benefices, not only admitted, but favoured the right of presentation, both in the sovereign and in all other lay patrons
41. As long as the people of each parish preserved the right of electing their own pastors, they acted almost always under the influence of the clergy, and generally of the most factious and fanatical of the order
42. B: -- supernaturally preserved through the ages, ensuring that not one letter in both the Old and New Testaments was omitted, added or moved
43. For Information Set A, we may have current evidence or well preserved historic accounts through which we can validate the statement
44. We can with 100% certainty state, based on the numerous times that Noah’s Flood and its effects are mentioned in the Bible, that it was not just a localised flood, but a global catastrophe that wiped out all living creatures, except those that were preserved in the ark with Noah and his family
45. It would also provide an explanation for the fact that polystratic fossils are found in more than one layer of strata or type of sediment and that fossilisation preserved even soft tissue and fragile detail in the many samples that have been discovered
46. Given these facts, what attitude should we adopt with respect to what is written in the Bible? Should we not pay careful attention to the message it conveys? If we know and can scientifically prove with 100% certainty that the Bible is the only Book on Earth that demonstrates that a supernatural Being was responsible for its construction in its entirety; that every letter in the original languages, in which this Book was written, was placed in their individual positions with intense purpose and that this Book has been preserved through the ages without changing, omitting or adding one letter, does this not give us enough reason to at least read it and try to understand what is our Creator’s purpose for us?
47. How was the Old Testament Preserved?, Biblestudy
48. Jack in his turn was wondering about this older man, who was closer to Shelagh's age, but not as well preserved, who Rosemary had mentioned couldn't come to the party, and now here he was
49. It was still uncertain whether the taint would actually kill a man, or whether he would remain mad for as long as the Power preserved his body
50. Hayley had been mortal until now, and although the Ael Tarael said she had some ability to learn to wield terael, the small amount she could draw would not have preserved her for much longer than her natural lifetime