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    self-determination Beispielsätze


    1. They called it Self-Determination Theory, or SDT

    2. It means Israel, the only state in the region that meets the president"s criteria for „self-determination," – an honest judiciary; an independent media; credible political parties; free and fair elections – must now negotiate its fate with those who want none of the above things

    3. The Republican message should center on opportunity, values, self-determination and (human) dignity

    4. Miers (historical) lower-court opinions relating to Abortion (―right of self-determination‖) and other social issues of immediate concern to most Conservatives before rushing to judgment

    5. “No, but there was some and I think once the idea of self-determination got abroad, there would be widespread revolt

    6. He loved watching self-determination in action, oppressed populations rising up against oligarchs and genocidal maniacs

    7. ” That is to say there is no self, and since there is no self, there is no possibility of self-responsibility or self-determination

    8. It was established in 1975 under the provisions of the Indian Self-Determination Act

    9. checked the RULES and guess what? All that self-determination crap HE wrote

    10. This progressive transfer of self-determination from the smaller to ever larger political organizations has generally proceeded unabated in the East since the establishment of the Ming and the Mogul dynasties

    11. They have surrendered their sovereignty to the federal government, and through the arbitrament of war, they have abandoned all claims to the delusions of self-determination

    12. 14 These forty-eight states, having abandoned the twin sophistries of sovereignty and self-determination, enjoy interstate peace and tranquillity

    13. Of course, Tony could apply traditional techniques, of self-determination, mind over matter, positive thinking, and then hope for the best

    14. In other words, once they become conscious of their own will power and self-determination

    15. Though approaching ninety years old, he stubbornly refused a cane as a defeat of his own will and self-determination and resolved to make the best before he was taken away from this world

    16. ‘It was only with the Soviets that Ataturk could ally and this proved possible after Commissar Chicherin's arrival in Ankara when a joint Turko-Soviet Army smashed Armenian hopes for self-determination

    17. They feared the dangers of self-determination, and they feared, rightfully or not, the general public lacked a capacity for intelligent reasoning

    18. They’re forcing curricula and testing on local schools and tying funding to criteria of their own design; stripping local schools, through growing totalitarian methodology, of the ability for improvement through self-determination

    19. Monarchy and in 1918 the Slovenes exercised self-determination for

    20. city and self-determination is the Way of Knowledge, whereas applying

    21. “The right to self-determination

    22. The air hung with silence at the amount of self-determination and rage in

    23. practice of political self-determination

    24. Your entire Life is a continuous process of Self-determination

    25. The higher the Level of Self-Consciousness on which you make your Choice, the stronger your Self-determination that increases all your abilities to clearly express and creatively implement your highest Conceptions of Yourself

    26. Self-determination of individual of the time is much more infl uenced

    27. I think this would be a step toward peace and toward self-determination for all people, if it were

    28. In fact, Tim believes that Rosemary belonged at the center of the Kennedy family story, because it was she, through her self-determination and the struggles that she faced, who had transformed them all

    29. “An advocate of the white race, the self-determination of a free and orderly society

    30. Wilson arrived in Paris with two exciting big ideas: The first was national self-determination, which meant that each national group should have its own independent national state

    31. And when the Germans and Austrians asked if national self-determination meant they could join together in one big German state, the Allies said very firmly, ‘No, you can’t’

    32. Only white colonies got national self-determination: President Wilson’s great idea for spreading global peace by allowing nations to set up their own independent states (refer to Chapter 3) somehow didn’t apply if those nations were ruled from overseas by Europeans

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