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    Verwenden Sie „recover from“ in einem Satz

    recover from Beispielsätze

    recover from

    1. It took me a few seconds to recover from the effort of speaking

    2. other peels; they are, however, best for those who do not have time to recover from the

    3. A few weeks before they were due to marry, you were born prematurely and your poor mother was too weak to recover from the trauma of your birth

    4. Then, and despite his own wish to hear the song again, he asked Lucy to try and keep the house as quiet as the grave for the rest of day so that her mother could recover from her nerves

    5. could recover from her nerves

    6. to give Matt a chance to recover from his fall

    7. The soup is hot and tasty; it helps me recover from the panic of the previous moment

    8. Since none would get the recordings of this conversation, she could recover from her shock at him asking it openly, and answer it

    9. opportunity to recover from near exhaustion, and had

    10. It took a while for her mother to recover from the shock

    11. While the two remaining elves tried to recover from the horse’s charge, she produced her dagger and cut away the bindings of one of the men, whose gray eyes twinkled as they caught the moonlight

    12. She gasped in a breath to recover from the fall before Sebastian reached down with his free hand and unceremoniously ripped open her suit jacket

    13. ‘It will take you some time to fully recover from the effects of such a traumatic experience

    14. There was a way to recover from his predicament and save his marriage, he just had to fool Sir Craig into believing that the research had produced negative results

    15. " Of course, he never f ate the food since he only f arrived that morning and rokkof-fed the same day leaving them to recover from their f nasty experience alone

    16. It also means that the teeth have this time (up to 4 hours) to recover from the effects of acid produced by sugars

    17. The old man began to smack his lips and seemed to recover from his mysterious lapse

    18. State what the healing is for; such as arthritis, or to recover from some type of surgery, or help with some form of disease

    19. We might have underestimated their ability to recover from their last loss here; we did not expect them to make a showing for at least another year

    20. fully recover from the weariness of their long flight across the

    21. that it is possible to recover from an emission state to have another

    22. Elena left him there to recover from all that he felt and he witnessed in the Abyss

    23. taken me years to recover from it

    24. It took a long time for him to recover from it

    25. As I am trying to recover from the obscene scene confronting me, something shoots out of the darkness and knocks me flat on my back

    26. "As our nation struggles to recover from the current recession, we are deeply concerned that the pending Clean Air Act boiler MACT

    27. Then MRL would recover from BN and its contractors, or so I hoped

    28. and recover from what she did to me because she’s always there

    29. “Please, Yazadril! We took this break so I could recover from having my mind boggled!”

    30. “Also, while I think it’s a good idea to let the most needy use our vacation properties that they may recover from their ordeals, I doubt that letting poor people use our larger and more luxurious homes would be the wisest use of the resource

    31. David was the first to recover from the shocking news, “Hey man, why didn't you tell us that you were engaged?” He said punching Ryan's arm

    32. “My Pharaoh seemed to recover from having been taken aback for a moment, glared at the old man who even retreated a couple of steps

    33. Did Virgil recover from the blow on the head enough to hike back to his cabin and Jasper? Or was Jasper still penned up, neglected and alone?

    34. How can he recover from this unforeseen interference? “I have to act

    35. "Eva suffered a severe injury to her back several years ago in Berlin which took her a great deal of time to recover from

    36. You recover from the nearness of flesh spread over highway and burn rubber onto your destination

    37. Sam shouted out for Samantha, who was still trying to recover from the hit of the dragon

    38. Still trying to recover from her hit, Jane was slowly coming around, but not fast enough

    39. And, if I’m being honest with myself, the truth is that I have already lost most of the people that I care about; I’m terrified that if I let myself love Tristan I’ll loose him, too, and I might not recover from it


    41. Though she seemed to not have recover from the shock of Eric's death

    42. It took me some time to recover from the paralyzing grip of terror

    43. How even before she could recover from the shock of what she had heard, swamiji placed Suresh’s photograph before her! And didn’t he ask her to make Suresh’s story privy to every inmate of the Shanti Sadan!

    44. While Nathaniel was slow to recover from his supposition that Jesus had misunderstood the spirit of his question, the others were more than thankful that their philosophic fellow apostle had had the courage to ask such a thought-provoking question

    45. You may tarry here and in Galilee for a short season while you recover from the shock of the transition from the false security of the authority of traditionalism to the new order of the authority of facts, truth, and faith in the supreme realities of living experience

    46. The weekend would be a time to recover from the endless cycle of the previous week, catch up on all the responsibilities that had been neglected, and would end early Sunday night, because tomorrow was a workday

    47. Even before I can recover from the astonishment, Ed shoots for a second time

    48. never did fully recover from the landing, even after they gave him another

    49. He had been told to stay home off work for a while to recover from the shock of the incident in the forest

    50. He looks over at BCG, who is still trying to recover from getting his clock cleaned

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