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    service station Beispielsätze

    service station

    1. We stopped at a service station to call glenn to tell him

    2. As we pulled out of the service station, with our tail between our legs,

    3. On the way to Florida i stopped at a service station

    4. The road in front of the old house was deserted and all the businesses except the service station were closed, so we drove up to the house along the overgrown, but firm driveway

    5. He jumped in, gunned it to life and took off in a haze of burning tyre smoke, trying to get as much distance between himself and the service station as he could in the shortest possible time

    6. I was so sick of going to a service station and asking them to fill the car up with oil and check the petrol! That"s where Cameron came in

    7. On one occasion, I used my credit card at a service station for a repair and I was charged double

    8. Perhaps you can contact BMW service stations in this area and see if he’s had it replaced

    9. Alex motioned at a service station ahead

    10. Walking slowly on the sidewalk and observing carefully her surroundings as she went, she first stopped at a gas service station, where she bought a detailed city map of Montgomery, along with a larger map of the surrounding county

    11. decided that he’d randomly stop next to quiet little shops, service stations, public

    12. like the floor in the service station where Shoop had escaped the Sphere, when

    13. He bought a road map of Britain in a service station and headed north

    14. I watched him enter the service station side of the restaurant and he gave me a wave through the window once the attendant had taken the money and reset the pump for me

    15. Not long after leaving the service station I felt the truck stop and then after a few minutes, it would slowly roll forward then sit and idle again

    16. stopped at a nearby service station to freshen up and

    17. “There’s a service station two miles ahead, I’ll stop there,” Stuart said and then gagged on the rancid smell

    18. Stuart took the left-side lane at the junction for the M25, knowing the service station was closer that way

    19. We stopped for lunch at a motorway service station, two men, one nineteen and the other

    20. He pulled into a service station to withdraw as much money as possible from a cash machine

    21. Britta led Hugh up the stairs to the first floor, at which he encountered what he would later wryly describe as a service station, manned by a middle aged woman of African origin

    22. When they pulled up to the single-bedroom trailer, parked on blocks and situated behind the run-down service station, Mitch studied her face

    23. As the bus roared by the run-down service station, Mitch caught a glimpse of Bino’s car, parked in back next to the fuel tanks

    24. Bob pulled in at the service station at the bottom of the town

    25. She was also caught on camera filling up her 2014 Jeep Wrangler, topping it off at a local service station about a mile from the track

    26. I once counseled a man who omitted from his list the service station owner

    27. A tanned forearm with a tattoo of the sun reaching out across the counter at the service station

    28. If I stopped at a service station to use their facilities, I’d have to ask for the key, at which point there would probably be some tedious back-and-forth about my painted face, which would seem as bizarre outside the carnival as it had seemed ordinary on the midway

    29. , after one such show, when we pulled off the motorway into the Blue Boar Service Station for a late supper or a very early breakfast

    30. Her mother was seeing a chiropractor now, the headaches seemed further apart and milder in intensity and duration, and as they drove together through the weird SoCal Yuletide, the fake snow on the roofs of bungalows, fir trees in the windows of service stations flanked by palms, the massive cognitive dissonance generated by consumer culture, the Cartesian fallacy, and so forth, Jenny saw Mom flinch a little when Dad reached across the seat to take her hand

    31. Henri the painter kept his chair at Red Williams’ service station

    32. Nex’ service station

    33. Service station, like the fella says

    34. At Needles he drove into a service station, checked the worn tires for air, checked the spares tied to the back

    35. Three times a week from some bar, supermarket, or tire-and-tool-cluttered service station, I put calls through to New York and reestablished my identity in time and space

    36. It’s easy enough now, on the high-speed road in a dependable and comfortable car, with stopping places for shade and every service station vaunting its refrigeration

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