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    refused Beispielsätze


    1. There eventually came a time when the pirates refused to take Tiny Robot Archimedes into colder waters, mostly due to it being winter and their having an unwillingness to die

    2. They refused to comment further, saying that they have no observation to make as to why he should have said such a thing

    3. easier for those people, who have already been refused by the doctors, as

    4. I'll confess that when you refused that bit of work I offered you that I did take things into my own hands, just as I said I would

    5. He refused to let me carry it

    6. She was becoming more of a mystery to me and she still refused to disclose the reasons why our bank account was so short of money

    7. Inflexible - Pharaoh refused to follow God’s directions

    8. He understood what was being requested but he refused

    9. He refused to examine the God Jehovah that Moses and Aaron said commanded their

    10. Was offended at God’s Word - Refused to acknowledge that he should do what

    11. My bowels refused to play ball

    12. I refused to eat

    13. I refused, of course

    14. Naturally, I refused to explain in class what and how

    15. After an hour or so Mrs Stavrakis appears again and tells me that “Parissis is talking about you all the time! She is furious at you! She is always accusing you of everything! She is even claiming you have refused to type some entries about ''Christianity'' for her!”

    16. He refused to take our hands

    17. The doctors refused to discharge me to the hotel

    18. old hunter refused to take payment for his services

    19. vehemently refused to the marriage as she visualized her

    20. They had refused to believe what they were seeing

    21. Refused so completely that the data showed no city here, just jungle-covered ruins

    22. He was one who offered to share his space with her, one she might not have refused

    23. Kirk and Ruby refused to tell anyone anything other than that they were lost

    24. "You seem distracted," he said when she refused the jug

    25. She refused to eat, and her wing would not mend

    26. She refused to believe that the civilization of the study planet was real and that she had been duped by her clone

    27. What good would an apology do if that snake didn't understand the damage he was doing? I refused to ignore the incident

    28. She seemed delighted at this but politely refused saying she would never leave Aura

    29. “On the way home I asked my mother about the vase and the ring, but she refused to say anything to me about them then or at any other time

    30. Before the separation she would have refused this experiment just to piss him off, now she was forcing it on him

    31. Ish's dad refused to give any money

    32. Karen tried to swing her right foot into the car but it refused to

    33. Her left foot also refused to move and suddenly, from

    34. Chief Swanson refused at first

    35. He refused to look at any of the other pictures,

    36. He refused to say anything to me except that he must speak with us both immediately

    37. refused to have the recommended surgery

    38. defiant even as his body refused to cooperate

    39. squalor, where dust hung in the air permanently because it refused

    40. Govind refused as he wasn't allowed one after a stomach

    41. His father refused to talk about his son,

    42. She only refused one and there were only two made

    43. bodies were as stiff as boards and refused to do what they might

    44. ring, but she refused to say anything to me about them then or at

    45. She refused to tell them how the sex was however

    46. She spoke to me and to Cordra, refused any beer or food, and gradually motivated to the area where the children played

    47. “I should have refused to take you out of the hospital after the accident

    48. They refused the next round, saying they should get down to the tap house where the old timers were hanging out

    49. eyes but they refused to obey his commands, so he

    50. She tried to stand but her muscles refused to respond

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