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    Verwenden Sie „reliability“ in einem Satz

    reliability Beispielsätze


    1. The loss of balance that leads to serious, injury-producing falls can be traced to age-related changes in the brain, diminishing vision, inner ear problems, weakening of the legs and trunk and/or the declining reliability of sensory mechanisms that let the brain know where the limbs are in space

    2. Reliability Do the things which another expects of you if those

    3. They talked about silicon reliability problems until the stars were reflected in the mirror of the lake and the city was a wood full of fireflies at the foot of their mountain

    4. "You’re well read on the bible aren't you?" he was questioning her reliability

    5. When a modern-day manuscript is compared to one found in the Qumran collection, the remarkable reliability and accuracy with which the scribes copied the documents, is evident and the teachings contained in these documents, is found to be identical, with some stylistic variances and slight variances on spelling here and there

    6. This provides authenticity of the reliability of the text and also of events that are yet to happen

    7. These verses describe not only the reliability of the Old

    8. Testament but the reliability of the New Testament as

    9. Admitted, but if we keep careful observations of the present and the past, we can certainly predict, with some degree of reliability, what is to come

    10. That gave me a lifelong respect for the rugged reliability of the Liberation Movements weapons

    11. She"s made a few unproven reports before, so she has a zero reliability coefficient with me

    12. “We’ll try to stay as close to the front runners for as long as possible, and hope they have reliability problems,” he told them, still managing to sound confident and in control of the situation

    13. Thus the morphological argument, as Berlinski uses Alfred Wallace’s “objection to his own thesis concerning evolution, the differences that troubled him,” In an attempt to leave the impression; “that there was confusion within the scientific community regarding the reliability of this [very beginning] understanding, of the premise underlying the almost concurrent theory of evolution as propounded by Darwin

    14. invested money stays untouchable; it will only be utilized as guarantee for reliability and credibility of this Project

    15. It will only function as guarantee or reserves for credibility and reliability of the new systematics

    16. The operation occurs in a transparent way to the users with total reliability and free market

    17. Everything occurs in a transparent and democratic way to maintain the reliability and safety of the data with its access

    18. Another aspect is the reliability of the collected and analyzed data, as well as the result of the evaluation because any executed activity under XUSING Project’s dominion has the warranty that its executioners will be qualified to execute its unique task, without there to be crooked deal, job occult or slave

    19. See some signalling examples: legislation change that impedes the continuity of the Project in the country; political retrocession; economic crisis, dictatorship, low reliability level and high popular dissatisfaction

    20. This money will create the reliability and credibility so that the people and organizations enter in this innovation with products and services to accomplish its social roles under protection of Bank3Sector and of the innovative Coordenational Structure

    21. (True scientists share data, in their quest for reliability

    22. I had to wonder about the reliability of this lot

    23. Belief --- An opinion or conviction which gives one confidence in a truth, existence, or reliability of something/someone, although done so without absolute proof that one is right in doing so; and/or, having confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to proof

    24. There are advantages of using solar energy on individual homes that have another source of power but the lack of reliability make it impractical for industrial use

    25. Coal is demonized and according to the North American Electric Reliability Corporation the plans of the EPA will cause a reduction of about 7

    26. I am here connecting the reliability of the source to the belief of the receiver with respect to propositions

    27. responsibility of normalcy and reliability, or I had problems with

    28. drivers helps to increase a computer’s reliability due to incompatibilities and bugs being

    29. these records can have a profound effect on its reliability This is because

    30. The dealing systems' characteristics of speed, reliability, and safety are replicated in the

    31. In general, to evaluate the reliability (that is the possibility of a break) of the trade channel borders taking a decision to close or to save an existing position one should govern himself with following rules: 1

    32. 5 The strong point about Philip was his methodical reliability; the weak point in his make-up was his utter lack of imagination, the absence of the ability to put two and two together to obtain four

    33. The reliability of estimates of body

    34. Whenever you want to buy a brand new car, a couple of factors you want to consider would be the car’s fuel efficiency and reliability

    35. Integrity, reliability, sincerity and honesty are just some of the qualities that

    36. The designers sacrificed speed and power conservation for reliability in case of emergency

    37. It is important to say that the dollar is not the strongest currency in terms of reliability and economic production

    38. There is a method for calculating the structure of industry and its reliability within each economic area

    39. once it is trained an owner will be assured of its reliability

    40. The reliability of blogs in many cases is not much better than that of newspapers

    41. Statistically speaking, the actions of the groundhog on February 2 have a reliability rating of about thirty percent

    42. As political reliability went, it was hard to do better than that

    43. February 2nd, Punxsutawney Phil has a reliability rating of about thirty percent

    44. For 10mph or greater winds, a 10KW wind generator for the rural home (with 1 acre of property) will be about $30K, with comparable maintenance reliability to photovoltaics (PV), maybe 10-30 years life

    45. The reliability of the wind to run the system is an unknown

    46. Assessing the reliability of health information that you come across in Web discussion groups or chat rooms is as least as important as it is for Websites

    47. “You just cannot beat this make for reliability, can you Max?”

    48. The R statistical software is the fastest growing analytics platform in the world, and is established in both academia and corporations for robust-ness, reliability and accuracy

    49. As such, the emphasis went on its ruggedness, reliability and payload, rather than on pure speed and advanced electronic systems

    50. weight each measurement on the basis of reliability

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    Synonyme für "reliability"

    dependability dependableness reliability reliableness trustworthiness stability efficiency capability capacity