Verwenden Sie „recurrent“ in einem Satz
recurrent Beispielsätze
1. It was said that the text had recurrent mentions such as a leader must be �serene and inscrutable� and capable of comprehending �unfathomable plans�, which was confusing for Western readers who lack the awareness of the East Asian context
2. One that might save many who otherwise would have been swept away by a recurrent visit of that curious horseman that “The Revelation” tried to warn us of
3. Sometimes perceiving the recurrent lessons of history could be an exercise in subtlety
4. Relaxation training, including instruction in self-hypnosis and guided imagery, is becoming the treatment of choice for recurrent pediatric migraines
5. recurrent events enable us to calculate speed, velocity, and acceleration
6. Her recurrent outbursts of jealousy are already beginning to annoy my lord
7. Away from where I was, Ño Josefina rose exalted by a recurrent palpitation in the heart
8. But the scenes depicted had no connection with anything Pelishti, except for one human figure, frequently recurrent: a lean, white-bearded old man whose racial characteristics were unmistakable
9. have recurrent nightmares about violent men
10. recurrent bouts of depression, which she believed she should be able to overcome or
11. A second recurrent theme in ‗Mystical Literature‘ (5) is the knowledge of being one with all things, the realisation that ‗I am the Universe,‘ that all is me, and all is in me
12. In the dream he remembered that he had dreamed the same thing the night before and on many nights over the past years and he knew that the image would be erased from his memory when he awakened because that recurrent dream had the quality of not being remembered except within the dream itself
13. Merrick had recurrent problems with bronchitis and had
14. The recurrent eating of meat over which the words ‘God is Greater’, was not pronounced has an accumulative effect on a man’s health
15. Together with wars and famines, recurrent bouts of plague saw populations decimated
16. group has recurrent problems with the law
17. of 18 patients with recurrent respiratory tract papillomas in a small trial
18. Beyond that there were many other recurrent themes throughout our lives together that were repeated in this present life
19. regal publicity teases the waxing expressions of humans race – recurrent nightmares in
20. referred to his recurrent sore throat, mentioning that it may
21. bounds of nature and, although in an elevated state, he is still subject to recurrent birth and death
22. and yet they are condemned to recurrent birth because of their desire
23. So hell, as visualized in the Geeta, is degradation to recurrent birth in
24. Some examples of infection are common cold/sore throat, influenza, cough, recurrent
25. Allergy, including food allergy, has been suggested to predispose people to recurrent infection, and many doctors consider allergy treatment for people with recurrent
26. In a double-blind study of children with recurrent respiratory tract infections, a daily essential-fatty-acid
27. thyme, mint, clove, cinnamon, and lavender diluted in alcohol, in the amount of 20 drops three times daily, reduced the number of recurrent infections in people with chronic bronchitis
28. In one study, people with recurrent herpes simplex infections applied a zinc
29. A preliminary study found that people with recurrent cold sores have lower iron stores
30. However, when depression becomes recurrent, constant, or severe, it should be
31. ; Recurrent thoughts of death (not just fear of death), recurrent suicidal
32. Many children suffer recurrent infections of the middle ear, a condition also known as
33. What are the symptoms of recurrent ear infections?
34. The incidence of allergy among children with recurrent ear infections is much higher than among the general public
35. In one study, more than half of all children with recurrent ear
36. one preliminary study, children who were allergic to cow’s milk were almost twice as likely to have recurrent ear infections as were children without the allergy
37. recurrent ear infections should discuss allergy diagnosis and elimination with a doctor
38. Although sugar intake has not been studied in relation to recurrent ear infections, eating
39. Therefore, some doctors recommend that children with recurrent ear infections reduce or eliminate sugar from their diets
40. When parents smoke, their children are more likely to have recurrent ear infections
41. Humidifiers are sometimes used to help children with recurrent ear infections, and
42. the effect of humidity on recurrent ear infections has yet to conclusively show that use of
43. As a result, some doctors recommend zinc supplements for people with recurrent ear infections,
44. As a result, it has been suggested that some children with recurrent ear infections may benefit
45. allergens were avoided and the allergies treated, the chronic recurrent yeast infections
46. Many doctors recommend that people with recurrent yeast infections take measures to
47. Echinacea, which has the capacity to enhance immune function, is often used by people who suffer from recurrent infections
48. In games, however, unless they are extremely lifelike, gamesters have recurrent and endless resurrections
49. The thought of Alice burning on the abbey green in Sherborne had been a recurrent nightmare for John
50. Antibody that is the most often deficient in patients with recurrent infections