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    ranger Beispielsätze


    1. “I remember your ranger had a hawk or something

    2. very soon they saw one solitary ranger came out of the

    3. they came up to the ranger and asked him with

    4. anxiety: “Where is the army?” the ranger looked them in the face and

    5. He was all they needed, because the ranger knew who he was,

    6. mutiny to deal with, Ranger

    7. Ranger, is having a problem with frequent urination

    8. that Ranger felt conflicted in his relationship with

    9. Ranger and this new horse were at odds

    10. retested Ranger through Jean it was apparent that the

    11. From that moment on, Ranger began to recover

    12. And because those games were so popular they used to play them at the Cleveland Indians spring training stadium called Hi Corbett Field located on Randolph Park where I worked as a Park Ranger later on

    13. The Ranger spoke up and said, ―I can go anywhere, so what I want you to do is lead me out there and I will take care of it

    14. I parked my little blue ford ranger near the outhouse and left my keys in the truck with the motor running, thinking I would only be a minute

    15. Ranger Oakmoss was settling in for the night

    16. Kormos moved his glance towards Ranger; he stepped aside, as a mark of respect, and offered the oratory branch to Ranger to complete the story

    17. Ranger accepted the invitation by stepping up to the oratory branch

    18. Ranger tried to convince the Crackle of how dangerous the Black Fox was

    19. Ranger glanced at the young Sprite's parents; he received a polite, embarrassed, nod of acknowledgement

    20. Ranger handled the moment of enthusiasm graciously

    21. Ranger stepped off the branch allowing another to build upon the story

    22. Ranger glanced at the elders; they seemed worried but tried not to show it in front of the entire Crackle

    23. Belver, Acron and Ranger were gathered on an old tree stump, in the center of Tamworthia

    24. " Ranger snapped a retort that stopped Belver in mid sentence

    25. The whole forest is depending on you!" Ranger shook his head despondingly

    26. Ranger propped his chin upon his outstretched arm, showing to the group that he was in deep thought

    27. "Why didn't the Wyvern pick Acron?" Acron turned to look at Ranger

    28. Ranger had ordered the Wood Sprites to reveal themselves, to save the Human

    29. Many were confused; why reveal themselves to a Human? Ranger could hear the confusion growing within their ranks

    30. Ranger Oakmoss stepped forward, "Your Father was a protector of this forest

    31. " Ranger looked beaten, his back hunched and his body heavy

    32. Ranger was a patient soul

    33. "Ranger Oakmoss at your service again Princess Ruby

    34. Ranger sensed the disappointment but still had faith

    35. Ranger approached, his movements seemed erratic

    36. It appeared that all was lost, yet they had this unfounded hope that the Stibmit would some how save them! What could she do? She had to do something, but what? Ranger appeared, "We need to talk, the council needs to see you immediately

    37. " Ranger started the conversation with a desolate statement, "With our current forces, we're not likely to last the night

    38. " Ranger climbed down from his trunk

    39. "What news from you Ranger Oakmoss?" Giselle singled Ranger out

    40. The pack of beasts continued to pour into the gorge; Ranger had realized the beasts had been bred for their fighting abilities, not their intelligence

    41. Ranger scurried to a nearby trunk, "That showed them, fantastic job!" Their excitement was clearly coursing through their veins

    42. Ranger took control, "Yes, we do

    43. Ranger was quick to explain himself

    44. Ranger received messages from the whispering trees; the Witch and the Black Fox remained far away

    45. Ranger teased him, "What took you?"

    46. Ranger accepted the explanation without question, "Well, he would know

    47. The light was fading but Giselle reassured Ranger, who was starting to worry

    48. "You, Ranger, move to the right, to the edge of the lake, now!" Ranger scurried away without questioning the Owl's order

    49. "Belver to the left, the opposite side of the shoreline to Ranger, go now quickly!" Belver scurried along the edge of the pond and took his position

    50. Princess Ruby stood motionless in the center, between Ranger and Belver

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    commando ranger fire warden forest fire fighter texas ranger