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    self-assurance Beispielsätze


    1. A quiet self-assurance returned as the moment whispered him a truth - it was time to log off, close down and unplug

    2. Nonetheless, there was great self-assurance in her

    3. It was actually the vast self-assurance he’d gained

    4. However, Lady Elise held herself with the self-assurance of a queen as she waited on a response

    5. He could be like leaders past and be protected from anything negative, live in a bubble of self-assurance

    6. To have had the apparent confidence, the utter self-assurance, that things were going to work out

    7. This strength and self-assurance, this invincibility

    8. Derbyshire counters that, for all their self-assurance, while neuroscientists “are chasing the self through ever narrower and darker passageways of the brain, they have not caught it yet

    9. Her stupid grin of self-assurance disappears; pure horror now contorts all her features

    10. Femininity is a sensitivity and sense of self-assurance that can only come from within

    11. Was it a language? Did the markings mean anything? He seemed to radiate light as he stood before the room, the world, with an air of self-assurance that would elude the most confident of men

    12. The ally of the witch approached with unconcerned attitude, put a hand in the right pocket of his pants and extracted a tobacco that unrolled with self-assurance and began to chew it as if it was chimo

    13. A young woman somewhere in her late twenties, her maturity and self-assurance made her appear older

    14. His youth and self-assurance finally won over and he signaled his guards to stop

    15. Yet, her facial expression was one of complete self-assurance and good humor

    16. On the other hand, they have more self-doubt than the conjunction types, because their mind is further removed from the ultimate source of self-assurance

    17. Angular planets give people that sense of easy self-assurance associated with being a member of the ruling class

    18. Call it self-esteem, self-confidence or self-assurance, but it is a deep-seated belief that you have what it takes – the abilities, inner resources, talents and skills to create your desired results

    19. Amin entered this compartment, displaying intelligence and superior self-assurance he moved as quickly as a wink up to one of those Germans and swiftly snatched off his hat and put it on his own head, then he handed him a cigarette, and as soon it was between the man’s lips he lit it for him

    20. displaying intelligence and superior self-assurance he moved as quick as a wink up to one of those Germans and swiftly snatched off his hat and put it on his own head, then he handed him a cigarette, and as soon it was between the man’s lips he lit it for him

    21. ” Denver's smile was broad but Oak couldn't return it, he felt he'd presented himself as pathetic with his lack of self-assurance

    22. I loved the self-assurance with which he worked

    23. He had filled out like a prosperous merchant, and carried himself with an air of arrogant self-assurance – although Merthin fancied he could still see, underneath the fa ç ade, the anxiety and self-hatred of the fawning toady

    24. Working with a jackhammer under those conditions required enough upper body strength to fight the punishing kickback of the machine, enough leg strength to keep the body pushed away from the cliff face all day, enough grace and athleticism to clamber around on the cliffs while dodging rocks falling from above, and enough self-assurance to climb over the edge of the cliff in the first place

    25. There was an ugly, imposing self-assurance about Zalachenko which was merely amplified by the fact that he was untouchable

    26. There had been a time when she would sail into rooms like these with perfect self-assurance: Look at me, here I come

    27. He was so used to submitting to Prince Vasili’s tone of careless self-assurance that he felt he would be unable to withstand it now, but he also felt

    28. Speranski’s whole figure In the society in which Prince Andrew lived he had never seen anyone who together with awkward and clumsy gestures possessed such calmness and self-assurance; he had never seen so resolute yet gentle an expression as that in those half-closed, rather humid eyes, or so firm a smile that expressed nothing; nor had he heard such a refined, smooth, soft voice; above all he had never seen such delicate whiteness of face or hands- hands which were broad, but very plump, soft, and white

    29. Moreover, Speranski, either because he appreciated the other’s capacity or because he considered it necessary to win him to his side, showed off his dispassionate calm reasonableness before Prince Andrew and flattered him with that subtle flattery which goes hand in hand with self-assurance and consists in a tacit assumption that one’s companion is the only man besides oneself capable of understanding the folly of the rest of mankind and the reasonableness and profundity of

    30. The German’s self-assurance is worst of all, stronger and more repulsive than any other, because himself has invented but which is for him the absolute truth

    31. What did surprise her was that he was so well preserved, that he behaved with the greatest self-assurance, and it did not occur to her that perhaps it was she, not he, who had changed after the troubling explosion of Miss Lynch in her private life

    32. The rest bowed as they came in; and being more or less abashed, put on an air of extreme self-assurance

    33. His self-assurance was so great that it either repelled people or made them submit to him

    34. As he carried on his work among very young people, his boundless self-assurance led them to believe him very profound and wise; the majority did submit to him, and he had a great success in revolutionary circles

    35. If these men did not exist, there would not be any one to offer violence to all these enormous masses of violated people, and those who give orders would never even dare either to command or even to dream of what they now command with so much self-assurance

    36. What a contrast to the self-assurance of their bearing on the platform of the station! Not only do they suffer, but they actually hesitate, and it is partly to hide their inward agitation that they assume an air of bravado

    37. As is always the case, the more cloudy and confused the conception conveyed by a word, with the more aplomb and self-assurance do people use that word, pretending that what is understood by it is so simple and clear that it is not worth while even to discuss what it actually means

    38. Both, moreover, were quite lacking in naïveté, sincerity, and simplicity, and both overflowed with artificiality, forced originality and self-assurance

    39. Is not the same cause at the bottom of the self-assurance of men of the new positive, critical, experimental science, and of the reverent regard of the crowd to what they preach? At first it seems strange that the theory of evolution (like the theory of atonement in theology, it serves for the majority of men as a popular expression of the new teaching) should justify men in their false lives, and it would seem that the scientific theory has only to do with facts, and does nothing but observe facts

    40. He was so used to submitting to Prince Vasíli’s tone of careless self-assurance that he felt he would be unable to withstand it now, but he also felt that on what he said now his future depended—whether he would follow the same old road, or that new path so attractively shown him by the Masons, on which he firmly believed he would be reborn to a new life

    41. In the society in which Prince Andrew lived he had never seen anyone who together with awkward and clumsy gestures possessed such calmness and self-assurance; he had never seen so resolute yet gentle an expression as that in those half-closed, rather humid eyes, or so firm a smile that expressed nothing; nor had he heard such a refined, smooth, soft voice; above all he had never seen such delicate whiteness of face or hands—hands which were broad, but very plump, soft, and white

    42. Moreover, Speránski, either because he appreciated the other’s capacity or because he considered it necessary to win him to his side, showed off his dispassionate calm reasonableness before Prince Andrew and flattered him with that subtle flattery which goes hand in hand with self-assurance and consists in a tacit assumption that one’s companion is the only man besides oneself capable of understanding the folly of the rest of mankind and the reasonableness and profundity of one’s own ideas

    43. The German’s self-assurance is worst of all, stronger and more repulsive than any other, because he imagines that he knows the truth—science—which he himself has invented but which is for him the absolute truth

    44. What Homeric, Jovine calm rested on every feature of his face! What charming, fearless self-assurance, what noble self-confidence in his smile, in his glance! What grace, what distinction in his pose, and especially in the hand which dealt the cards! Sergei Kovroff's hands were decidedly worthy of attention

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    Synonyme für "self-assurance"

    poise confidence aplomb boldness firmness self-possession self-confidence