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pronunciation Beispielsätze
1. He didn't seen to understand, but he wouldn't have been expecting it and Jorma's pronunciation was probably atrocious
2. pronunciation of the other man’s name
3. “I learned about it because of the patients I’ve had to care for, especially Ava and all Tdddeshi’s (his pronunciation of the northern name left something to be desired) predecessors as we researched the project
4. French pronunciation had thrown him
5. unintelligible because of the pronunciation in the
6. His pronunciation was strange, somewhere between Chinese Cantonese and English Yorkshire
7. The policeman smiled with a knowing expression, “Or should I call you Mister Var…ren…cliffe?” stumbling over the pronunciation
8. Lots of laughs later I attempted to assist the band with their English or should I say Jamaican pronunciation
9. Called “Dranker” (her pronunciation of “Drunkard”?), it expresses the desperation of a man whose wife's unfaithfulness drives him to drink and to madness
10. I just recognized it, however, because his pronunciation was rather different than what I had learned
11. It looked like Hiacoomes was quite right when he suggested that my family had lost the pronunciation of the language since we only wrote it
12. Soon he was correcting my pronunciation and with much effort we were able to communicate slowly
13. “They have a different pronunciation for Stolichnaya
14. passages to rhyme as they do not truly know what the exact pronunciation of the
15. One Spanish king changed the Castilian pronunciation
16. changed the pronunciation into Ki-ho-te while leaving the x, as Mexicans did with
17. pronunciation was judged by some authorities to have displayed a native Swedish accent
18. ” The name rolled off his tongue with slow pronunciation, “Gabriel—interesting Biblical name
19. “That’s right, buddy, it's Gabriel,” he said with careful pronunciation of his name
20. ” The name rolled off his tongue with slow pronunciation, “Gabriel, interesting Biblical name
21. words everyday; he did worry about the pronunciation but the meaning of it
22. It’s not the right pronunciation but it’s as close as I can get
23. Pa read it correcting the pronunciation and adding implied words:
24. The pronunciation is difficult for most people because we have so many sounds and diphthongs
25. Pronunciation Rules as but half-truths at best
26. Partly dialect, I imagine, since we're a good distance from Witanceaster—Winchester—but also my skills aren't the absolute highest, and back uptime we only think we know what pronunciation was back here, based on deductions from poetry and analogies with other Germanic languages and later versions of English
27. Titus suddenly called out towards the tree line in the Nordheim tongue, speaking fluently and with perfect pronunciation
28. The elder hunter looked Titus up and down apprehensively, unsure if this stranger with perfect Nordheim pronunciation was joking with him, his eyes finally rested on the two fine swords that hung from Titus’ belt
29. " he stared at his computer and read what was certainly a very butchered pronunciation
30. the meaning or pronunciation of the word
31. He was very proud of the origins of his nickname, his ancestral roots and the sound that emanated from the pronunciation of his name
32. them, but when they go home they hear the wrong pronunciation of the
33. we could all control the pronunciation of our words, and regard that also as an act of self-training
34. This loss does not affect the pronunciation ofthe verb because the palatal ll and ñ of the stem
35. From the short time they’d spent with Dragon and Mom they had learned a few Khmer words and Pon had corrected them on the pronunciation,
36. printed form and the correct pronunciation is recorded
37. Listening skills are tied to speaking and pronunciation skills
38. When you have the opportunity to teach pronunciation and listening together, you will see many similarities in the content that you are covering
39. Check spelling and add any additional words, then model the pronunciation and have the class repeat after you
40. Finally, practise pronunciation and review the meaning of each word
41. At the same time, these can help the teacher to keep the class mainly in English, to use correct pronunciation and intonation and to give the children basic building blocks of language with which to communicate
42. Finally, and perhaps the most important reason, young children have an intrinsic interest in and will spontaneously take part in, sound, rhythm and music, thereby practising pronunciation, stress and intonation, which are the equivalents in language of sound, rhythm and music
43. • Finally, practise pronunciation and review the meaning of each word
44. His pronunciation of the language became stronger as more and more he spoke in French
45. These had been the most difficult as she had no one to test her pronunciation on
46. He heard the pronunciation of the word as “Sih
47. Relying on the findings and results we have got, we can say that pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over the animals to be slaughtered when slaughtering has a miraculous effect, and this reality caused the scientists to be astonished! How can this animal—after being slaughtered with pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over it—have meat that is sterilized?! Whereas the blood of the animal slaughtered without this pronunciation remained inside it so that in most cases this meat was clearly and obviously full of germs!
48. As for the Divine way "Islamic way" which includes this pronunciation when performing the slaughter, it saves the animal from feeling any pain
49. When the pronunciation of Al’lah’s Name over the animals to be slaughtered spreads in any country, this country will verily get rid of all the epidemics that have attacked its animal wealth such as Mad Cow Disease, Bird Flu… etc…
50. The purpose of this pronunciation is to think of these boons so as to praise your Provider