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    1. “You were pronouncing it Teshi then,” the bigger, dark-haired woman said

    2. Bram said, pronouncing the place name with an emphasis Tom had

    3. Several hours later, they stand together in the front room of her house; her head cocked on one side, Chrissie stares at the wall for a good ten minutes before pronouncing her opinion

    4. ” She turned to Kaitlyn, “You are from Cleveland, Ohio? Did I get that right?” Kaitlyn nodded, still smiling at her new friend's accent when pronouncing her hometown

    5. “What is a ra-dio?” Jacob struggled with the word, pronouncing each syllable

    6. He'd been sitting that way since the doctor left, after pronouncing Aunt Martha dead

    7. “Sorry to wake you, sir,” he remembered pronouncing respectfully before identifying himself and proceeding

    8. For where else could this man walking on the True Path be going, other than to the Holy Grounds themselves? It was their journey now, the Pilgrim thought and then he smiled, carefully pronouncing each syllable slowly before bowing and once again pointing upwards:

    9. Now the host stood up and offered his name again, pronouncing it slowly, carefully

    10. 4 Or if a soul swear, pronouncing with his lips to do evil, or to do good, whatever it be that a man shall pronounce with an oath, and it be hid from him; when he knows of it, then he shall be guilty in one of these

    11. pronouncing it for them

    12. Minutes later, rescued of the abstraction for the subtle calling of Leonardo pronouncing my name, I turned and found him with his blue eyes

    13. Very rarely I heard him pronouncing words, with the exception of the daily or , he was satisfied with smiling and rubbing his protruding belly, unequivocal signal of the delicacies prepared by the laborious hand of Severa

    14. His grin split his face, smoothing the frown lines and pronouncing the smile lines, and Dana would’ve sworn in that moment that her heart had stopped beating

    15. one hundred and seventy ways of pronouncing the Word, each with its

    16. 10 Already had the full Sanhedrin agreed that Jesus was guilty of death-deserving transgressions of the Jewish laws, but they were now more concerned with developing charges regarding his conduct and teachings which would justify Pilate in pronouncing the death sentence upon their prisoner

    17. You can try pronouncing the publisher‘s

    18. The doctor knelt besides the body of Stalin and took a minute to examine it before pronouncing his diagnostic

    19. without pronouncing Allah's Name over the slaughtered animal while it was slaughtered) , whereas the culture mediums inoculated with the samples of meat which had been slaughtered with saying the divine statement over it were completely free from the mentioned colonies of germs

    20. On 26/9/2000, the same activity was done again with the attendance of physicians and under their sights and hearings in Dooma slaughterhouse, and similarly concerning the precise laboratory examination, then the result was the same: No germs were found at all in the animals slaughtered with pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over them, while the pathogenic germs were filling the other ones

    21. The meat of the sheep slaughtered with pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over them was of a light rose hue which delighted the seers, whereas the color of the other animals was dark bluish red

    22. There is remained spoiled blood found densely in the meat of the animals slaughtered without pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over them, while was not found in the meat of the animals slaughtered according the divine statute

    23. We have executed a Microbial study—in our laboratory—on samples of calf meat slaughtered with pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over it and samples of meat which did not have this done

    24. It was on samples of chicken meat slaughtered with pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over it (while slaughtering) and samples which did not have this done

    25. These findings show clearly that pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over the bird when slaughtering it lessens the remove of germs from its intestines to the muscles (meat) very much and consequently makes it more pure

    26. Ahmad Fadhel (Secretary-general of the researches of pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over the animals) says:

    27. Reactions and Attitudes of the Scientific Research Team after the Appearance of the Dazzling Results of Researches of Pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over the animals to be slaughtered

    28. Pronouncing Al’lah’s Name had a great miraculous effect in sterilizing the meat and releasing the blood, contrary to the meat of the animals over which Al’lah’s Name was not pronounced, for it was full of germs and congested with blood

    29. Relying on the findings and results we have got, we can say that pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over the animals to be slaughtered when slaughtering has a miraculous effect, and this reality caused the scientists to be astonished! How can this animal—after being slaughtered with pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over it—have meat that is sterilized?! Whereas the blood of the animal slaughtered without this pronunciation remained inside it so that in most cases this meat was clearly and obviously full of germs!

    30. Actually, pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over the animals when slaughtering resulted in unexpected findings

    31. This explains why the meat of the animals slaughtered without pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over them is not sterile, whereas that of the animals slaughtered according to the divine statute is quite sterile and fit for eating even if it is uncooked

    32. That was before applying the Godly Order in pronouncing His Name over the animals while slaughtering

    33. Fayez Al-Hakeem—and immediately after seeing the findings of research— he slaughtered a sheep with pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over it in his own farm, and after having some bites he said: for the first time, I eat meat of such delicious taste

    34. What is the use of pronouncing Al’lah’s Name loudly over the animals to be slaughterd which suffers the pain of slaughtering since it has no consciousness or understanding?!

    35. Let’s take samples from animals slaughtered with pronouncing ‘In the Name of God, Al’lah is Greater’ over them, and other samples from other ones which did not have this done when slaughtering

    36. Second: After examining the meat of animals slaughtered without pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over them, we found it full of colonies of staphylococcus which are pathogenic and deadly germs

    37. Third: The effect of pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over the slaughtered animals has not been limited on the voidance of its meat of germs, yet the specialists noticed other important reflections which appeared at the slaughterhouses

    38. When pronouncing the Name of Al’lah, the slaughter is performed with godliness, calm, and humanity

    39. First: the westerners used to call the Islamic method of slaughter which includes pronouncing the Name of Al’lah: Mohammedan method

    40. God does not allow any slaughter without pronouncing the Name of Al’lah, and the slaughterer will be punished for that sooner or later

    41. Thus, any article mentioned concerning the animal’s suffering and pain is refuted by the wisdom folded in pronouncing the Name of Al’lah over the animal which the Almighty has legislated

    42. Furthermore, pronouncing the Name of Al’lah makes the animal get excited and that never happens at all in any way other than the Islamic one

    43. Testifying of Thornton[33], the Great British Professor, Concerning Pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over the carcass (Comparison between the Islamic way of slaughter and the not-Islamic one):

    44. First: the importance of pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over the slaughtered animal and its effect on the public health –Comparisons between the Islamic way of slaughter (accompanied with pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over the animal) and the other not-Islamic ones (slaughter not accompanied with pronouncing Al’lah’s Name)

    45. Indeed, the negligence of pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over the slaughtered animal makes its meat a focus of blood filled with microbes

    46. And concerning the microbial study and the tissue one, it showed the blood vessels congested with red corpuscles and colonies of streptococcus and staphylococcus, something which clearly indicates that pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over the slaughtered animal is a very necessary action

    47. And after revealing the great importance of pronouncing the words ‘God is Greater’ over the animal when slaughtering in preventing blood from remaining in it and the consequent growth of microbes, it has become clear that this is very much the cause

    48. Yes… God has preserved all Syria from the cattle diseases and chicken plague for this apparent fact, when the slaughterers set out to practise such heavenly order contentedly and pleasantly after they had realized the results of pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over the slaughtered animal and recognized the benefit and the wisdom behind it

    49. In the laboratory I saw with my own eyes how the slaughtered animal had been affected by pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over it so that it became completely free of the pathogenic agents

    50. We ever tried to find a case to complete our study by pronouncing the words ‘Al’lah is Greater’ over it, but such case could not be found

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