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    pretense Beispielsätze


    1. Lord Boras took in orphans, all the orphans he could under the pretense of caring for them

    2. “Ah, poor Harry,” consoled the ladies, feigning concern for his pretense of disappointment

    3. really just a religious pretense with no heart

    4. ” She knew that tone all too well, that pretense of folly

    5. In 6357, Rylan Kamuna was chosen, and though the pretense of an elected monarch lasted until his death, it was then that the next Dynasty began

    6. Minister McBride went on to say the there was not any pretense of

    7. Then, abandoning his pretense of gravity, he slapped the other on the

    8. Only pretense remains and is worn proudly

    9. Thus says The Lord: One who answers a matter in the name of The Lord, while being ignorant or unsure, is foolish; and one who answers a matter, without real knowledge, leans upon pride, wearing pretense as a garment

    10. How long will you weary Me with your words and all this pretense?

    11. So you may acknowledge your need and confess all these hidden things you have concealed by pretense, in where you have deceived yourselves

    12. He gave up all pretense of high roller intent on impressing his companion, and allowed her to pull him close for the cheek-to-cheek delivery of her secret

    13. In Green Bay, happiness for her was something gained through accruing prestige, promotions and sound financial growth: how hollow, fleeting and insignificant that all now seemed! In Chauita, she’d found happiness that sprang from simply being in this world and sharing time with Truman without the slightest need for pretense or position

    14. While some nationalists made the pretense of being Marxists after the 1950s, there was no evidence of anything but vague ideological ties to Cuba

    15. I wonder if they know that he was an Erudite once; that under all the pretense of Dauntless recklessness and even brutality, he is more like an Erudite than anything else

    16. “It explains,” he says, gritting his teeth, “why, under a pretense of neutrality—as if such a thing is possible!—you have left us to die at the hands of the Erudite

    17. They knew Bruce would be wary of pretense

    18. Soldiers are sent to fight in these „profit wars" under the false pretense of defending national security interests – defending democracy, our way of life, and freedom

    19. The author described the Huaxteca as “stubborn warriors with rather obscene dedication to the male member to the exclusion of even the pretense of common decency

    20. He had retired to his room on the pretense of a headache

    21. They assumed he was one of our agents and made every pretense of ignoring him

    22. His pretense didn’t last very long

    23. getting harder and harder to keep up that pretense and the influx of

    24. Don’t we?” She asked that last of everyone on the platform, and they all gave a laughing cheer of agreement, abandoning for a moment the pretense of not paying attention to them

    25. again, without pretense, and she gave them to him

    26. It was only after I grew up that I was slowly forced to become aware of the mutual pretense, by an occasional remark offered by those real Egyptians

    27. It is the right thing to do! The problem is,” he growled, looking up with an all-encompassing sweep of his eyes, “can we afford to take the chance? We stick out like a sore thumb no matter what pretense we try to hide behind

    28. after I grew up that I was slowly forced to become aware of the mutual pretense, by an

    29. Remember, this maid business is all pretense

    30. “What of it?” demanded the Dangler, abandoning his complacent pretense

    31. While holding onto the pretense that I had a lascivious sex life starting to brew

    32. They hurried up the stairs, crashing on to her bed, making love powerfully, completely, without pretense or fantasy, all real, all in the moment

    33. He had a fiery temper when once it was adequately provoked, and when the storm was over, he was always wont to justify and excuse his anger under the pretense that it was wholly a manifestation of righteous indignation

    34. These six Jews caught up with the apostolic party, numbering about thirty, at Jericho and, under the pretense of desiring to become disciples, attached themselves to Jesus' family of followers, remaining with the group up to the time of the beginning of the second preaching tour in Galilee; whereupon three of them returned to Jerusalem to submit their report to the chief priests and the Sanhedrin

    35. There was no hesitating pretense in his religious experience

    36. We have been fooled into believing that elected officials, under the pretense of national pride, are looking out for our safety, when all along it has been a ruse to sell arms, equip armies and manipulate economies

    37. Additionally, several actions can involve a pretense to touching

    38. I believe in green energy self sufficiency, and a constitutional commitment to be a peace loving nation that doesn’t go to war over the fear of loss of oil trade, or some other trumped up pretense, e

    39. We’re talking about the take over of the Federal government, with several puppet presidents to follow, and the massive extraction of capital out of America taken as a result of the huge war expenditures made for un-needed conflicts started by those puppets under false pretense

    40. It would have been possible for him to have met his wife, killed her with absolutely no witnesses in such a desolate area, then continued with his hunt; however, that would require his having known about her afternoon ride, an event of which he had professed having no knowledge, or else having prearranged a meeting place with her for some secret rendezvous under the pretense of an afternoon tryst

    41. “Yes,” Feltus said, smiling at the ideal lead into his interrogation that would initially take the pretense of idle conversation

    42. Her ability to remain so apparently unruffled was admirable, but after all, she was a proper lady who had been well trained in how to conduct herself and conceal her emotions behind a stony pretense that could be beneficial in misleading the authorities

    43. Feltus’s eyes widened at the revelation of the name he had secretly suspected but had been reluctant to accept given the old woman’s kind yet mysterious disposition that was not indicative of a murderer; however, he readily admitted that such a deceptive pretense would be ideal in order to plot an extremely vengeful murder, perhaps justified in her mind

    44. socialist elite, but on what justified pretense, I could never figure

    45. “On what pretense were you hired, then sir, if not on the

    46. pretense of functional analytical thought? On what basis then,

    47. pretense was, yours is not working and you will always be

    48. what pretense where you hired in as principle authority here?

    49. the same pretense as before in such conditions,

    50. ” He closed the call, but Carla carried on with the pretense of having a conversation

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    Synonyme für "pretense"

    feigning pretence pretending pretense simulation guise pretext pretension make-believe dissembling cloak charade cover cover-up pageant mask semblance show veil excuse affectation fabrication falsification evasion deception shamming fraud subterfuge