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    retiree Beispielsätze


    1. One of the many, though minor, inconveniences that the brutal attack of last September 11 has caused in my life as a retiree is that now I no longer receive Bierzo 7 one week or less after its publication

    2. colleagues called me to say that I had caught a break vis a vis retiree health insurance

    3. So, as of 7/1/93, I was Shit Out of Luck for retiree health insurance—till 12/01

    4. There is nothing as distressing as listening to a retiree complaining that all the work he has done over many years is being destroyed by incompetent and unwilling associates

    5. the life of retiree, travelling around, visiting places he had never been before, few that there was

    6. now the lack of official documentation was irrelevant, because in the end retiree or not he was Michael

    7. I may be forced to staff the hospital ship with recent med school grads and the odd bored retiree

    8. One of those retired 2ème Bureau agents even controlled the traffic of the opium that was surplus to the needs of Saigon, surplus that was then rerouted to the opium addicts in Marseilles, while another retiree managed the finances of the leader of the Binh Xuyen, Le Van Vien, also known under the nickname of Bay Vien

    9. Jeff was buried in the retiree village cemetery

    10. or state retiree) that you may have received

    11. What am I? A consultant, an entrepreneur, an author, a retiree? “Que sera, sera?” as the song goes

    12. The skills and knowledge acquired before retirement have value in the life of a retiree

    13. The retiree too, deserves a proper send off

    14. Another memorable gift would be a sponsored trip to any place the retiree has always wanted to visit

    15. The memories of the trip itself will prove to be a valuable memento to the retiree

    16. The retiree might be a baseball card collector, a volunteer firefighter, and a Sinatra fan

    17. This would give the guest a more complete picture of the retiree

    18. Roasting the retiree is great, but it could be better if done before hand

    19. Plus, the retiree gets to keep a copy of the roast

    20. Typically, at the time of retirement, a 401K plan is "rolled over" into a standard IRA, from which the retiree then makes withdrawals over time to provide retirement income

    21. Tax-Advantaged Accounts and the Ultra-Early Retiree

    22. To understand how the Affordable Care Act applies to you as an early retiree, you have to begin, strangely enough, with the federal poverty level

    23. The second-lowest-level Silver plans are especially worth considering if you are an early retiree on a budget

    24. Retiree Alan Hill is living proof that peer-to-peer online investing works

    25. At the time, the Social Security system made financial sense because there were 40 workers (contributors) for every retiree collecting benefits

    26. 9 wagon pullers for every retiree

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    Synonyme für "retiree"

    retired person retiree