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    public figure

    1. 'As I say, some time ago Pantelis got wind of what was going on and over a period of time he collected his evidence: names, numbers, times, photographs, dates, recordings; a comprehensive list of villains, including prominent public figures, involved one way or another in the smuggling and acquisition of priceless cultural objects

    2. Hoover gathered intelligence on everyone, every major politician, entertainers, intellectuals, scientists, artists, activists, and public figure, including presidents

    3. He returned enraged that the announced shuffle of public figures included Gordon’s recommendation of the current director of the OIJ for his position, and Captain Flores’ elevation to the nation’s top police officer

    4. Professional actors, models, and other public figures have an incentive to manage the physical sector as

    5. His writings so impressed philosophers and some important public figures of the era, that he was offered the chairmanship of the department of philosophy at the

    6. Not public figures though, they usually lead separate lives, emerging together from time to time for appearance sake

    7. Some of the people he saw were well known public figures

    8. he’d elevated himself to that of a public figure

    9. In any case, President Clinton and the United States probably just had lost a lot of its clout and influence in Japan by refusing to support it militarily without question, something that some members of Congress and various influential public figures will assuredly be quick to criticize

    10. Newsmakers and newsmen and women are celebrities merely because they are public figures and regardless of their true accomplishments

    11. I’m not anyone the great, all-important “public” and powerful public figures will ever listen to—or even hear, for blank-sakes—but I’m shouting as loud as I can, on behalf of those poor, innocent torn-up bodies and souls all over the place out there

    12. Ali never felt this comfortable before, how many years had it been since he could show his true side, and not hide in a façade of being a responsible public figure

    13. If nearly every public figure in Nevada could be targeted, that meant no one was safe

    14. It took years of the landed gentry propping up lower class public figures like Adams, to turn the idea of rebellion into a popular cause

    15. group of 4 heroes who are very public figures with no secret I

    16. Over the years, I have cautioned my boys about looking to public figures or celebrities as role models

    17. In 1999, that kind of revelation from a public figure was still big news

    18. But was I, in fact, rude to her? I tried to reassure myself with the notion that she was, after all, a public figure, and that the chatter about whether her time had passed was all over the blogs

    19. He was a cultural icon during the Great Depression, a desperate time in our history during which Americans sought out public figures for inspiration and motivation

    20. Between HUAC and the FBI’s constant surveillance of and investigations of public figures such as Arthur Miller, it’s a wonder there was time for any official business to be conducted in this country

    21. In truth, in my twenty-five years of authoring books about public figures, I have encountered very few people who have ever actually paid attention to such material

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