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    Verwenden Sie „reread“ in einem Satz

    reread Beispielsätze


    1. She reread what I wrote for a few moments

    2. read it quickly and then reread it

    3. With that in mind, reread the second point above by John Stott

    4. Longleaf stood on the dock and reread the letter twice more

    5. We would read and reread that letter over and over again, savoring that special moment, embracing every word because who could say when we might expect another?

    6. Beth read the story in La Nación then reread it more carefully than before

    7. Ken reread the charges on the small slip of onionskin paper and noticed that they had given him one of the last carbons

    8. So I reread an article sent by Shelly Smith, a longtime friend and one of the sons in the Smith family that ran the Ithaca Gun Company

    9. believe it would be beneficial if our political leaders would read and reread these

    10. Reread the above paragraph, because the implications are staggering

    11. Please reread the above paragraph, as it has profound implications for you as a initiate

    12. Reread the above paragraph

    13. Reread the notes that you've made during this week

    14. I just reread what I wrote about the murder

    15. He read and reread the last five chapters of Isaiah, and he believed these prophecies

    16. reread this chapter before starting the next one

    17. were so enthusiastic about its contents that you reread it before proceeding to

    18. have missed a point or two and should reread part, or al of it

    19. I also suggest that before reading further, you reread the first few pages of

    20. If you reread it before starting on the next one, you

    21. I would suggest that you reread the fol owing pages a few times so that the

    22. (It would be wel to reread

    23. al you have learned; then reread the entire book

    24. As a builder wil read and reread the plans to make certain they are al clear to

    25. Suddenly Gomes became animated, he smiled as he reread the message and then he typed in a reply

    26. lt is, however, obvious that they are women; anyone who doubts this can reread the

    27. When I reread the dream transcripts I can always recall

    28. George read and reread the paper

    29. If you take anything from this book in the least, please read and reread this chapter several times because it could be the chapter that most could change your life

    30. I have often read and reread the entire

    31. All three fields can be modified or as few as one, but once a change is made the account file will have to be reread in update mode to see if anyone else has that record

    32. She reread a second time both reports to make sure that she fully understood the arguments presented in them

    33. Once the door was closed, the Royal Commandos colonel reread the notes he had taken during Warrant Higgins� mission debriefing

    34. � He then reread her physical description in the briefing papers

    35. He reread the message carefully for grammatical or scrivener’s

    36. As Alex reread his message, he was pleased with himself

    37. A potpourri of older classics by other authors that I still love to reread at times are:

    38. Reading quickly that letter, she had to reread one of its parts a second time, then looked up at Bradley

    39. ‘’Ambassador Heath, you should reread the directives of President Dewey about the mission of my joint task force

    40. Captain Antoine Savani, head of the Indochina Department of the 2ème Bureau, the French intelligence services, reread a second time the article on the front page of the newspaper LE MONDE that spoke about the past incarnations of Ingrid Dows, as well as her nomination as the plenipotentiary envoy of President Dewey for Indochina

    41. In the CIA team’s operation center, Julie Prost sat back as she reread the notes taken while Graschev was describing the weapons shipment to his Saudi customers

    42. Going to his cabin inside the lower level of the bridge superstructure, Koslov reread Graschev’s message carefully

    43. Dean reread the second sentence twice, then pocketed the small piece of paper and calmly finished his plate, then asked for his bill

    44. Jillian reread the article and put it down

    45. Reread the interns

    46. Niki stopped at the corner to reread a sign

    47. Reading quickly the message once, he then reread it carefully, taking out his pocket calculator to crunch a few numbers

    48. He had to reread that to understand and discovered that the Preservers had made a clone of him during an alien abduction

    49. As Tammas reread the rules to the contest, a slight smile fell across his face when

    50. “And that’s why I should reread it?” Torres said

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