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    rise above Beispielsätze

    rise above

    1. or that we could rise above the clouds

    2. In the one case, the advantages of the employment rise above, in the other

    3. part of the stock that is employed in bringing it to market, rise above their proper level, and as

    4. The ancient statutes of assize seem to have begun always with determining what ought to be the price of bread and ale when the price of wheat and barley were at the lowest ; and to have proceeded gradually to determine what it ought to be, according as the prices of those two sorts of grain should gradually rise above this lowest price

    5. to rise above it

    6. In consequence of this resolution, the agio can never either rise above five, or sink below four per cent

    7. Rising on his toes, he let his eyes rise above floor level

    8. ) Adopting conspicuously faulty and (otherwise) self-serving reasoning conveniently side-steps a very important fact; that we all exist in a less than perfect world subject to changing fortunes and other unexpected events that routinely challenge our mettle; and that Nature, however, has its own inestimable manner of compensating each of us with an innate capacity to endure hardships and rise above our present condition however unfavorable or improbable our prospects for a ―better‖ life may appear and that an individual‘s threshold for suffering and privation oftentimes vary in proportion to that individual‘s (mental) endurance and acquired habits in spite of that individual‘s accustomed environment and in any event, such (gratuitous) impressions are problematical at best and should not serve as a litmus test in determining who should or should not be permitted to live or given an equal opportunity to exercise free choice(s) pre-empted by selfish motives indifferent to such rights; motives whose arbitrary designs are (otherwise) impervious to the apparent limits or consequences of questionable solutions whose (hardened) indifference to Life must inevitably diminish the (inherent) value a society confers upon its citizens regardless of their station in life

    9. troublesome ambitions that harden the heart! To be born again without blemish, to rise above the petty quarreling that promotes so much unhappiness and sorrow, to be reunited once again with loved ones and friends who left us too soon, to make proper atonement to those we‘ve disappointed and, most importantly, to obtain spiritual redemption

    10. Lacking are the traditional principle standards and values that encouraged young people to hope, to aspire, to rise above the lowest common denominator of their immediate environment

    11. It goes without saying that some of the most important decisions we make in our lives seldom rise above the level of the mundane, such as what clothes to wear, what to eat for dinner, what movie to watch and that our ultimate destinies are inevitably decided by loftier decisions

    12. That the Lord's mountain will rise above the haze

    13. Oh yes, there he was swimming away! Why? She watched as he closed on something on the surface of the water that did not rise above it

    14. The new levee top began a slow rise above the water’s surface as they walked through the late morning haze

    15. On the other hand, Jesus chose men and called them to rise above themselves, to reflect Him within their lives, and to take that reflection and cast it upon “the whole world

    16. Many within nature’s variety seem to have been consigned to this behavioral groove while a lucky few (us?) apparently have learned to rise above it where good behavior elicited an enhanced fitness for all, at puzzlingly, at least the partial, near-term expense of the individual

    17. We've just got to rise above our stomachs

    18. Perhaps prestige was less a wall than a levee that one could rise above

    19. (Why is dependence upon government worse? Because only government can force you to do things by showing up with guns and handcuffs when they claim you are breaking one of their laws and because it has been proven over and over that people are nearly guaranteed to remain poor when they use taxpayer dollars for food, housing, medical care etc because government programs specifically use disincentives that provide negative consequences for those that begin to slightly prosper to the point that the only way to rise above needing taxpayer dollars is to earn a much larger amount of income than most people do

    20. We shall not allow it! We are here to protest, and our cries will rise above Pravik until they reach the throne of Athrom itself! All we ask is a voice in the council tonight

    21. Above: Columns of storm clouds rise above the prairie floor with

    22. I sat in the balcony watching the sunrise above the endless blue ocean

    23. “Like me,” my voice struggles to rise above a whisper

    24. For most this would have been the end, but God had planted a vision within Joseph, a vision to be the best despite his circumstances, to rise above the limitations of the world and its order, to use his abilities to achieve heights that few would have

    25. In our business dealings, God wants us to rise above the norm, above the dark, dirty dealings of a world lost in depravity

    26. You rise above expectations and the norm

    27. Society will rise above

    28. Rise above all this

    29. But if… I could rise above it…

    30. To rise above

    31. daughter would rise above herself and attend to her mother

    32. Like all human beings they feel fear, but have mastered it and are able to rise above it

    33. An alder staff was in her hand, one long enough to touch the ground at her bare feet and rise above her head more than two hands high

    34. us a chance to rise above the calling of shallow pleasures and mating for the sheer sake of

    35. able to overcome adversity? How have you been able to rise above and come out the

    36. I wouldn’t rise above the trees

    37. rise above all considerations connected with the mere personality of those around him, and so is free from all the injustice and partiality which ordinary

    38. average man-- otherwise how can he help that man? We must rise above that

    39. to rise above being a lackey in the future

    40. 3 John was never able completely to rise above the confusion produced by what he had heard from his parents concerning Jesus and by these passages which he read in the Scriptures

    41. Judas was never able to rise above his Judean prejudices against his Galilean associates; he would even criticize in his mind many things about Jesus

    42. Nietzsche claimed that everybody has the duty to evolve, to elevate and become a “superman”, for example by letting his better side prevail to rise above the norm

    43. " And to Simon Zelotes he said: "Simon, you may be crushed by disappointment, but your spirit shall rise above all that may come upon you

    44. Why should he toil to regain the rule of a people which had already forgotten him?—why chase a will-o'-the-wisp, why pursue a crown that was lost for ever? Why should he not seek forgetfulness, lose himself in the red tides of war and rapine that had engulfed him so often before? Could he not, indeed, carve out another kingdom for himself? The world was entering an age of iron, an age of war and imperialistic ambition; some strong man might well rise above the ruins of nations as a supreme conqueror

    45. I always thought I‘d be better off without a body, that it was more of a hindrance than a gift, something to rise above, an indication I had dropped down a level or two from my innately immortal soul

    46. 9 Christianity has dared to lower its ideals before the challenge of human greed, war-madness, and the lust for power; but the religion of Jesus stands as the unsullied and transcendent spiritual summons, calling to the best there is in man to rise above all these legacies of animal evolution and, by grace, attain the moral heights of true human destiny

    47. The mid-morning sun struggled bravely to rise above the towering peaks and ridges to the south

    48. Cynthia expected to be given a good standard of living, and rise above the unpleasantness and petty problems that most people seem to have to deal with

    49. Sir, I will rise above this, and I will have command

    50. (Q) Are we always subject to Karma? Is it possible to rise above its influence?

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