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    Verwenden Sie „rectilinear“ in einem Satz

    rectilinear Beispielsätze


    1. It was too rectilinear and horizontal to remind her of Pinnacle Labs in Yondure, but the setting was similar, on the edge of a caldera, but the caldera of City Island in Yondure is filled with a large recreational park and does not reach the water

    2. Still, it’s apparent that early Indus Valley civilization was advanced for its time, as towns were typically laid out in rectilinear grid fashion with well-constructed brick buildings and extensive water and drainage works; as demonstrated in the important Harappan urban centers of Harappa and Mohenjo-daro

    3. The end of the ratchet arm performs with the swinging of the spherical weight smaller or larger rectilinear for movements pressed towards the ratchet gear by an arm with a spring on the body (frame) of the device

    4. The rectilinear reciprocating motion of the piston in the power cylinder could be transformed into a rotary motion

    5. For example, that which physicists understand as rectilinear uniform motion does not exist

    6. After traversing a hundred paces, skirting a wall of the fifteenth century, surmounted by a pointed gable, with bricks set in contrast, he found himself before a large door of arched stone, with a rectilinear impost, in the sombre style of Louis XIV

    7. Thenardier had that peculiar rectilinear something about his gestures which, accompanied by an oath, recalls the barracks, and by a sign of the cross, the seminary

    8. Both of them are what history is in the habit of calling good kings; but principles are not to be parcelled out, the logic of the true is rectilinear, the peculiarity of truth is that it lacks complaisance; no concessions, then; all encroachments on man should be repressed

    9. It was adjusted, jointed, imbricated, rectilinear, symmetrical and funereal

    10. In firing at short range, the trajectory is not as rigid as could be desired, the parabola is exaggerated, the line of the projectile is no longer sufficiently rectilinear to allow of its striking intervening objects, which is, nevertheless, a necessity of battle, the importance of which increases with the proximity of the enemy and the precipitation of the discharge

    11. " The present sewer is a beautiful sewer; the pure style reigns there; the classical rectilinear alexandrine which, driven out of poetry, appears to have taken refuge in architecture, seems mingled with all the stones of that long, dark and whitish vault; each outlet is an arcade; the Rue de Rivoli serves as pattern even in the sewer

    12. That which was passing in Javert was the Fampoux of a rectilinear conscience, the derailment of a soul, the crushing of a probity which had been irresistibly launched in a straight line and was breaking against God

    13. The Nelder-Mead method (also called the deformable polyhedron method, simplex search, or amoeba search method) has two modifications: original variant (based on rectilinear simplex) and advanced modification (which utilizes deformable simplex)

    14. It is not common to find any two specimens of like form, they are, however, ordinarily more or less turbinate, but are sometimes depressed or compressed, and the tubes rectilinear or excurved, and of various lengths

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    Synonyme für "rectilinear"

    rectilineal rectilinear horizontal vertical perpendicular erect even level plumb