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    1. of forest where they were at last able to remount

    2. Before having time to consider whether to remount, Scott let the bike fall to the ground; the figure was moving up the path

    3. She waited for him to remount, then she pushed her horse hard, headed back at a canter, wincing in agony with each movement, willing herself not to falter

    4. once more, pull up his shorts from around his ankles, remount and resume racing down the lane

    5. yells soon had him on his feet and running again, trying to remount whilst in motion

    6. My father turned from the townspeople to remount his horse and head back to the main column of the army and we followed suit in sort of a dazed memory of practice

    7. walk a couple of steps up and I will remount her

    8. He had learned that Dantes had been taken to prison, and he had gone to all his friends, and the influential persons of the city; but the report was already in circulation that Dantes was arrested as a Bonapartist agent; and as the most sanguine looked upon any attempt of Napoleon to remount the throne as impossible, he met with nothing but refusal, and had returned home in despair, declaring that the matter was serious and that nothing more could be done

    9. On the outskirts of town were the remount depots where horses and mules milled about in large corrals, and along side streets were the hospitals

    10. Still Tess could not be induced to remount

    11. George, the hussar remount officer, the good-natured and well-bred Count Rostov

    12. "; and at night, dripping with perspiration, overwhelmed with lassitude, their green caps drawn over their eyes, to remount, two by two, the ladder staircase of the galleys beneath the sergeant's whip

    13. As no one responded to his shouts he dismounted and opened the gate, but as he was about to remount, and had one foot in the stirrup, the horse became frightened at some pigs and sprang suddenly to one side

    14. George, the hussar remount officer, the good-natured and well-bred Count Rostóv

    1. remounted his ancient bicycle, and cycled away at a velocity that,

    2. He sighed and saluted the rider as the latter found his horse and remounted, making his way back to the west and north

    3. Its force jolted him to put up a defense: he grabbed her ankle, twisted it, threw her again to the ground and remounted

    4. I had given my word, however, so I remounted and continued riding north—actually the road ran a little east of north

    5. Then as suddenly, he remounted and they all rode off at full gallop into the eastern reaches of the countryside

    6. He had remounted but sat astride his horse as woodenly as he had stood over the body of his victim

    7. Then as suddenly, he remounted and they all

    8. He had remounted but sat

    9. As Frank remounted his horse, Nelson took a look

    10. Bud remounted his horse very quickly

    11. “What is that design? I saw it the night you came to us,” I asked as we remounted our ponies

    12. The forward troops were unable to blow it in time," said the Sergeant to the others as he remounted

    13. They were still grazing, but a little further away due to the noise of May Ling’s bout of target practice and, it wasn’t until she had remounted, that she realised that she was going to have take the lead

    14. “Perhaps she’s just in the forest,” Terence pleaded as he remounted

    15. He smiled and remounted

    16. He’s just worthless trash,” he said as he remounted

    17. Having stopped for a snack that could very well have been mechanically-recovered arse, we remounted and rounding the corner saw in the distance a large river blocking our way

    18. Having exhausted our bile, we remounted and creaked off, only to be stopped shortly afterwards by a group of soldiers, their vehicle blocking the road

    19. When the finale began, Amin remounted his horse and gave her free rein

    20. Guards removed for repairs or maintenance shall be remounted before the

    21. He handed these to Holnami and then he remounted his horse and caught up the reins of James Lorrent's other livery horse that she had been riding

    22. The man paid no attention to him, finished the task, remounted his horse and continued distributing flyers throughout the town

    23. He had to be remounted to the scaffold, and that was a sorry chore as he had soiled his britches abundantly and the ladies had to cover their noses with perfumed handkerchiefs in order to be able to remain near enough about the gallows to fully appreciate the conclusion of the event as was their civic entitlement

    24. Stoke looked troubled as they remounted their horses

    25. After a few more minutes the Captain called his guards to order and they remounted ready for the final stage to Stonegard

    26. worked his way back to the mine road and remounted

    27. Marburg remounted his horse, he did not even glance around

    28. " The servant remounted the stairs to

    29. instant: for, being presently remounted, I once more felt the smooth hard

    30. remounted the throne; Villefort, to whom Marseilles had become filled with remorseful memories, sought and obtained the situation of king's procureur at Toulouse, and a fortnight afterwards he married Mademoiselle de Saint-Meran, whose father now stood higher at court than ever

    31. This last proof, instead of giving him fresh strength, deprived him of it; the pickaxe descended, or rather fell; he placed it on the ground, passed his hand over his brow, and remounted the stairs, alleging to himself, as an excuse, a desire to be assured that no one was watching him, but in reality because he felt that he was about to faint

    32. But I was, myself, far from being pleased with his having too much regarded my tender exclaims; for now, more fired with the object before me, as it still stood with the fiercest erection, unbonneted, and displayed its broad vermilion head, I first gave the youth a re-encouraging kiss, which he repaid me with a fervour that seemed at once to thank me, and bribe my further compliance; and soon replaced myself in a posture to receive, at all risk, the renewed invasion, which he did not delay an instant: for, being presently remounted, I once more felt the smooth hard gristle forcing an entrance, which he achieved rather easier than before

    1. Without remounting to the remote antiquities of either the French or English monarchies, we may find, in much later times, many proofs that such effects must always flow from such causes

    2. Remounting, the companions made their way out of the

    3. As it was, my legs turned to rubber and my innards to jelly, leaving me incapable of either leaving on foot or remounting the horse

    4. Remounting his horse, with a fearless but not unfriendly look round the little gathering formed about his public devotions, he had asked for the Casa Avellanos

    5. Then remounting aloft, it again goes through the same round until the deep cistern will yield no more

    1. Fired, however, now beyond all bearance of delay, he remounts, and begged of me to have patience, stroking and soothing me to it by all the tenderest endearments and protestations of what he would moreover do for me; at which, feigning to be somewhat softened, and abating of the anger that I had shewn at his hurting me so prodigiously, I suffered him to lay my thighs aside, and make way for a new trial; but I watched the directions and management of his point so well, that no sooner was the orifice in the least open to it, but I gave such a timely jerk as seemed to proceed not from the evasion of his entry, but from the pain his efforts at it put me to: a circumstance too that I did not fail to accompany with proper gestures, sighs and cries of complaint, of which, "that he had hurt me

    2. On his return from his furlough Nicholas, having been joyfully welcomed by his comrades, was sent to obtain remounts and brought back from the Ukraine excellent horses which pleased him and earned him commendation from his commanders

    3. He wrote from the province of Voronezh where he had been sent to procure remounts, but that letter did not set the countess at ease

    4. As he looked at the matter in this way, he learned that he was being sent to Voronezh to buy remounts for his division, not only without regret at being prevented from taking part in the coming battle, but with the greatest pleasure- which he did not conceal and which his comrades fully understood

    5. He wrote from the province of Vorónezh where he had been sent to procure remounts, but that letter did not set the countess at ease

    6. As he looked at the matter in this way, he learned that he was being sent to Vorónezh to buy remounts for his division, not only without regret at being prevented from taking part in the coming battle, but with the greatest pleasure—which he did not conceal and which his comrades fully understood

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