His eyes found the culprit and she was every bit as unpleasant as he had feared; cavernous dripping allergy prone nose, mounds of shapeless, colorless, big New England hair, and a body so laden with fat that only the bare outline of a human form could be seen beneath
shapeless girl without a way to interest Andrastus, I could wear a sashed peplos
Ky stooped down to a large, shapeless and worn canvas holdall lying on the ground by his feet
He stood awkwardly in his shapeless black suit and clutching a large carrier bag that Maureen hadn't noticed until now
The Russians were not in need of any information; they just wanted to smash the Germans into shapeless masses, by tying their hands and feet and beating them with the butts of their guns
The thick but shapeless moustache
There sat the cops, speaking to a hippy chick with ribbons braided in her hair and a long shapeless dress covering her thin body
He awoke more than once feeling as though he was wrestling with something; as though he struggled with a shapeless enemy
But that black shapeless fiend has disappeared
Reassured, he looked farther afield discovering that the black cloud, as seen in the early light of day, had become an amorphous, shapeless thing spread out over the whole northern sky, as it had done the last time he’d seen it
shapeless thing spread out over the whole northern sky, as it had done the last time he'd seen
clumsy, and shapeless, afterwards (with the help of
Forté was tall, obviously strong, barrel-shaped in dark green shorts and shirt, standing firm on powerful, shapeless, slightly bandy, hairy brown legs
And now another shadow moved across the wall: a huge shapeless black blot
Natala saw her for an instant, a white figure of fear etched against a great black shapeless mass that towered over her; then the white figure was whipped off its feet, the shadow receded with it, and in the circle of dim light Natala hung alone, half fainting with terror
The Master on his dais was but a shapeless shadow
Without a word he stretched himself upon it, and sank into restless but deep sleep through which phantoms moved silently and monstrous shapeless shadows crept
shapeless and without mass
She watched him until he became a shapeless black figure behind them
When she put back her engines to idle, ready to power them back on if need be, there was only a large, shapeless mass of white hot metal left in space in front of the KOSTROMA
Mark yelled as he swerved, wrenching the bars and bike around the brown shapeless lumps shuffling in front of us
A shapeless black thing in one of the crates
The mass was shapeless, the energy created by the spirit was in similar disorder and chaos was the first product of creation
The dragon state of existence dwells in an abyss under the floor of the red sea in dark shapeless environment showing his punishment upon the imperfection of mankind
It skulked in the moonlight, black and shapeless
His eyes lingered for a moment on her torso as curved black materialized from the soft, shapeless white
She made the final jump down, wishing she had a shapeless cloak to wrap around her
Black gowns and bareness may be enough for those whose piety is so exalted that ceremonies are only a hindrance to the purity of their devotions; but the ignorant and the dull, if they are to be stirred, and especially the women who have entered upon that long series of gray years that begins, for those worked gaunt and shapeless in the fields, somewhere about twenty-five and never leaves off again, if they are to be helped to be less forlorn need many ceremonies, many symbols, much show, and mystery, and awfulness
She wanted them “dead” as in unmoving, shapeless heaps
The women were resplendent in period gowns, colourful but shapeless and out of place
Margaret wore a shapeless black dress to cover her protruding figure
No longer shapeless, it became a hand reaching out
Who’s sitting at the desk, hair unwashed, wearing a shapeless sweatshirt and banging away on an old manual typewriter
thing that sits or reclines on a shapeless chair in front of the television and
shapeless masses on the woven palm mats round the periphery
From tract housing to shapeless, wrinkled, baggy clothing; from suburbs to modern art forms; from factories to highways, the effect is the same: all forms of duplication, all mass production produces boring, aesthetic ugliness and sameness
shapeless glob of flesh without a face
But here, it looked out, into the shapeless spaces Between
hooded and cloaked driver sat as shapeless as a white cloud
stretched the black, shapeless mass of the Witchwood
just long, shapeless, repetitive hours of walking, punctuated by
I headed the big stallion for it, as the men to either side of me and those knotted up in a shapeless mass behind me followed my lead
locked outside the shapeless walls, with the many other pigs, killed in their sleep
locked outside the shapeless walls,
The water element is the shapeless shape, the passivity of reaction, the dream that does not cast the shimmering net of consciousness out of itself
What shapeless lump is that, bent, crouch'd there on the sand?
Athwart the shapeless vastnesses of space,
Hawkeye laid his hand on the shapeless metal, and shook his head, as he examined it, saying, "Falling lead is never flattened, had it come from the clouds this might have happened
And over all these things, a gloomy, indistinct and shapeless mass, rose the buildings and sheds that comprised Rushton & Co
Between these rival features the lips appeared very long and shapeless and
A few minutes later it moved, and a shapeless red mass slipped out: the afterbirth
For many years, though a vague report would now and then find its way across the sea,—like a shapeless piece of drift-wood tost ashore, with the initials of a name upon it,—yet no tidings of them unquestionably authentic were received
I looked at myself in the mirror and saw a wild, haggard brown fellow, with a fortnight's ragged beard, and dust in ears and eyes, collarless, vulgarly shirted, with shapeless old tweed clothes and boots that had not been cleaned for the
With these words the Witch fell down in a brown, melted, shapeless mass and began to spread over the clean boards of the kitchen floor
His ears were nothing but shapeless shreds, ragged at the edges, seamed with ill-knit scars and beaded here and there with lumps of proud, bare flesh
He spent his whole life in front of the computer, even when he was not working: a giant of a man and overweight, bloated and unkempt, with an attempt at an imperial beard that had long since turned into a shapeless thicket
There can, I think, be no doubt that this battered and shapeless diadem once encircled the brows of the royal Stuarts
The bells of the city were striking the hour of Oracion when the carriage rolled under the old gateway facing the harbour like a shapeless monument of leaves and stones
I soon recovered my nerve, however, when I reflected how absurd it was to associate so huge and shapeless a mark with the track of any known animal
It was a shapeless, high-shouldered shadow of somebody standing still, with lowered head, out of his line of sight
Somehow I found the strength to lumber forward while the carnival around me blurred and became a place without detail, where those luminous smears of red and blue and gold and white and green whirled and pulsed, swooped toward me and soared as if they were shapeless birds of light
Pat is in a party of convalescents dressed in shapeless, buttoned-up jackets with white lapels
The Specter had made the platform, thinner now than in memory—William could see his shapeless fedora through the train’s rear window—but he was shrinking even further, until the blackness of the tunnel swallowed him
Presently Sam appeared, trotting quickly and breathing hard; his heavy pack was hoisted high on his shoulders, and he had put on his head a tall shapeless fell bag, which he called a hat
Ringwraiths were scattered, and have been obliged to return as best they could to their Master in Mordor, empty and shapeless
Below their refuge were white humps and domes and shapeless deeps beneath which the path that they had trodden was altogether lost; but the heights above were hidden in great clouds still heavy with the threat of snow
shapeless drifts of fog, curling and twisting as it rolled over them and
After his going they took Minas Ithil and dwelt there, and they filled it, and all the valley about, with decay: it seemed empty and was not so, for a shapeless fear lived within the ruined walls
black and shapeless below where night lay thick and did not pass away, above with jagged tops and edges outlined hard and menacing against the fiery glow
They were grim to look on; for though some were crushed and shapeless, and some had been cruelly hewn, yet many had features that could be told, and it seemed that they had died in pain; and all were branded with the foul token of the Lidless Eye
Rage filled him and his mouth slavered, and shapeless sounds of fury came strangling from his throat
She was large and soft and round, her shapeless waist merging with her hips
Ingrid Thiasson looked about fifty, with stringy brown hair; she wore a plain, shapeless blue dress under a heavy gray sweater
His brain felt like something shapeless lying in a basin of tepid water
From moment to moment, some huge vehicle, painted yellow and black, heavily loaded, noisily harnessed, rendered shapeless by trunks, tarpaulins, and valises, full of heads which immediately disappeared, rushed through the crowd with all the sparks of a forge, with dust for smoke, and an air of fury, grinding the pavements, changing all the paving-stones into steels
The wall at the bottom has a sort of shapeless loophole, possibly the hole made by a shell
The slab has here been replaced by a cross-beam, against which lean five or six shapeless fragments of knotty and petrified wood which resemble huge bones
Mouldy cannon-balls, old sword-blades, and shapeless projectiles, eaten up with rust, were picked up at the spot where his horse' feet stood
The top of the shapeless bay into which this door shut was masked by a narrow scantling in the centre of which a triangular hole had been sawed, which served both as wicket and air-hole when the door was closed
mutilated face was no longer anything more than a shapeless
His soft, yielding, dislocated, sickly, shapeless ideas attached themselves to Enjolras as to a spinal column
Mysterious ladled the gravy, the mashed potatoes, and the peas on and mashed and crushed it shapeless as we watched, trying not to bug our eyes
Some shapeless thing which was coming from the boulevard was turning into the road
And the shadows were pulled, I was pulled, toward that vast glass eye, that immense window behind which a shapeless Something stared to dine on gymnasium airs
A little beyond the angle of the lane and the Rue de la Chanvrerie which cast a broad curtain of shadow, in which he was himself engulfed, he perceived some light on the pavement, a bit of the wine-shop, and beyond, a flickering lamp within a sort of shapeless wall, and men crouching down with guns on their knees
The fury of the flood was stamped upon this shapeless mass
The window, tattooed with grape-shot, had lost glass and frame and was nothing now but a shapeless hole, tumultuously blocked with paving-stones
His face got loose and blank, shapeless like a thing that has been beaten too hard and too long
From one of these hinges hung a dirty and shapeless rag which, arrested there in its passage, no doubt, had floated there in the darkness and finished its process of being torn apart
Thus,—and in the exaggeration of anguish, and the optical illusion of consternation, all that might have corrected and restrained this impression was effaced, and society, and the human race, and the universe were, henceforth, summed up in his eyes, in one simple and terrible feature,—thus the penal laws, the thing judged, the force due to legislation, the decrees of the sovereign courts, the magistracy, the government, prevention, repression, official cruelty, wisdom, legal infallibility, the principle of authority, all the dogmas on which rest political and civil security, sovereignty, justice, public truth, all this was rubbish, a shapeless mass, chaos; he himself, Javert, the spy of order, incorruptibility in the service of the police, the bull-dog providence of society, vanquished and hurled to earth; and, erect, at the summit of all that ruin, a man with a green cap on his head and a halo round his brow; this was the astounding confusion to which he had come; this was the fearful vision which he bore within his soul
The outlines of the bridges lay shapeless in the mist one behind the other
Your third estate is insipid, colorless, odorless, and shapeless
Chance ordained, as we have just said, that one of these shapeless clusters of masked men and women, dragged about on a vast calash, should halt on the left of the boulevard, while the wedding train halted on the right