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    1. Secondly, the use of several very ingenious machines, which facilitate and abridge, in a still greater proportion, the winding of the worsted and woollen yarn, or the proper arrangement of the warp and woof before they are put into the loom ; an operation which, previous to the invention of those machines, must have been extremely tedious and troublesome

    2. This accumulation must evidently be previous to his applying his industry for so long a time to such a peculiar business

    3. As the accumulation of stock must, in the nature of things, be previous to the division of labour, so labour can be more and more subdivided in proportion only as stock is previously more and more accumulated

    4. universities, therefore, that language was taught previous to the study of philosophy, and as soon as the student had made some progress in the Latin

    5. “The stolen vehicle, the theft occurred about ten minutes previous to the shooting

    6. He managed to find time to stop by and see Frau Bergheim, and found that both her sons were at the farm, having been released from custody only a week previous to his visit

    7. By Constantine’s time, the bishopric structure had already been in place for some time, but the bishops, previous to his time, only had authority over Christian followers, they had not yet been given the “gift” of the “white stone” (see Revelation)

    8. That hope had to have developed over some indeterminate period of time previous to its verified expression

    9. Previous to the war, gorgons lived alone in different corners of the world, but they became increasingly attached to the Realms and Earth and wanted to live there

    10. The scripture just previous to

    11. symptoms of growth retardation previous to and after birth

    12. previous to that she thought it had hiccups, but actually it

    13. about her previous tobacco farm owners

    14. of any thought previous to this moment


    16. completely, her life previous to ‘finding’ God had not been without its bad side

    17. It was plain to see that, as with the previous towns to the north, there would be no serviceable craft to be found on the beach and Siri was ready to press on, but he was puzzled by what appeared to be the abundance of some sort of round squash-like vegetable rolling up and down the beach with the action of the waves

    18. Previous to that time, I was allowing myself to be swayed from my real

    19. The Elite could have taken them back but Riz felt it was previous to the new government, and was more of the people’s need for closure than a Continent matter and he would not ask the Elite to take the time and endanger themselves to satisfy the need

    20. ‘’I did two previous tours in Afghanistan as a military intelligence officer and have seen numerous times the wanted list of top Taliban commanders, Maryam

    21. Federations fold out of fear of loosing every ounce of self respect and freedom they had known previous to Klingon contact

    22. Chef Luc had called him by phone two days previous to let him know the sad news and suggested that he visit and to pay his respects at the funeral, which was to be held later that week

    23. Although they had returned to their previous topic,

    24. Huffing, Loki says, “To return to the previous topic — ”

    25. The rest of the flight home to Washington, was relatively uneventful, though filled with hilarity and entertaining antecedents of previous tours, concerts, and miscellaneous adventures (and misadventures) the band had experienced throughout their checkered career

    26. previous topic to combat worry is especially useful to tackle the fear of failure

    27. You may have discovered these questions in the previous topic

    28. Then you might want to start following the suggestions under the previous topic

    29. There were times he could remember previous to that event when he had lost sight of this truth in a confused hankering, periods during which he had hankered persistently, moments that astonished him afterwards to call to mind when, the lilacs being out in the garden and the young corn of the fields asprout in the warm spring sun, his laboratory, that place of hopes and visions, had incredibly appeared to him to be mere bones

    30. agovernment monopoly in 1631, the year previous to the

    31. Previous to today, the last show of such a force was an invasion

    32. gold-buckle exams in the few years previous to that,

    33. years previous to now, which tells some of his back-

    34. The territory’s established form of government had only become a full-fledged member of the United States of America about 75 years ago, once again connecting the United States with the West Coast and a state that was formed previous to the Oregon settlement called California

    35. There are stories about Whitefield and Wesley 200 years previous to the Welsh revival

    36. Previous to that the insurance

    37. Eleven offences are mentioned in the law as liable to the punishment of death (twm);— Striking a parent, Blasphemy, Sabbath-breaking, Witchcraft, Adultery, Unchastity previous to marriage, or in a betrothed woman, Rape, Incest, Man-stealing, Idolatry, False witness

    38. It is the final main station of civilization previous to the isolated forest of Cape York Peninsula that overhauls the countryside

    39. productions, previous to their publication, wishing to profit by the criticism of unsophisticated feeling

    40. And I told him how she had resolved, previous to his coming, on exhibiting a fit of frenzy

    41. It is probable that if Gaetano had related this previous to proposing the expedition, Franz would have hesitated, but now that they had started, he thought it would be cowardly to draw back

    42. He had been out of work for about six weeks previous to having been taken on by Rushton & Co

    43. The only other occupant of the public bar - previous to the entrance of Crass and his mates - was a semi-drunken man, who appeared to be a house-painter, sitting on the form near the shove-ha'penny board

    44. Previous to her marriage she had been a total abstainer, but since then she had occasionally taken a glass of beer with Easton for company's sake with their Sunday dinner at home; but it was generally Easton who went out and bought the beer in a jug

    45. Previous to this summer it had been the almost invariable rule to have two men in each room that was being painted, but Crass pointed out to Misery that under such circumstances they wasted time talking to each other, and they also acted as a check

    46. previous tours abroad, they could not be thought of, since the sole attempt of the sort had led to a sudden attack of depression in Anna, quite out of proportion with the cause—a late supper with bachelor friends

    47. previous tortures was added now that sense of mortification and of being an outcast which she had felt so distinctly on meeting Kitty

    48. twenty-five dollars at one time in their whole lives, previous to the war, they were now

    49. Four days later, as prices began approaching the upper channel line as well as the level of the previous top I started taking profits

    50. 7 billion (in 1966); but its profits fell from $43 million in 1968 to only half as much in 1970, and in that year’s big selloff its price declined to 22½ against the previous top of 89

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