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semaphore Beispielsätze
1. further along the coast, until the squat tower of the semaphore station
2. the olden days, they used to use semaphore flags during the day, and
3. He stopped in front of me and Elijah looking down at us I noticed that he was really tall and skinny with a shock of red hair and pale skin his watery blue eyes blinked like a semaphore
4. As we started to move faster I blew kisses to Helen and she to me, Mabel was waving and blowing kisses to Bert and Ivy was doing the same with Frank and I saw his mother who was waving like a broken semaphore
5. Semaphore: code signals indicated by position of the arms or hand flags
6. Rachel remarked that using her docking lights as a semaphore seemed awkward, but it allowed them to communicate without breaking radio silence
7. Her flailing arms translated the words into semaphore then reached out to grab a passing car
8. Artillery support parties had already moved up close behind the deploying infantry, carrying their signal mirrors, signal rockets, and semaphore flags with them
9. The slower conditions let him move his workers around hunting for ways to increase their efficiency still further, and we’re sending his suggestions out by semaphore whenever weather permits
10. Most Harchongese nobles could have effortlessly tossed off a minor epic, with at least a dozen literary allusions which would have had the semaphore clerks cursing the entire time they transmitted it
11. “Baron Star Song’s received a score of semaphore messages
12. His scout snipers and mounted infantry had snapped up its shivering, understrength garrison and the relative handful of remaining civilians—after cutting the semaphore chain west of the town—in the middle of the night
13. They’d bypassed semaphore stations which might have seen them coming in daylight and struck repeatedly in darkness, chopping the chain into disconnected bits and pieces incapable of warning anyone else his main body was coming
14. We haven’t heard a damned thing from Colonel Somyrs or anybody else in the garrison, but I do know the heretics have cut the semaphore chain twenty miles north of the town
15. I’m in contact with Wyrshym over the Hildermoss semaphore chain, and he’s trying to get a patrol far enough north to give me at least some idea of Green Valley’s numbers
16. “With so many potential targets so much closer to the coast, why would anyone in his right mind fortify a town almost two hundred miles inland? Fortunately, Raisahndo says the Harchongians sent messengers and semaphore messages off in all directions as soon as they spotted the heretics in the Shweimouth
17. “He’s to use the semaphore to pass a priority message to Earl Thirsk informing him of the heretics’ movements, warning him the Harchongians should expect the possibility of an attack on the canal head at Symarkhan, and urging Admiral Hahlynd—and the Canal Service—to expedite the ironclads’ movement as much as possible
18. Still, the semaphore system could transmit the message all the way from Saram Bay to Gorath around the northern shore of the Gulf of Dohlar in less than eight hours—in daylight and under normal weather conditions—and any order from Thirsk to Hahlynd would move along the semaphore stations which paralleled virtually every major canal behind the screw-galleys at the same speed
19. That means their access to the semaphore or other methods of communication is limited at the moment
20. During a jihad, the Inquisition’s oversight of Mother Church’s semaphore system became even more inclusive
21. Copies of every semaphore message, including those of the Army of God and the Navy of God, were filed with Rayno’s office, and all military communications were routinely inspected for any sign that someone other than the Inquisition might be passing secret messages back and forth
22. On the other hand, those dispatches had taken the best part of three five-days to reach him, even with the Raven’s Land semaphore chain back up and running
23. I’ve followed the semaphore reports
24. He’d heaved a sigh of relief when the semaphore messages from Symarkhan informed him the Charisians had turned back a full day before he’d reached the Hahskyn River himself
25. She and the archbishop had returned to Tellesberg only three days ago, and news of the Kaudzhu Narrows catastrophe had arrived—overland by semaphore to Windmoor Province, then across the Tarot Channel to Tranjyr, across the Tranjyr Channel to Margaret’s Land, and on to Tellesberg—four hours before she had
26. That’s damned near five five-days for a dispatch boat, even if we use the semaphore to pass the message to Tarot and send the dispatch from Brankyr Bay
27. At this time, all I have is his preliminary semaphore message to that effect, but Captain of Horse Hywanlohng assures me that a complete written report, including maps, will arrive by courier as soon as possible
28. Apparently, the Bishop Executor has received a semaphore message from Archbishop Wyllym and Father Ahbsahlahn wishes to acquaint the Earl with its content
29. Azhinkor was too small to be tied into the Church’s semaphore chain, but the lieutenant had sent a runner to the nearest station of the coastal chain and the report had reached Gorath within hours
30. He’d turn and see a Hispanic in white jeans appraising him frankly across an avenue, or an older man in tweed watching from a sidewalk café, cigarette floating in lazy semaphore
31. People thrust objects into his sightline, umbrellas, luggage, whole duck, a frenzied commercial semaphore he didn’t need to speak the language to understand
32. There, on the world's rim, the lovely snail-gleam of the railway tracks ran, flinging wild gesticulations of lemon or cherry-coloured semaphore to the stars
33. "Last one to the railroad semaphore at Green Crossing is an old lady!"
34. Will slapped, Jim slapped, Dad slapped the semaphore signal base at the same instant
35. It can be written, transmitted by radio, spelt out by semaphore or sent in Morse code by any method
36. Someone shouted, “She’s in the block!” Far along the track the block arm of the semaphore was up
1. He’d semaphored the news to Wyrshym, in turn, and the bishop militant had immediately realized that Preskyt’s unreinforced divisions could never hold Allyntyn
1. The big J75 engine rumbled and whined into life as the gauges moved like tiny semaphores
2. It could be difficult to get the word out when such a mission was required, and it relied more heavily on signal rockets than on runners, semaphores, and mirrors