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    riverbed Beispielsätze


    1. The dry riverbed went on for miles in either

    2. sticks were picked up off the riverbed, as the horizontal wave of soldiers ran closer

    3. Then the truck must be very close to the edge of the drop off, which plummeted another hundred feet, to the riverbed below

    4. A circle of revitalized, glittering water twirled about wherever she touched, growing larger, until she could see to the Riverbed like a

    5. It was formed by a dam constructed across the riverbed of Chagres River, at one side of the Gatun Locks

    6. put their shelter in a dry riverbed? It looked good at the time, and it

    7. Turning east onto the riverbed that Joshua had led them to, Moshe still hadn’t quite settled down from his tirade

    8. It had been a long time since water had danced over the gravel terraces that cascaded down the old riverbed only to disappear beneath where great dunes now lined the shore

    9. Panting horse and rider looked on as the mighty Exodus started across the empty riverbed

    10. Their path had taken them up the beginning of a dry riverbed, which had long ago carved its

    11. ancient riverbed cutting off the town in that direction

    12. Turning east onto the riverbed that Joshua had led them to, Moshe still hadn't quite settled

    13. down the old riverbed only to disappear beneath where great dunes now lined the shore

    14. I came across a dry riverbed that went toward the same line of hills and followed

    15. across the empty riverbed

    16. blotches of dirt along the riverbed, colourful insects scurrying

    17. along the wide riverbed, deeper into the plateau

    18. Once he had lured his force into a dried-out riverbed facing an Aristrian ambush, none of his former troops dared to challenge his waiting hammer

    19. The Dangler had jammed the handle of his fishing pole down into the riverbed, acting as an anchor

    20. The Dangler stopped the boat by anchoring his pole in the riverbed

    21. He lifted his pole out of the riverbed and the boat floated underneath the bridge

    22. The Dangler pulled his fishing pole out of the riverbed and the boat coasted forward in the swift current, following the fork of the river down which Miney had fled

    23. Scuttling along the shallow riverbed was the severed black hand with two claws that had fallen into the water earlier that afternoon

    24. There was a severed black hand sinking its thorny claws into the nape of the Dangler’s neck—the three gnarled fingers had the same volcanic, crusted skin as the dark hand the children had seen fall into the river by the first hole in the water, then again more recently scuttling along the riverbed in the Soridwood

    25. trees, which will be anchored deep in the riverbed, far enough out

    26. The supports for the bridge were held in the riverbed by a

    27. will be anchored deep in the riverbed, far enough out into the river that they

    28. were held in the riverbed by a mix of sand, small pebbles and clay, which

    29. It was a mad dream, comparable to those of his great-grandfather, for the rocky riverbed and the numerous rapids prevented navigation from Macondo to the sea

    30. She let her two sergeants complete a check of their recruits, then led the platoon of women westward, away from the road for about 200 meters before stopping once in the middle of a dry riverbed

    31. All that water that traverses to the riverbed below creates a great deal of energy

    32. though not on the river but beside the riverbed

    33. Team Three search the river including the riverbed and

    34. riverbed and then climb the embankment before it was too late

    35. The riverbed was an even sheet of rock, providing a sure footing, apart from large rocks and boulders strewn randomly over the whole area

    36. The current pulled her along the rocky riverbed, too smooth to hang onto

    37. He surmised that over time, rocks swirling round and round in the whirlpool on the riverbed, had ground a hole clear through it

    38. The shallow sandy riverbed provided a good place to get ashore, but he needed to rest first

    39. been lifted out of the riverbed of infinite possibilities and set down in a

    40. There were no hard stones and rocks in the riverbed

    41. At the bottom of the long hill, just before a bridge that crossed a dry riverbed, we turned right

    42. Even though the river’s flow was now only a trickle, surfacing every so often before disappearing under the sandy riverbed, the banks were lined with tall cottonwoods, densely packed clusters of Russian olive trees and salt cedars

    43. I walked as quietly as I could trying not to leave footprints, but after a short time, it became too difficult jumping from rock to rock in the dark, so I started hiking in the middle of the riverbed

    44. The days dragged by, and the riverbed pushed through a backbone of shale

    45. Does one purchase the riverbed? What is the riverbed without water? It is form but no content

    46. riverbed and along its banks

    47. along the course of a river – both in the riverbed and

    48. its riverbed, generally unaffected by what is hap-

    49. After a time the first rays of intense Australian sunlight broke over the banks of the old riverbed causing the dray's timbers to slowly tick over with the hours as they shrank in the rising heat

    50. His stomach felt as empty as the old riverbed

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