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    quite a little Beispielsätze

    quite a little

    1. "This is quite a little lady you have here

    2. According to everyone except Mister Tyler, Mister Tyler was running quite a little show behind your back

    3. He talked to me, there is no doubt, as he might have talked to quite a little child--of erudition there was not a sign, of wisdom in Brosy's sense not a word; but what of that? The happy result was that I understood him, and I know we were very merry

    4. At the sight she stopped, and her heart seemed to shrink into quite a little, scarcely beating thing

    5. I might, indeed, if this were a sermon and there were a congregation unable to get away, expatiate on the habit these weapons have of smiting with equal fury the just and the unjust; how you only need to be a little foolish, quite a little foolish, under conditions that seem to force it upon you, and down they come, sure and relentless, and you are smitten with a thoroughness that leaves you lame for years; how motives are nothing, circumstances are nothing; how the motives may have been aflame with goodness, the circumstances such that any other course was impossible; how all these things don't matter in the least,--you are and shall be smitten

    6. Yes,' said Miss Entwhistle, clearing her throat, 'we had a--we had quite a little talk

    7. “Betsi, James is fine, but he did create quite a little stir,” she said in her calm and loving voice

    8. There was a simultaneous sigh, which created quite a little gust, as the last hope fled, and the treat was ravished from their longing lips

    9. If John and my Fritz were only here, it would be quite a little heaven on earth," she added more quietly

    10. Bundy and two labourers had commenced the work of putting in the new drains; the carpenters were back again doing some extra work, and there was also a plumber working on the house; so there was quite a little crowd in the kitchen at dinner-time

    11. She was quite a little phony

    12. "Yes; the Inspector and I have made quite a little reconnaissance

    13. Seventeen shares—quite a little fortune to leave behind one, too

    14. ‘Quite a little town

    15. The milkers formed quite a little battalion of men and maids, the men operating on the hard-teated animals, the maids on the kindlier natures

    16. I was quite a little startled myself, for it seemed for an instant as if the stranger had great eyes like burning flames, but a second look dispelled the illusion

    17. Sometimes Holmes would hurry on, sometimes stop dead, and once he made quite a little detour into the meadow

    18. You see, he was already familiar with one or two fish languages; and that helped him quite a little

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