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    put right Beispielsätze

    put right

    1. If he’d mapped the input right, then the ship would feel like part of her body

    2. He must put right the one thing that had been troubling him through all these years had he but seen it

    3. “Alright take it easy lad you have a nasty infection in your shoulder but it is nothing that we can’t put right we will try to have you fighting fit in no time”, he shouted for the orderlies to take me into the medical tent

    4. Of course it's hard! You have years of waste, self-indulgence, wrong thinking and downright laziness to put right

    5. If Matadormus had parted with his wealth, it probably would have been put right back into his hands for administration as treasurer of the seventy

    6. A good friend of mine is also trying to put right this injustice, but he is at risk of getting on the wrong side of the law in Zimbabwe, and ending up in one of their terrible prisons

    7. We're talking something like 60 years prior, and God knew what she did, and when she saw the picture it triggered the memory of trying to put something right in a relationship that was wrong, and she associated with my gift a desire to put right with her something that was wrong

    8. There are no guarantees with detox – it is not a magical cure that will put right all ills

    9. “I’ve been meaning to speak to you about this morning,” she said as though serious about wishing to put right the transgressions which occurred, now that the opportunity presented itself so nicely for both of them

    10. He piled up debts at his every step, especially at the smart bars he frequented; he left his workers unpaid on payday and slipped out of the shop with all the cash in his pockets; was inebriated during most of the working hours and Alex had to confront and put right all these irregularities

    11. For it is also written, in the book of Romans, that sin spreader in Rome, ( so as the whole world latter ) so as then, the law was established, by TRUE GOD, to show them what they did, so as they, by faith in him, that they are been put right, to change, and do the write thing, so as then, it also says, do not be ignorant, of this mystery, it says that hardening has partly, happen to Israel, that the rest of the Gentiles, come in, ( so as the rest of the world

    12. If it hasn’t been put right, it’s still a weakness

    13. Liquidity often seeks liquidity, and so a lot of it was put right into liquid, high-quality large-cap names that were perceived as potentially huge beneficiaries of the rapidly growing Internet

    14. "I think we ought to use it as a lever to get this lease put right for her

    15. "I'll draw you a picture, sit down!" said Jasmine and, with the incontestable authority of the lady with the keys, she led me across the hall and admitted me to the sacrosanct chamber at once, mumbling that Mona had made a mess of the closets only two hours before, but everything was now put right, and I flung myself theatrically upon the rose satin bed, beneath the rose satin canopy, nuzzled into the rose satin pillows and lay there, drenched in the scent of Chantilly, allowing Jasmine to pull off my dirty boots because it made her happy, and protected the bed, and I closed my eyes

    16. “Yes, how am I to act? Lord, have mercy on me! And that all this should happen!” he cried out at last in despair, tottering along the street at random; “that all this must needs happen! Why, but for this, but for just this, everything would have been put right; at one stroke, at one skilful, vigorous, firm stroke it would have been set right

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