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    1. the far side of the quad, he’d parked his car next to where she walked

    2. It took over an hour to maneuver all of the vardos through the stakes and into the quad where they were placed in the traditional circle

    3. Papa’s people built a huge bonfire in the center of the quad and laid out tables all round

    4. They walked over to the quad bike

    5. Dawn turned away, bile rising in her throat, searching for the quad bike

    6. Jumping on the quad bike, Dawn turned the key and thumbed the starter, opening the throttle wide

    7. “You had an accident on the quad bike?”

    8. Oh and see if the quad bike is in the pond for me would you? Yes, that’s what I said

    9. Dawn had told her that the quad bike had been pulled out of the pond and was now in the garage

    10. Returning to the garage Gonzalez opened the big doors and rode out on the quad bike, eyes constantly on the move as he searched the grounds for any danger

    11. A moment later they were chasing after the disappearing quad bike

    12. As Roger was crossing the main quad to fulfill his assignment, he saw, walking in the same direction in front of him, the back of a beautifully dressed and rather petite woman with an attractive gait

    13. Quad - A four-digit number consisting of the same number, such as 2222

    14. “What’s happening?” said Nick panicking as he saw a quad bike in the distance driving towards them along the field with the driver shooting a rifle at the fleeing Cambodians and Nick

    15. The quad bikes with their trailers full of the kit needed for re-planting had to be left on the trails, the terrain being too rough for them

    16. They were both in the saddle on the back of Darren’s quad bike

    17. It was nearly half past when he pulled up behind Steve’s quad bike on the trail heading to the patch they were supposed to be planting

    18. Darren unhooked his trailer and then raced up the trail on his quad bike, hoping to find Steve hard at work and grizzling about his quad bike breaking down on him

    19. He stopped by Steve’s quad bike, switched off his engine and listened

    20. He fired up his quad bike and sped off down the trail to the assembly point

    21. Darren explained about finding Steve’s quad bike on the arterial track and that Steve was nowhere to be found

    22. He had criss-crossed the area around where the quad bike had been left but with no luck

    23. Linked to this was a large garage that housed the farm vehicles, a tractor with a trailer and other implements, two quad bikes and an old Land Rover

    24. "I see what you mean," she said as she looked past the President, out the window to the library building across the quad

    25. Not knowing much about what the cargo planes were bringing in, except for the fact that they were supposed to be carrying ground support equipment and supplies for a squadron of fighters that would soon reinforce his depleted air force, Geiger was nearly floored, like Major Buse, when two M3 halftracks mounting a quad heavy anti-aircraft machineguns mount rolled one after the other out of the first C-142, each M3 also towing a loaded trailer

    26. While the G4Ms flew too high for the defending 40mm Bofors guns, the VAL dive bombers soon attracted a dense fire from the eight guns of the 996th Air Defense Battery of the 99th CAG, with the eight halftrack-mounted quad heavy machineguns of the battery adding their dense streams of tracers at the dive bombers as they were coming out of their bombing dives on Henderson Field

    27. � One of the quad 20mm gunners, protected by the forward shield of his gun, saw both of his loaders and his gun crew commander swept away by a hail of shrapnel

    28. As of 2015, dual-core and quad-core processors are widely used in home PCs and laptops, while quad, six, eight, ten, twelve, and sixteen-core processors are common in the professional and enterprise markets with workstations and servers

    29. Those Saudis were still visible and audible on the video feed transmitted by the mini spy quad copter that had previously flown inside the warehouse via an opened window

    30. If we could manage to fly our quad copter close enough to those crates and containers to be able to read and record the labels and serial numbers it would be even better, but that would expose our quad copter to visual detection by one of the guards present inside the warehouse

    31. On the video screen showing the feed from the quad copter inside the warehouse, both Julia, Ian and Erik saw the guards present inside suddenly bolt towards the southwest side doors, evidently alerted by some radio warning from the guards outside

    32. Erik did not hesitate then: as the mayhem spread around the warehouse, with shouted orders and a few more shots ringing out, he activated the four rotors of his spy quad copter and sent it flying down towards the piles of crates to film them from up close

    33. ‘’Dean, keep an eye out for the action around the warehouse while I am busy flying our quad copter

    34. They were then silent for long minutes, Erik piloting his mini quad copter and Dean keeping watch in case one of Graschev’s guards came in their direction

    35. After about ten minutes, and with Erik having finished doing his close flybys and having returned the quad copter to its original overwatch position, things seemed to quiet down in and around the warehouse

    36. “Meet me in the quad at lunch

    37. sitting, cross-legged, on a concrete wall in the quad

    38. I’m not about to sit on the wall in the quad and be

    39. meeting me in the quad for lunch

    40. “Oh yeah? Where? Cause I didn’t see you in the quad

    41. “You ate lunch in the quad? Out in the rain?”

    42. The Rangers NCO was finally able to see in the dark the shapes of two German soldiers standing guard near a quad 20mm antiaircraft gun mount positioned just besides the entrance of the rail bridge

    43. From his position, he could see no less than six 88mm guns positioned along the East bank, while three quad 20mm guns were on the West bank

    44. The German gunners took a couple of seconds to notice that their officer was down, but by that time McDonnel and his men were opening fire, shooting down the gun aimers sitting on the quad mounts

    45. Each quad mount was sprayed in succession by no less than four fighter-bombers, leaving no Germans alive around them

    46. With the quad 20mm guns on the west bank utterly silenced, the P-47s then flew eastward to go help neutralize the antiaircraft guns on the East bank, leaving only four fighter-bombers behind to circle over the West end of the bridges

    47. The servants of the quad 40mm mount thus ignored the increasing list of their ship and the waves getting closer to them, chasing with their fire one of the patrol boats trying to approach a rescue raft

    48. ‘’The…the other servants of the forward quad 40mm mount, did they make it, Lieutenant?’’ Asked Steve to the assistant engineering officer, who was looking down at him

    49. His laser canon was a quad shooter, with the energy cycling through each laser cannon tip, producing bigger beams of energy than the weapons the soldiers were carrying

    50. Kletsova was driving, and Lenar was firing the mini quad laser from the back of the ATV, standing position only

    1. This section of the campus wasn’t the orderly rows of quads the pyramid and dome were on

    2. Back Foot Elevated Split Squats – blast your quads with this move

    3. A ragged cheer went up from clumps of youthful aliens here and there, and they came running out to the center, forming up in couples, trios, quads and odd-numbered formations

    4. resistance on the quads and hamstrings in their fully

    5. Shorter for quads

    6. Puller immediately tensed, his quads and calves bracing for what was to come

    7. As you can see in this example, the dividing line between the network and host bits lies between the third and fourth quads

    8. The dividing line need not fall between quads, however

    9. The previous example demonstrates the most basic type of subnetting, in which the boundaries of the subnet identifier fall between the quads

    10. The first two quads are the binary equivalents of 172 and 16

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    Synonyme für "quad"

    quad quadrangle space musculus quadriceps femoris quadriceps quadriceps femoris quadruplet