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    school teacher

    1. She was dressed in practical, unflattering skirt and jumper and sensible shoes, her tone was sensible – the combination created the sort of person Andy wouldn’t dream of arguing with … he’d had a school teacher a bit like this woman

    2. 'Now Frob you are and have been a school teacher for, must be over forty years

    3. The Witch was a school teacher

    4. As we relaxed like this a fellow called Arnold Wright who had been a school teacher decided he would complain to Ted Wallace saying

    5. ” Arnold Wright the school teacher replied

    6. A few years ago, I was treated to a television evening news spectacle, in which a Chicago grade school teacher, who had been on strike and on picket lines for the first six weeks of the school year, told an interviewer that such actions were for the benefit of the children

    7. They responded with a form of Afrikaans which was hilarious, even if their Afrikaans school teacher was from Cape Town where they speak original (weird dialect) Afrikaans, which only they can understand

    8. That it is ―problematical‖ that any of those attending the conference has ever ―successfully‖ taught in an urban public school environment places each in an unenviable position alongside public school teachers who unsuccessfully have; notwithstanding the latter‘s extensive experience

    9. �Fifteen years ago, he was a Sunday School teacher in Peekskill, New York, and he was accused of sexually abusing some young girls

    10. Her daughter married a primary school teacher whose ambition for higher station led him to join the SS

    11. schedule as a high school teacher and mother to

    12. school teachers lack a degree in the subject they teach and “on-the-job education for teachers is still more of a goal than a reality

    13. In fact, the average elementary school teacher makes $30

    14. They looked like high school teachers

    15. These stories have grown out of the time I spent as a counselor at a camp for children with special needs, a Sunday School teacher and, most recently, helping at a crisis shelter, providing temporary respite for preschool children

    16. Her arms were crossed and she tapped her foot on the pavement, reminding him of the elementary school teachers who used to drag him to the Principal’s office

    17. public city school teachers that struck to form a union, and

    18. A Sunday school teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five and six-year-olds

    19. A Sunday school teacher asked her children as they were on the way to church service, “And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?”

    20. An elementary school teacher who is a Urban Discovery Ministries’ Board member accepted Christ as a high school student in our outreach

    21. He instead chose to live the humble life of a school teacher

    22. Rafe Esquith is an elementary school teacher in Los Angeles who has written a book to chronicle his experiences in an inner city school

    23. To make this point, I would like to consider my experience as a high school teacher

    24. Why, for instance, tie up a full size court room for small claims or unlawful detainers? Put more seats in the hall, and use a regular office with attractive partitions between the judge and the parties and between the parties, and have a engineer hear the case, or a school teacher moonlighting for the summer, or a checker from the local market, or a construction worker, or an ex-policeman, or a social worker, or a graduate student

    25. The Washington Post wrote about it after the 78-year-old retired school teacher revealed her relationship to the former segregationist

    26. Rear Admiral John McCain, Commander, Aircraft South Pacific, sitting in the back of Turner’s jeep, gave a cautious look to his irascible superior: Turner had the look of a severe school teacher and was a man of great intellect, but he was also a man with a difficult character and an acid tongue

    27. "There's a good chance we've been compromised, Christian, so no, it can't wait," she said in her first grade school teacher voice

    28. The truth that was taught to us as a child, by our parents, school teachers, Sunday school teacher and such, it is earthen, ridged

    29. too sure about school teachers either

    30. School teachers, corporate narcissists and political puppets should all take heed of these qualities they do not naturally possess and in the name of self preservation should study the grace of human communication and connection

    31. Two complete years had elapsed, Ajay tried to keep round from one government office to another tirelessly for the post of LP school teacher, but his luck couldn’t smile him

    32. believed his school teacher was a serial killer

    33. You are not even fit for a job of primary school teacher

    34. Soon after Wayne’s mother (their Sunday school teacher) unlocked the doors of their mid-size sedan and both of his parents climbed in, Cathy, Wayne, and Paul entered into the back seat

    35. Before the Barbers reached the Johnson’s and Howerton’s, Paul overheard his Sunday school teacher tell her husband that both families were victims of the latest recession

    36. Many school teachers come across kinesthetic kids and in some instances they are labelled hyperactive

    37. Many a Sunday-school teacher comes home on Sunday night with a heavy heart, and fancies that his or her labour is all in vain

    38. His father was a school teacher at the Johannesburg Bantu High

    39. Whereas the public school teacher could let

    40. About one third are themselves secondary school teachers or university lecturers

    41. So a homeschool teacher will be in trouble with government officials for

    42. school teachers and have the teachers fill out forms before they would give us

    43. consider or handle input from parents, school teachers or other

    44. She was the twenty-eight-year-old school teacher from Earlsfield

    45. I turn, and it's my lovely, gorgeous, friend the school teacher

    46. Like an elementary school teacher he stood there amongst their spiritual eyes—flashing from the bar into the inner worlds that only come from within

    47. The 23 year old dad works as a soccer coach, and he is a school teacher

    48. Big-boned and with the rather old-fashioned bun hairstyle and practical short nails, she reminded Rafferty of one of his former school teachers, a Miss Robinson, who had fallen in love late in life, with the new French master

    49. Had Gwen Parry really believed she would fare better at his hands? Like Miss Robinson, Rafferty's old school teacher, she was doomed to bitter disappointment

    50. The fact that she’s a school teacher might have something to do with it

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