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    regretfully Beispielsätze


    1. The two men grimace at each other regretfully

    2. other matters,' he said regretfully

    3. Regretfully, it has been the Order's decision that the restoration of the northern wall is not a priority of the Seventh World

    4. She closed her eyes, “Oh Grant,” she said regretfully; “you are so young, too young for me

    5. resilient; that, in spite of the quelling designs of radical feminism, inevitably reasserts itself (regretfully, I might add) later on in life as they (gradually) approach the margins of their child-bearing years

    6. Regretfully this is an environment in which you are not specialists but there are many experts are who are

    7. She thought regretfully of Melchior, love of her life

    8. I regretfully told my Uncle Wes, “My parents told me I have to get home and do chores around the house, vacuuming, sweeping, and dusting … all of that kind of stuff

    9. Janus moved about a little regretfully when Tania expressed their fear but he did not object

    10. In fact, I had to regretfully decline a request from a young man at the noon MCT meeting that I become his sponsor because I was leaving for my new job in NM within two days

    11. Regretfully, but with determination, she made her decision clear to the Wests, and some of her

    12. Mock regretfully: "I just wasn't thinking

    13. I thanked her with a peck on a withered cheek, and regretfully declined – it had been wonderful but I was promised to a Camp in Scotland

    14. Regretfully the cigarette is soon gone and Malcolm stubs out the butt in a small flowerpot on the ground

    15. Regretfully I climbed out of bed, and it didn’t escape my notice that Aaliyah groaned in protest

    16. He knew he would never see this place again, except in his dreams--and regretfully, in his nightmares

    17. ” Said Miriam, half convinced, while regretfully straightening up

    18. "I really shouldn't be doin' this," he said regretfully, "I've got a mega exam in two days that could sink my ass, if I screw it up

    19. After about twenty minutes, Joan Stanley regretfully got up from the sofa, her eyes still riveted on the screen

    20. It was a dead end, she concluded regretfully as she strolled along the waterfront, inhaling the salty air

    21. They finally parted regretfully, with Jones planting a kiss on her forehead before leaving

    22. After twenty minutes of flying to her heart’s content, Ingrid regretfully turned around to return to Camp Springs, landing back at the airfield after nearly one hour in the air

    23. They finally decided regretfully to get up and wash, then dress

    24. Pat and looked regretfully at all the wonderful wines on the table as

    25. magnificent bar that ran the length of the big drawing room and regretfully

    26. “I almost hate to wake her up,” Tam said, regretfully as the tram pulled into the

    27. As the network broke for a commercial, John turned to all of us and said, “We are almost out of time and regretfully there will only be enough time for one more panelist

    28. ” She paused and said regretfully, “I did try to stop you from leaving, but you

    29. “I’m sorry,” he said regretfully to John and Lisa

    30. “It’s a piece of history I’d like to forget,” he said, regretfully, to her

    31. drive home was one of misery loves company, as he regretfully questioned

    32. "I'm afraid so," said Priscilla, regretfully

    33. He shook his head regretfully

    34. Regretfully, this wasn’t the hotel Delaney was going to be visiting

    35. wanted to be, he would regretfully but honestly support their decision to find something

    36. Regretfully I watched the dock grow near

    37. He shook his head regretfully; everything had been such a waste

    38. “What do you care?” Caleb lowered his head regretfully

    39. His wife was casting him off, half regretfully, but relentlessly; casting him off and turning now for love and life to the children

    40. returned the bottle regretfully to his pocket

    41. someone else - in a public house - say that Rushton was about to marry one of Sweater's daughters, and that Sweater intended to give the couple a house to live in, as a wedding present: but the fact that Rushton was already married and the father of four children, rather knocked the bottom out of this story, so it was regretfully dismissed

    42. whole party left the shop somewhat regretfully

    43. When he could stay no longer he took leave of her regretfully

    44. The revolution which had taken place in this matter was a favourite topic of conversation amongst the men, who spoke regretfully of the glorious past, when things were busy, and they used to work fifteen, sixteen and even eighteen hours a day

    45. “You’ll need your water bottle,” I added, but he and his big red-haired friend looked at each other regretfully and told me they didn’t have one

    46. “It must have seemed that way to her,” Merthin said regretfully

    47. Godwyn thought regretfully of the ambitions he had once had, as a young man, to reform the monastery’s finances and make it rich again

    48. The president responded regretfully that he could not make it, as he had to be in Washington, D

    49. At last, as it were regretfully tearing himself away, he dropped the cloth, and, exhausted but happy, went home

    50. At this moment Anna was positively admitting to herself that she was a burden to him, that he would relinquish his freedom regretfully to return to her, and in spite of that she was glad he was coming

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