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    providing that

    1. "I've told you what more I know, but you want proof of their power over the Instinct? I don't want Alan to die providing that proof

    2. This definition is sufficient for the purpose of reading Auras, providing that we can train ourselves to see the Aura vibration

    3. We can limit the franchise, providing that race or sex is not the criterion

    4. Providing that he was actually allowed to hear anything

    5. Such was the prestige of that silence that Úrsula did not have the heart to take the fun away from Remedios the Beauty, and she let her go one afternoon, providing that she wore a hat and a decent dress

    6. But if he is in straits, the lender mayrefuse to accept the mortgage as security, and demand a bill ofsale of it, which contains a clause providing that the originalowner may buy it back within a certain time (not over four years,unless more are stipulated in the deed, and never more than ten)

    7. market, equity capital may still flow into the company providing that the near-term

    8. on these paltry figures alone providing that they were consistent enough to allow

    9. Providing that you know who

    10. expect to farm al 17 pools within 45 minutes providing that no one else is farming these at the same time

    11. It happens in herbs, flock of birds, insect groups and fish schools, providing that there is an affinity of belonging to the group, there will be a particular emotional resonance

    12. But this Information is digested and adapted in different ways in each of your Self-Consciousnesses: in an hour, one of you will forget everything and “will lower oneself” to habitual Levels accessible to one’s Understanding and Perception; but another will immediately try to apply the new Knowledge the next time one must make a Choice, providing that person with the possibility to stabilize for a longer time in these high-quality SFUURMM-Forms and to gain a certain Experience of creative manipulation of high-frequency types of psychic Energy

    13. In terms of conditional probabilities, two events A and B are independent of one another providing that P(A|B) = P(A), that is, our knowledge that B occurred does not alter the likelihood of A

    14. The observations may come from different distributions, providing that they all have the same parameter of interest

    15. And whereas the prevailing wisdom is to “invest only what you can afford to lose”, the use of a stop order allows you to invest more than you can afford to lose – providing that the stop gets you out of a bad position at a loss that you can afford to lose

    16. The division of labour has always existed in human society, and I daresay always will exist; but the question for us is, not if it has been and will still continue, but, what should guide us in providing that this division may be a right one

    17. The committee beg leave to state, that on the 23d July, 1787, Congress passed a resolution providing that all persons having unliquidated claims against the United States shall exhibit a particular abstract thereof to the Comptroller of the Treasury of the United States within one year

    18. How easy is it to remove much of the complaints by providing that the minor, who shall impose upon the recruiting officer, shall refund the bounty he received before he shall receive his discharge

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