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    1. "Well Lemoss it's often those who profoundly agitate their religiousness who eventually get thrown onto the bonfire

    2. ‘Nowadays, it’s as though men are guided merely by religiosity and not by any religiousness

    3. For example, about two-thirds of the 93 observational studies examining the relationship between religiousness and depression identified by the authors revealed that the more religious individuals had lower levels of depressive symptoms

    4. Of another 22 prospective cohort studies that had identified and examined this relationship, 15 studies found that religiousness was significantly and inversely related to depression

    5. (2001), one hundred investigated the association between religiousness and perceived well-being

    6. Seven-nine of these 100 studies reported that religiousness was significantly related to higher life satisfaction, more positive affect, and greater happiness

    7. Among these studies, 12 belonged to prospective cohort studies, 10 out of these 12 studies found a positive relationship between religiousness and well-being

    8. The rest of the identified studies that did not find a significantly positive association between religiousness and mental health are apparently underrepresented in number compared to those with a positive relationship

    9. Empirical evidence on the relationship between religiousness and mental health is very concrete in current literature

    10. Although originally developed for elucidating the relationship between religiousness and health outcomes in children and youths, most of the theoretical contents could be adopted as a paradigm to delineate the relationship between religiousness and mental health in various populations

    11. his search for religiousness throughout the centuries have perhaps experienced those

    12. Feverishly he followed in periodicals the Dadaist movements and schisms, the strangely feminine jealousies and religiousness, the obscurantisms of the forming and breaking schools

    13. With the strength of his deep religiousness, Tolstoi invariably strove to use, in the best spiritual sense, all the trials which were given to him as his lot, physical as well as spiritual, and through intense inner labour he generally at the end succeeded in converting all his sufferings, to use his own language, to the joy of fulfilling the will of God

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