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    revolving Beispielsätze


    1. Politicians come and go, passing through the revolving doors of power and celebrity, and sometimes even infamy, like eels sliding from a barrel

    2. You discovered that by revolving your hands

    3. Interpretation: revolving around the point—

    4. Then I remembered that I’m not normally a revolving ball floating above my body

    5. As it approached it could be seen that it was also revolving

    6. God be with you!” he said and he disappeared through the revolving glass doorway

    7. A revolving space station: a ring slowly spinning around a central cylindrical axis, slightly converging in the middle, four tunnels leading to this point

    8. "I'll try," said Ann, revolving in her mind how she could save a few

    9. “Nurse Marvin, I aint starving,” Bob said to him after he had stopped head spinning, “I thought I saw white shoes while I was revolving around upside down,” Bob added

    10. ” Then without haste Kid Mojo dove to the hardwood rink floor and began revolving into hydraulic pennies (where your body lifts completely off the ground, about a good 2 or 3 inches, while you’re nutcracker-wind milling around

    11. That’s why I have his shoes with me- Bob’s shoes will be revolving around in head spins tomorrow night!”

    12. With a burst of might I began revolving into windmills

    13. I stopped tapping with my hands; I put my arms out horizontally and made them parallel with the ground and I continued revolving around at least another ten or fifteen no handed head spins – it’s really hard to count when you’re spinning that fast, you know

    14. The heliocentric vision (from the Greek: helios - sun, center) placed the sun at the center of the system and the Earth as one of the planets revolving around the star

    15. Colt’s revolving pistol was only an improvement, an advantage

    16. A hushed silence was in place around the revolving universe as

    17. 1 That the sun go along the seven Heavenly circles, which are the appointment of one hundred and eighty-two thrones, that it go down on a short day, and again one hundred and eighty-two, that it go down on a big day, and he has two thrones on which he rests, revolving in here and in there above the thrones of the months, from the seventeenth day of the month Tsivan it goes down to the month Thevan, from the seventeenth of Thevan it goes up

    18. that it looked like a clear globe was revolving overhead,

    19. The pain in my stomach was growing like a fist revolving my insides

    20. She stared up at the slowly revolving map before her

    21. 1 That the sun go along the seven Heavenly circles which are the appointment of one hundred and eighty-two thrones that it go down on a short day and again one hundred and eighty-two that it go down on a big day and he has two thrones on which he rests revolving in here and in there above the thrones of the months from the seventeenth day of the month Tsivan it goes down to the month Thevan from the seventeenth of Thevan it goes up

    22. In further wide-eyed horror, the Colonel saw that the lieutenant, to the accompaniment of claps and whistles from the pilots gathered around, was obviously about to raise his head into the rapidly revolving ceiling fan directly above him

    23. wal s of the medicentre to a revolving door

    24. It should have remained the tennis courts revolving on matches, switching courts after points, bringing an irrefutable contest

    25. charged electron revolving around it

    26. discovered that the world outside of our house was literally a living hell, revolving around the

    27. She exited the mixing area and walked through an empty corridor leading to a white revolving door with small glass windows

    28. Remains of arms, legs and human heads were standing out in the surface that was showing a slow revolving movement as if the weight of its iniquities was too heavy

    29. Mid-level buildings are revolving doors, short‐term leases, for rent on the lobby windows

    30. He enters through the revolving door because he knows demons are afraid of it, and already he feels the eyes on him

    31. Himself is the greatest server-- for He keeps the wheel of life revolving, not

    32. number signifying the limit of numbers, all others existing and revolving within it

    33. Headlong they went down the steps together, in a revolving whirl of limbs and heads and bodies

    34. This time the ax sank inches deep into the polished floor close to Ascalante's revolving legs

    35. There is a revolving door between the exchange and Washington

    36. I had a friend helping with the business and we took Tony to dinner at that revolving restaurant overlooking Canberra as a thank you gesture

    37. and they went down the stairs into the revolving door at the

    38. The officer shined a light on me then turned on the revolving siren lights

    39. Guy Street, but without sirens or revolving lights

    40. revolving around the star

    41. revolving, pause and then revolve in the opposite direction

    42. An ambulance with sirens blaring and lights revolving was

    43. Interest paid on Revolving debt

    44. Interest paid on Revolving debt The interest paid on revolving debt is like negative income

    45. The Federal Reserve's most recent G-19 Consumer Credit report states that revolving credit (like credit card debt) for August continues to increase at an annual rate of 8%

    46. said, referring to the landmark, revolving, upscale restaurant on the

    47. The fully restored Roadster parked in front of the revolving glass doors near the valet station provided an extra touch of class for which the club was renowned

    48. that some companies will fund long-term fixed assets with revolving credit from a bank, the

    49. With the two occupants of the Fiat now inside the hotel, Erik hurried to it and went through the revolving glass doors, adopting a more nonchalant pace once inside the lobby of the hotel

    50. For a moment I felt that Sunita and I got married and we were revolving the sacred fire seven times

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