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    revelation Beispielsätze


    1. Herndon had looked almost bored till then but snapped to attention with that revelation

    2. accreditation of revelation and manifestation

    3. that, any revelation from God must produce the manifestation

    4. confirm any revelation that you have

    5. revelation and manifestation that will be God’s approval

    6. "Wow," Jorma was impressed with this revelation, though he found it hard to picture

    7. revelation in the knowledge of him:

    8. combines with the revelation of the Holy Spirit and faith,

    9. during Jesus ministry by having the revelation of who

    10. revelation of who God is and believed in Him only

    11. long, that word comes with revelation and connects with

    12. a revelation to you

    13. “No…” the slow one began, eyes wide with revelation

    14. A beat passes while John soaks in this revelation

    15. If you received a revelation from Him, it

    16. need to have a revelation about “…the exceeding greatness of His power

    17. certain, you should have a revelation that Lord Jesus is the only One who

    18. When I got the revelation that by His stripes I was healed 2000 years

    19. Who gave you this revelation? Jesus

    20. Entranced, lost in the revelation of

    21. Only having received a revelation we can act by faith in spite of what

    22. revelation about God who raises from the dead (Genesis, chapter 22)

    23. The poor widow must have had the revelation about the principles

    24. In that way He gives revelation, vision and prophecy to

    25. " The revelation of his identity sliced through Sammy

    26. to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him,

    27. We need to have this spirit of wisdom and revelation about Christ and

    28. every inch covered her senses reeled with ever deeper revelation

    29. example is found in Revelation 22:18-19; "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add

    30. Judaic revelation is incomplete and Islam is a false religion in the sense that we are misguided in our separatism

    31. Theirs was a despair that comes to a life without purpose, to a soul for whom there is no revelation beyond the recognition of desperate impotence

    32. After two weeks of endless chatter and subtle revelation, after the constant highs produced by this new and wonderful friendship, I drifted down into the maw of the beast

    33. Entranced, lost in the revelation of change in her body, she ran her fingertips over her taught stomach and down to her groin

    34. It is said in Revelation 20 that the Millennial Kingdom is called for we that will partake of it “the first resurrection

    35. We continue in Revelation 12 and we find that the dragon is cast out of heaven (this is a reiteration of the first 6 verses), and that he makes war with the woman

    36. a very intimidating, scary revelation

    37. With every inch covered her senses reeled with ever deeper revelation

    38. When we turn our attention to Revelation 13, we see a beast that comes out of the sea

    39. This beast has ten horns and seven heads – which is the description given to Satan in Revelation 12

    40. We reach Revelation 17, and we find a woman that rides a scarlet beast

    41. But the woman riding the scarlet beast is called Babylon in Revelation 17

    42. When we read Revelation 17-18, we find Babylon

    43. Not that he welcomed it as a revelation, she was sure of that, but he at last understood the real meaning of what she was saying

    44. By his revelation, the mystery of iniquity is fully understood

    45. It is directly after the fire comes down from heaven to consume the armies of Gog and Magog as mentioned in Revelation 20 that we read of the Great White Throne

    46. At the end of the Bible in Revelation 17, the call is made to Israel to “come out from her

    47. It is upon that final defeat that God rains down fire from heaven, and the only thing to follow is the judgment seat (see Revelation 20)

    48. Is our freedom constituted in that our death serves an ultimate purpose of God? Can we die in such a way as to express a mystery? Revelation 12:11 says that they loved not their lives even unto death

    49. It is mentioned in Revelation 20 that there is a first resurrection

    50. We read in Revelation 20 that after Jesus rules for 1000 years there is a war against Jerusalem

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    Synonyme für "revelation"

    revelation apocalypse book of revelation revelation of saint john the divine divine revelation disclosure revealing divination oracle adumbration prophecy divulgence showing announcement discovery exposé betrayal