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    1. collected up the bicycles and after securing the workshop left for

    2. tens and fives into stacks, and took out the twenties, securing them in a lockbox

    3. Once he was out of the room, Todd quickly moved about securing her chest back into place, but with each wrap of the tape, he commented on the magic, he’d witnessed that day

    4. Edgar ran to the deck and introduced himself to the workers stating that he had been ordered to look after securing the Angula load on the port side of the ship

    5. and begin securing a couple of carcasses, my mind was

    6. to thank her for securing a waiver after all – I wanted to

    7. as he and Jean pulled on the guide rope securing the ferry

    8. he and his son were busy unfurling the sail and securing

    9. Richard had spared no expense in securing them

    10. Offline businesses can really maximize this strategy for securing new customers

    11. They had complied to a tee with societal norms regarding growing up, getting hitched, securing the blood line, having respectable employment, living in the right neighborhood with the big house and yard, having the latest in autos and technological devices, wearing the right clothing and associating with the proper friends, taking their vacations to the proper places, and…you know how it goes, right?

    12. The first exploit of every new reign was commonly to seize the treasure of the preceding king, as the most essential measure for securing the succession

    13. But it has been thought by many people, that it tends to encourage tillage, and that in two different ways ; first, by opening a more extensive foreign market to the corn of the farmer, it tends, they imagine, to increase the demand for, and consequently the production of, that commodity; and, secondly by securing to him a better price than he could otherwise expect in the actual state of tillage, it tends, they suppose, to

    14. These causes seem to be, the general liberty of trade, which, notwithstanding some restraints, is at least equal, perhaps superior, to what it is in any other country ; the liberty of exporting, duty free, almost all sorts of goods which are the produce of domestic industry, to almost any foreign country; and what, perhaps, is of still greater importance, the unbounded liberty of transporting them from one part of our own country to any other, without being obliged to give any account to any public office, without being liable to question or examination of any kind; but, above all, that equal and impartial administration of justice, which renders the rights of the meanest British subject respectable to the greatest, and which, by securing to every man the fruits of his own industry, gives the greatest and most effectual encouragement to every sort of industry

    15. The disorders in the government of Indostan have been supposed to render a like precaution necessary, even among that mild and gentle people; and it was under pretence of securing their persons and property from violence, that both the English and French East India companies were allowed to erect the first forts which they possessed in that country

    16. ” The time pushed on and so did the rest of us assaulting our objective at Hill 114 and securing it despite the casualties that we had suffered the Turks eventually withdrew abandoning their trenches which we took over

    17. He made trips up and down the stairs taking our possessions, then securing them onto the donkey

    18. Instead of fussing over a bun and keeping every hair in place, let loose by twisting your hair into a low chignon and securing it with whatever’s around you, whether it’s a pencil, your eye liner, or a chopstick

    19. Upon securing the steamer, he was

    20. The soldier fell back and impaled himself on a crate hook, left casually by some laggard who was too bothered with safely securing it

    21. The cabinets were locked, but the mechanisms were simpler than the ones securing the door

    22. Those remaining were securing the younglings, while the rest were on the trail of a certain Miss Cheeryup Tunbridge, the fastest girl in all Thimble Down

    23. She reached for the heavy wooden bar securing them

    24. They had then all systematically plundered the store rooms, securing the valuables, shaking the dust of Ashanti off their feet, returning to their own tribes with a recompense for their forced sojourn in the King's service

    25. At least the soldiers were questioning her here instead of some dank interrogation chamber, though the vertical iron bars securing the sole window offered little hope of escape

    26. We slept where we could, Sir Brian securing two discarded blankets, under which we bivouacked in the sopping grass with some degree of comfort

    27. Political Correctness, rather than securing our nation‘s (legitimate) interests abroad, is guiding military policies at the State Department

    28. Sheena did as the man ordered and he pushed her into the seat, securing her hands behind her back with plastic ties

    29. Next Brock placed the piece of bark on top, securing it with lengths of twisted grass

    30. He held me and hugged me closer to him, his one arm around my waist, the other holding the back of my head securing me into his arms

    31. Rejecting My Word spoken to this generation, while at the same time polluting My Word from aforetime, firmly securing the veil which remains atop their heads

    32. Even though Payne was just securing the house for his group leader, his old Search and Attack Patrol training took over, and he hunkered down for a few minutes, familiarising himself with his surroundings

    33. Securing Sousa records from one of Ferguson’s friends at Division headquarters was easier than Colling had imagined it would be, but finding a record with British tunes proved more elusive

    34. Truman loosened the line securing the wheel and brought the boat on course, centered in the channel outbound towards the open sea

    35. “The notebook! I’d forgotten…” Beth took it from Raul’s hand, staring at it in wide-eyed wonder as Truman set a course of 020 degrees and worked at securing the wheel

    36. Joining the feast did cause them to miss the bus, but they had no difficulty in securing a ride, joining ten others in the back of a truck loaded with sacks of pesticide, bound for Marale where they hopped off at the bus terminal

    37. I stacked many sticks and small logs on my hip, securing them with my arm

    38. securing the helmet in a bag

    39. Even bad loans did not hurt as long as the value of the home securing the loan

    40. He leans down and kisses my throat, hard, and his hands smooth over me, securing themselves at my waist

    41. She had no problem securing a great deal with her Californian

    42. Valentine? Someone who has received many love letters and written many love letters and has come away learning that no matter how good looking someone is, no matter how confident or popular, everyone has his and her own insecurities in love which are bound to emerge at some point for the purpose of emotional growth and securing mature resolutions for greater harmony and unity in love before we move onto the heavenly days that can come in what most of us call the “happily ever after” ending

    43. Kiskap arrived soon and after securing and feeding the dogs came in and raised Klah off the ground in greeting while the latter laughed uproariously

    44. securing villages and towns for future projects would become much more difficult, if not

    45. Watomika’s first letter thanked me for passing on the news about Sacook and securing his release from the Re Che, the second thanked me for telling him Sacook was still well

    46. interest in securing the school, so the Texas

    47. He picks up the radio and yells into it, “Sergeant Peters I want those men back in there to finish securing the chains and I want that tractor-trailer to start its engines!”

    48. port, 7 so that seven-towered right reasoning of the young men, securing the harbour of religion, conquered the intemperance of

    49. Adrinius removed my scarf from where it was draped around my bedpost, securing it loosely around his smooth neck, and he winked at me with his intense blue eye

    50. I said, securing a place near the food table

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