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    Verwenden Sie „rutabaga“ in einem Satz

    rutabaga Beispielsätze


    1. 1 carrot, finely chopped fresh ground pepper 1 small onion, chopped 2 slices of ham, chopped Place the split peas into a large pot with the ham hock (or ham bone,) carrot, onion, rutabaga, and water

    2. Peel, slice and cut the rutabaga into French fry pieces

    3. Put rutabaga into a medium saucepan and cover with water

    4. What was rutabaga? What was ravioli of bone marrow and samphire? I wondered if I could ask for a sandwich

    5. At some point, the Rutabaga Brothers and the Lemon Sisters would rouse us to our feet and lead us in patriotic song, and then it would begin: signal lights ascending the sky, two, three, a dozen, a hundred

    6. "Forgive the intrusion, lad, but since you been here all this while, have you shadowed the path of any of our nice spring onion colleens, or the rutabaga and bag-of-potatoes mothers or aunts of the like? Excuse

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    Synonyme für "rutabaga"

    rutabaga swede swedish turnip yellow turnip brassica napus napobrassica rutabaga plant turnip cabbage