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    quintessential Beispielsätze


    1. (Driving to the airport, waiting on line, checking luggage and walking through metal detractors is a (by-product) of modern travel however not traveling) American Roads have lost their quintessential charm

    2. Michael Talbot says that creating the illusion that things are located where they are not is the quintessential feature of a hologram

    3. the last one of the Quintessential Questions, namely "How?" In the past, many with a

    4. There are many questions that do not (explicitly) ask one of the ten quintessential queries

    5. most of these other questions it is usually possible to re-state them so that they do fit the quintessential

    6. diversity than any of the other quintessential questions

    7. where roils the quintessential diff’rences betwixt how time is fair perceived on Mother Earth and in Folk Space

    8. that he considered this place to be quintessential Nova Scotia -- a place where all

    9. She was the quintessential hypocrite

    10. He smiled at the meticulousness surrounding the quintessential English couple and 178

    11. Each of those atoms has a quintessential spirits have been gathered together to from the body of the living creature

    12. with them; he had the appearance of a quintessential weekend,

    13. This again was quintessential Team Modi—plan in-house and then get an outside vendor with expertise to execute the project

    14. This was quintessential ‘shock and awe’ campaigning, Modi-style

    15. He focused on sanitation and ‘toilet building’ as a national mission, and rhetorically asked, ‘What kind of prime minister stands at the Red Fort and talks about toilet building?’ This was quintessential Modi—breaking with tradition, almost challenging the ruling class to reorder its priorities

    16. Coronado oozed quintessential republican California, now cocooned in silk nightdresses and soft slippers

    17. “ Its quintessential slim shape is dramatized with a thigh-high side slit and spaghetti straps in raspberry delight

    18. Lycium is considered as a quintessential tonic herb

    19. The sight of which evokes such a romantic aura of the quintessential Islamic East

    20. The Seven Seals are the same as the Seven Spirits of God and the Seven Pillars of wisdom, and Solomon is known as the quintessential wise sage

    21. Pillars of wisdom, and Solomon is known as the quintessential wise sage

    22. He was the quintessential "motor mouth"

    23. You become someone who others pursue because they see you as a leader in their industry - the quintessential mover and shaker

    24. Maybe she’d even crush those glasses beneath her heel like the quintessential bully

    25. At the top of the record pile was The Quintessential Billie Holiday—Volume 8, songs graced by Teddy Wilson and Lester Young

    26. For many traders, pullbacks are the quintessential with-trend trade, using the countertrend pullback to position in the larger trend at an advantageous price

    27. Analogous to this is how I noticed that O’Neil is the quintessential purist when it comes to reading charts

    28. She was able to provide the quintessential piece to this book: a different perspective from a non-investment-professional

    29. In 2008—the quintessential bad times—most (but not all) alternatives failed both to diversify and to enhance returns

    30. He’s the quintessential growth investor, ignoring P/E ratios completely and focusing on earnings acceleration

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