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    Verwenden Sie „relevancy“ in einem Satz

    relevancy Beispielsätze


    1. Cover To cloud relevancy of implication to self

    2. general rule is the same as OTOs; that is, of ensuing relevancy and value

    3. The key to cross-selling other products is relevancy

    4. Although it is unlikely that aging societies will……or could, for that matter, be restored to their former rank, (age has a manner of setting limits on its own resiliencies or ability to heal itself), each retains a remarkable capacity (or genius) for transforming itself into something new, that is vibrant and wholesome although not altogether new however retaining, in some manner, its former character; allowing a society to maintain its relevancy in a changing environment in search of a ―new‖ identity

    5. ‖ A society, if it wishes to remain vibrant and wholesome, must continue transforming itself into something ―different and new‖, however the ―same‖, if it hopes to achieve relevancy appropriate to modern times; that is to say, that society must be willing to test new assumptions

    6. Hackneyed expressions such as ―great‖ or ―greatest‖, as they relate to professional athletes, have, in my estimation, lost much of their (traditional) relevancy in recent years

    7. (Read: Conservative Blacks!) Although it is not my intention to marginalize the organization‘s historical importance (or value) for peoples of color, its neo-radical, oftentimes racist agenda has long abandoned its intended purpose of advancing civil rights and equal opportunity in favor of consolidating a political power base in a manner that incorrectly defines the ―needs‖ of its ―constituents‖ by propagating the meanest forms of race-baiting that (otherwise) serve to advance political ambition by fanning artificial expectations that have lost much of their historical relevancy

    8. Perhaps the question we should all be asking ourselves is what is it that determines relevancy in school environments where most traditional subject matter seems to have lost its potency? At the present rate, unless higher academic standards (and discipline) are restored in the classroom, many schools may very well become irrelevant in their own right, if not already so!

    9. His dated brand of sixties-styled social activism, aside from having lost much of its relevancy in recent years, only serves to promote anger and resentment, if not violence among the uninformed and other individuals with axes to grind, by re-opening old wounds

    10. I was reading in one of your columns recently that the Board of Regents is once again exploring creative ways of further diminishing the relevancy of S

    11. relevancy can certainly be looked at in terms of being a trend

    12. would say its relevancy today certainly could be

    13. 2) The Relevancy Question

    14. Link Anchor Text as a Relevancy Aid

    15. Using more information can create far better relevancy than better algorithms alone can

    16. SEO it was crucially important, but over the years other pieces of the relevancy algorithms (like

    17. array of penalties & filters) have been layered over the top of the core relevancy algorithm

    18. So if you wanted to research that issue to better learn the relevancy algorithms it was already gone

    19. of the purview of capital structure, it is used to gauge the relevancy of beta

    20. The relevancy of any credit

    21. The literal relevancy of Hebrew verses in the Torah is further hampered by the size of the

    22. Another example which may have some literal relevancy is the following from the simile of the

    23. Google defines relevancy by CTR (Click Through Rate)

    24. Relevancy of search terms as compared to the websites

    25. relevancy, meaning that it returns a list of pages ranked by the

    26. for relevancy is how long you’ve been online, so success on the search

    27. important factor in ranking relevancy

    28. popularity; little emphasis was placed on the "content relevancy" of

    29. are winning much more relevancy points

    30. often give you a higher relevancy score with the search engines and

    31. strategy and the content relevancy of your mailings

    32. Organic search, also known as natural search, refers to the non–paid search results search engines serve based on the relevancy of the page where the

    33. relevancy a tree branch had in the grand scheme of procreation

    34. between what is necessary and what is superfluous ostensibly loses its relevancy

    35. in a theses that I call The Absolute Relevancy of Singularity and then six separate thesis parts forming

    36. Read The Absolute Relevancy of Singularity The Theses that is written as the first introduction to

    37. introduce singularity forming gravity in the new The Absolute Relevancy of Singularity The

    38. The Absolute Relevancy of Singularity The Dissertation

    39. The Absolute Relevancy of Singularity in terms of Newton

    40. The Absolute Relevancy of Singularity in terms of Cosmic Physics

    41. The Absolute Relevancy of Singularity in terms of The Four Cosmic Phenomena

    42. The Absolute Relevancy of Singularity in terms of The Sound Barrier

    43. The Absolute Relevancy of Singularity in terms of The Cosmic Code

    44. The Absolute Relevancy of Singularity in terms of Life

    45. The Absolute Relevancy of Singularity in terms of Investigating Kepler

    46. In relevancy one could say for every two million children lost to prostitution there are five

    47. compiled my presentation of The theses called The Absolute Relevancy of Singularity and then six

    48. Relevancy of Singularity The Website it will serve as a starter

    49. In that we find the eternal value of space Π3 = Π2Π by the relevancy of

    50. Absolute Relevancy of Singularity and as such the collection forms a small introduction to the thirty-two or so

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    Synonyme für "relevancy"

    relevance relevancy