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    revolving door Beispielsätze

    revolving door

    1. Politicians come and go, passing through the revolving doors of power and celebrity, and sometimes even infamy, like eels sliding from a barrel

    2. wal s of the medicentre to a revolving door

    3. She exited the mixing area and walked through an empty corridor leading to a white revolving door with small glass windows

    4. Mid-level buildings are revolving doors, short‐term leases, for rent on the lobby windows

    5. He enters through the revolving door because he knows demons are afraid of it, and already he feels the eyes on him

    6. There is a revolving door between the exchange and Washington

    7. and they went down the stairs into the revolving door at the

    8. The new "democracies" suffer from many of the same ills that afflict their veteran role models: murky campaign finances; venal revolving doors between state administration and private enterprise; endemic corruption, nepotism, and cronyism; self-censoring media; socially, economically, and politically excluded minorities; and so on

    9. The man stopped a few feet away, scratched the tip of his nose as he thought, then pointed to the revolving door

    10. Sam turned and went through the revolving doors, knowing it was for the last time

    11. "Thanks," grinned the dip as he disappeared through the revolving door

    12. As you enter Portcullis House through circular revolving doors you are faced with a glass and steel lattice work of architecture that allows maximum light to flood from above into the spacious vestibule where mature trees help to bring the feeling of outdoors inside

    13. Jacob squinted at a sign by the revolving door

    14. The revolving doors of governmental cabinet appointments, civil service appointments for life, appointments on corporate boards, lobbyist appointments, law firm appointments, has been legalized for so many years; that this latest wrinkle in legalized corruption is not even challenged

    15. She passed through the revolving door and into the hotel

    16. Massie handed Dylan the gold platter and stood up, grabbing Derrington's wrist and dragging him across the lobby towards the revolving doors, not wanting to have a conversation with him in the hotel in case they started to fight

    17. Even though there is no direct threat to American power in the world today… their capitalist profit-power-old boys network of revolving doors in the military industrial complex and the us government is so evil, so out of control and so entrenched by now: that you will have to kill all of the senior heads of this huge octopus to stop their drive for more money, more contracts, more stockpiling, more technology wasted on weapons that never work like the Boeing noiseless carrier helicopter in the plans for 40 years and still a stinking failure, more secret deals, more expensive wasting of money, more bombs, more insane death sold everywhere all over the world

    18. famous as revolving doors

    19. There were six glass doors and a large revolving door at the far end

    20. She tried another door, then wanted to kick herself for not going to the revolving door first

    21. Harvey hadn’t pushed through the revolving door

    22. By the time he was pushing through the revolving doors of the hotel it was 4

    23. By the time Needham reached the ground floor, panting, Blomkvist had already retrieved his mobiles and was engrossed in another conversation while he ran on towards the revolving doors and out into the street

    24. At ground level, the inspector’s having no luck with the building’s revolving door, which any idiot could have told him would be locked

    25. Then he flatly told me to shut up, with my tricks of the mirrors, my springs, my revolving doors and my palaces of illusions! He angrily declared that I must be either blind or mad to imagine that all that waterflowing over there, among those splendid, numberless trees, was not real water!

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