London boasts at least seven Interweb billionaires amongst its fabled glitterati, but not one of them can begin to measure their fortune or their white-hot technological status against that of old Jimmy Cameron, the founder, chief executive and principle shareholder of NanoGoo International
Tactics like above (all legal and just business as usual) more often than not leads to the original shareholder being bought out at a very fair price really quickly to get rid of him and his new biker mate
Something which is standard in our contracts as it should be in all shareholder contracts
Still, as a shareholder you can ask awkward questions even if only to be obnoxious
Why? Simply because I got bitten when I was younger when my clients' business partner (fellow shareholder) decided to leave after a few months and offered his shares at a ridiculous price to him! He either had to buy it or end up with a shareholder he disliked even more
Why? Simply because I got bitten when I was younger when my client's business partner (fellow shareholder) decided to leave after a few months and offered his shares at a ridiculous price to him! He either had to buy it or end up with a shareholder he disliked even more
To increase shareholder value
of the National Post, Paris-based TotalFinaElf's biggest shareholder is
One of these was the Abraham Pharmaceutical Company who acknowledged that they leased a black Fairlane but had no idea of its location as the chauffeur garaged the vehicle and was answerable only to the owner and principal shareholder a Dr Jacob Abraham who was currently interstate and unable to be contacted
He proposed a slate of replacements to be voted on at Yahoo’s annual shareholder meeting on July 3
The economic value of the network is aimed at satisfying the shareholder, not the users
The company that he works for is an Auditing and Private Investigation Bureau called “The Circle” – Hamilton being their Accountancy and Tax specialist – he is evidently a member of the illustrious Collett Family…his mother is a 50% shareholder of “The Collett Corporation”…
shareholder, the next grey
I expounded on how I had the analytical ability to recommend financial and operations improvements, which normally made for better organizations and increased shareholder value
I could write a book on the changes I recommended, which improved their operations and Shareholder Value
In a shareholder reassurance move Union Carbide said that 1,754 people had died
“We are a substantial shareholder in a company that specializes in deep sea robotics
If you want to write a check now, I can take it and sign you up as a shareholder
While the typical shareholder does not normally need the type of precision that
To the shareholder, the amount of assets a creditor receives is impertinent; he or she
EBT determines the effect of taxes on shareholder earnings
The shareholder is another, and from what I gather, much larger offshore corporation called Versailles Capital Limited from Cayman Islands
Again, the directors are nominees, but the shareholder is another corporation
shareholder, and these are the inputs into the model
Mathematically, this model will optimize when the pay out to the shareholder is one
shareholder to invest because earnings would have been increased and share price
friction”, because management acts as an “agent” for the shareholder
The man had sold his five percent interest in the company and was no longer a shareholder with all active involvement with ACCS ending on the thirtieth of the month
Basically, it says that if we tell the court that by paying you your pension that we promised you and that you traded wage increases for our promises of increased pension, - if paying YOU YOUR money will even give a hint that we will lose money over it then, of course, standing by our obligation to our shareholders, (even though you may own shares you are just a holder of shares not a shareholder) we will forego paying you YOUR money
an affiliated firm in New Zealand of which I was a small shareholder
shareholder is not an effective exit
They are not your friend and they are not a shareholder in your
A former shareholder of Bischoff Security, Bernhard Abro, was appointed as the new
Arun Green was the Group Managing Director and a founding shareholder of Bischoff
Director and Shareholder Peter Whewell I had put together a sound proposal which
ABSA Bank majority shareholder
on the type of shareholder required to advance this critical market forward
the impoverished state of the existing shareholder PAG Holdings
success as being the majority shareholder of an entity of which they are the
Sadly, most often they do not qualify as a majority shareholder
Britton was a founding shareholder of Digitot, a business concerned with the
Burkhard, and won the 1999 Pricewaterhouse Coopers European Shareholder Value Award
She said that her husband, who was abroad, had a plan that needed our endorsement so that he could proceed with negotiations with the Greek Community, which was the major shareholder of our building
When the time came, he insisted I should deliver at a private maternity clinic where he was a major shareholder
Helmi, a Copt, the major shareholder of the firm was a top businessman with
local, but as she pointed out, she was a major shareholder in
In the business world, a company can use leverage to try to generate shareholder wealth, but if it fails to do so, the interest expense and credit risk of default destroys shareholder value
Braithwaite was an important shareholder in the firm
He laughed at the errors that she had made, and said it was a good thing the head of security was a shareholder, otherwise, he woud have let Zoleka go home without balancing things, and they would all have been short changed
Mr Sweater was the managing director and principal shareholder of a large drapery business in which he had amassed a considerable fortune
—He was a rich country gentleman, Stephen said, with a coat of arms and landed estate at Stratford and a house in Ireland yard, a capitalist shareholder, a bill promoter, a tithefarmer
He’s notorious, and a major shareholder in Gazprom
He had not had any criminal convictions since he took his exams in 2009 and managed a wide network of contacts – one of the members of his board of directors was Ivan Gribanov, member of the Russian Duma and a major shareholder in the oil company Gazprom – but she could find nothing to get her further
But as for the proposal made by Levin—to take a part as shareholder with his laborers in each agricultural undertaking— at this the bailiff simply expressed a profound despondency, and offered no definite opinion, but began immediately talking of the urgent necessity of carrying the remaining sheaves of rye the next day, and of sending the men out for the
Note that the rate of return earned on invested capital may differ from the rate of return on shareholder equity, because of debt financing
Vanguard’s enormous asset base – consisting of 20 million shareholder accounts with more than $1
5%; in Ford it is closer to 6%!! A one-dollar move in IBM means a lot less to the shareholder than a 1-point rally in Ford
Many publicly traded companies are subject to double taxation: They’re taxed at the corporate level as well as at the shareholder (individual) level
In this way, an MLP is different than a corporation, where, as a shareholder, you can attend annual meetings, issue proxy statements, and generally exercise a larger degree of control
You can cash in on this trend by becoming a shareholder in one of these exchanges
Instead of complaining about oil companies, why not become a shareholder of one (or more)?
If I was a shareholder I’d be frothing at the mouth
Shareholder loyalty has grown in importance in recent years, so companies try to keep their investors happy by sending them newsletters
Careless companies sometimes tell a different story in house magazines and shareholder reports
Consequences of being a shareholder
The private shareholder cannot tell whether this opposition is motivated by a desire for independence, a fear of directors’ losing their jobs, an attempt to get the bidder to increase the price, or a genuine feeling that shareholders would do better with the existing regime
But the cash doesn’t do the shareholder any good unless management makes smart investments with it, or returns it to its owners via dividends or share buybacks
First off, stock options are a noncash obligation and may never cost the shareholder a penny—but under 123R even a deeply out-of-the-money option will still result in an expense years after being awarded to an employee
(But just because the preferred-stock contract benefits the common shareholder in this way, it is clearly disadvantageous to the preferred stockholder himself
When investing in foreign companies, you really need the kind of managers that Buffett covets because corporate governance rules and management practices are generally less responsive to shareholder concerns than they are in the United States
Because a certificate holder would have fewer rights than a shareholder, I lowered the price I would pay to maintain a sufficient margin of safety in these situations
As I saw no evidence of self-dealing over the years, I was comfortable with management’s success at building shareholder value
The typical preferred shareholder is dependent for his safety on the ability and desire of the company to pay dividends on its common stock
Thus the preferred holder lacks both the legal claim of the bondholder (or creditor) and the profit possibilities of a common shareholder (or partner)
The impact of market fluctuations upon the investor’s true situation may be considered also from the standpoint of the shareholder as the part owner of various businesses
On the one hand his position is analogous to that of a minority shareholder or silent partner in a private business
shareholder in 1938, we assert that as long as he held on to his shares he suffered no loss in their price decline, beyond what his own judgment may have told him was occasioned by a shrinkage in their underlying or intrinsic value
The shareholder judges whether his own investment has been successful in terms both of dividends received and of the long-range trend of the average market value
In addition they can pay out their realized long-term profits on sales of investments—in the form of “capital-gains dividends”—which are treated by the shareholder as if they were his own security profits
There is no more cynical waste of a company’s cash—since the real purpose of that maneuver is to enable top executives to reap multimillion-dollar paydays by selling their own stock options in the name of “enhancing shareholder value
In a 2-for-1 stock split, a company doubles the number of its shares and halves their price—so a shareholder ends up owning twice as many shares, each priced at half the former level
Reasons for nonsuccess are numerous, including antitrust intervention, shareholder opposition, change in “market conditions,” unfavorable indications from further study, inability to agree on details, and others
But most important, of course, would be the senior position that the common shareholder would gain from the switch
Hence, in many cases, the inert public shareholder has been bailed out by the actions of “outsiders”—who at times may be enterprising individuals or groups acting on their own
Are the interests of the average outside shareholder receiving proper recognition?”4
What is “proxy material” and why does Graham insist that you read it? In its proxy statement, which it sends to every shareholder, a company announces the agenda for its annual meeting and discloses details about the compensation and stock ownership of managers and directors, along with transactions between insiders and the company
If you are an outside Apple shareholder, you want its managers to be rewarded only if Apple’s stock earns superior returns
investors: active and passive; activism of; beginning; consistency of; controlling behavior of; courage of; definition of long-term; discipline of; and dividends; elderly; emotions of; and “enhancing shareholder value,”; expectations for; functions of; Graham’s comments about; inflation and; as intelligent owners; interests of; investment contract of; ironical situation of managers as; and managers/management; meaning of term; measuring success of; as mixed aggressive and defensive; and other people’s mistakes; personal situation of; predicting behavior of; primary cause of failure by; and proxy materials; psychology of; “reckless,”; relationship with company of; self-defeating behavior of; self-knowledge of; sheep behavior of; speculators distinguished from; theory vs