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    severe punishment Beispielsätze

    severe punishment

    1. Truancy shall be cause for severe punishment, specifics of which to be determined by the newly elected School Committee whose plenary powers in these matters may be redressed only by petition, whose subscribers must number over half the current enrollment of the School at the time of submission

    2. Any untoward behaviour could result in severe punishment, or even being sold as a slave

    3. All his brother sectaries are, for the credit of the sect, interested to observe his conduct; and, if he gives occasion to any scandal, if he deviates very much from those austere morals which they almost always require of one another, to punish him by what is always a very severe punishment, even where no evil effects attend it, expulsion or excommunication from the sect

    4. Can you see that cremation was in existence from the earliest times? Can you see that it is a whoredom in Gods eyes? Can you see that it draws God’s wrath? Can you see that God uses this abomination only as severe punishment for his enemies, the condemned, who gravely sinned against Him?

    5. encourages a less severe punishment--just kick Gays in the ass and

    6. He knew, in the innermost reaches of his soul, that selfish pandering to earthly desires deserves severe punishment

    7. resulted in the most severe punishment

    8. Vice Admiral Holland must have realised that the situation was getting desperate - the Germans had already found the range and Hood was taking severe punishment causing terrible casualties

    9. were not home by eleven, severe punishment would be theirs

    10. them to expect severe punishment, whereas the Jewish or Christian

    11. But now in our days, people have put away chastity, purity, and buried moral and honour replacing them with the desires of the cheap and passive earthly life that always result in severe punishment in this world and in the hereafter

    12. If he does so he will face the severe punishment in this world and in the hereafter

    13. The thought of this bad act is whispered to man’s mind by the cursed Satan who wants to betray him through this bad act whose severe punishment will not only end in this but also it will continue into the hereafter

    14. He who does that shall face severe punishment on the day of judgement from God the Almighty because the false (lie) part of it will put people in a great danger

    15. His horror increased a thousand-fold when he thought about the severe punishment inflicted on him in the past at the hands of the chief of the police station, who was a violent man, in his view, and he did not want to face such torture again

    16. Any deviation would result in severe punishment, not only for the child who was disobedient, but for all of them

    17. Namely that significant value resided within the property to a much greater extent than revealed, a detestable crime against civil government if proven, and deserving of severe punishment by the court, not withstanding the fact that the person so accused is a minor, who is to be incarcerated at the town jail until brought before the bench, if he fails to post a bond of one hundred dollars

    18. Roger wasn’t particularly religious but he did often wonder if there was such thing as divine justice, or severe punishment for evil people in the after live

    19. There is no city but We will destroy before the Day of Resurrection, or punish it with a severe punishment

    20. In order to meet this type of conduct constructively, one must avoid severe punishment, the awakening of a deep sense of guilt, and set oneself to work out a quiet regimen of rehabilitation

    21. The truth of the story is that that Master Elisabad whom the madman mentioned was a man of great prudence and sound judgment, and served as governor and physician to the queen, but to suppose that she was his mistress is nonsense deserving very severe punishment; and as a proof that Cardenio did not know what he was saying, remember when he said it he was out of his wits

    22. go stalking about the country, ravaging the houses of gentlefolks and pitching into the studious youth of England, without laying themselves open to severe punishment

    23. He deferred his departure a whole week, and during that time he made me feel what severe punishment a good yet stern, a conscientious yet implacable man can inflict on one who has offended him

    24. Lieutenant Smekaloff, as I have said, ordered sometimes very severe punishments

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