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    Verwenden Sie „self-sufficient“ in einem Satz

    self-sufficient Beispielsätze


    1. 'Then you could be self-sufficient and have something to do as well

    2. To dream that you are an orphan suggests that you need to learn to be more independent and self-sufficient

    3. To survive we must become self-sufficient and conquer this world

    4. That"s because for the last 30 years as president of the Center for Neighborhood Enterprise, he has not spent time organizing the poor around ineffective government programs and other addictions; he has been helping them become self-sufficient

    5. Ethnic neighborhoods have historically generated a systematic inflow/outflow of diverse cultures that settled into self-contained communities that remained self-sufficient through its schools, churches, community and political organizations and local businesses until more favorable (economic) opportunities beckoned

    6. The best solution is one he did not consider, giving both Blacks and Natives the means with which to defend themselves and become self-sufficient

    7. After some years of continuous application of this innovative Project, the country that implementing will become self-sufficient and model for the rest of the world

    8. The idea of this proposal is to transform this fantastic wealth in autosustainable and self-sufficient with the certainty that the resources received in donation they become social investment with success, without deviation of the resources, wastes or applications in other finalities so that the solution of the problem is in a definitive way with world reaching

    9. Students subject to this sort of indoctrination are not able to stand erect as fully developed and self-sufficient adults, but must always bear the hunch back feeling of remaining something less

    10. It is not to release the energies of free men and women to create wealth, set the goals of their own lives, and become proud and self-sufficient beings

    11. Each of the structures possesses multiple self-sufficient lines of defense, so that if one of the units falls into the hands of the enemy, the other can carry on the combat independently and without great difficulty

    12. It is a self-sufficient community of luxury houses and costly living

    13. tried to somehow get in touch with the self-sufficient leanings of

    14. They were agriculturally self-sufficient

    15. was the sort of Negro who could be used; his internal motive forces were self-sufficient drivers

    16. He and his mother were self-sufficient in their

    17. In another phone call, Candace said she had made even more money doing readings and expected to be self-sufficient when she returned

    18. about it, means that the moment you can become self-sufficient in

    19. “The essence of what I have said is that man should rest content with what are his real needs and become self-sufficient

    20. “…man should rest content with what are his real needs and become self-sufficient

    21. It was not a pyramid style hierarchy but a flat self-sufficient, self-reliant, interdependent community

    22. She would be surprised to see how self-sufficient I had become

    23. One was self-sufficient; the other was teachable and truth-seeking

    24. Do professed Christians fear the exposure of a self-sufficient and unconsecrated fellowship of social respectability and selfish economic maladjustment? Does institutional Christianity fear the possible jeopardy, or even the overthrow, of traditional ecclesiastical authority if the Jesus of Galilee is reinstated in the minds and souls of mortal men as the ideal of personal religious living? Indeed, the social readjustments, the economic transformations, the moral rejuvenations, and the religious revisions of Christian civilization would be drastic and revolutionary if the living religion of Jesus should suddenly supplant the theologic religion about Jesus

    25. When the business had been self-sufficient, he had been able to maintain a smooth profile

    26. These communities will be totally self-sufficient and, apart from being protected from any encroachment from any unauthorised population

    27. These communities will be largely self-sufficient and will be living, what was once referred to as, the good life, although they will be subjected to eugenics and population control in order to maintain a healthy stock

    28. On the farm they raised cows, grew wheat and vegetables, and it was in fact self-sufficient

    29. They may have less opportunity to be adrift from their mission because their focus is on less frivolous things since they are much more depending on others or must be more self-sufficient

    30. My question to you is: how will education survive if this motivation is removed? My simulation and all of real life is based on the presumption that each of us has abilities and skills that can be marketed for profit in such a way that we can be self-sufficient and a productive member of society

    31. China is much more self-sufficient than what many believe and they are much more able to adapt

    32. Space stations, especially stations as large as this one, tended to be self-sufficient and surrounding them would not create the same kind of hardship that surrounding a medieval castle might have caused

    33. All this trouble was caused because the United States was not self-sufficient in the area of energy

    34. I would only leave in place that single, separate pavilion that seems to be self-sufficient, so that our three lost World Council citizens could find shelter if they ever show up in Mount Olympus

    35. So they renovated it and made it comfortably self-sufficient

    36. Such units were barely self-sufficient

    37. This political concept was to promote a self-sufficient bloc of Asian nations led by Japan, free of Western colonialism and influence

    38. mandatory in all states of the union until 1918; and prior to that time Americans were more self-sufficient than the masses even dream of being today

    39. Steve always knew she was strong, and for the most part, self-sufficient

    40. Supplementing the hydroponic gardens and various farms inside the tower itself, another tower strictly dedicated to the hydroponic farming of low productivity or density items like wheat and coffee bushes, will be assembled on the adjacent island of Empalot, thus making the outpost nearly self-sufficient in food production, with some foodstuff items being produced in surplus quantities

    41. Another particularity unique to the KOSTROMA was its extensive hydroponic gardens, fish farms and animal farms, which made it mostly self-sufficient in food and even produced sizeable surplus of produces highly sought by Spacer communities, surplus whose sale helped inflate the business profits of the ship

    42. As a result, the KOSTROMA was self-sufficient in dairy products like milk, cream and cheese and also produced enough fresh eggs to fill the breakfast trays of its crew and passengers

    43. Dad said the technology was readily available to let nearly everyone be self-sufficient

    44. All of them were very interested in the house and were amazed at how comfortably we were living off-grid and self-sufficiently

    45. They were now opening up to the community and sharing their stores and knowledge on how to live self-sufficiently

    46. international isolation to be especially self-sufficient and innovative

    47. The Mastons were clearly very self-sufficient

    48. It is said that Mohammad said that the name was to be found in the second, third or twentieth suras, in which God is designated by the titles living (al-haiy), self-sufficient (al-qaiyum)

    49. “But for him that gives nothing and thinks himself self-sufficient

    50. Surely Allah is Self-Sufficient, in absolute independence of all the worlds

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    Synonyme für "self-sufficient"

    conceited self-satisfied smug haughty egotistic self-reliant independent self-supporting resolute competent