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    shellack Beispielsätze


    1. Feathers shellacked with dirt and bird poop and sticking at all angles, round eyes squinted shut as the robin jilted forward, retching up another wave of vomit into the toilet

    2. This took some work, well actually a lot of work falling just short of shellacking

    3. A number of so-called “single mothers” I am aware of receiving public assistance as well as availing themselves of the bounty of annual school supply charitable drives instead squander the income freed by this misdirected philanthropy to purchase several hundred dollar handbags, go out partying at nightclubs (no doubt looking for the father of their next baby with no intentions of getting married), and on long, shellacked fingernails that would put a fighting cock to shame

    4. Her hair was elaborately plaited and shellacked, her head tilted, her smile slightly open-mouthed, as if the yearbook photographer had said something to make her laugh

    5. Everything just plinked off this woman— bing, bang!—like she was shellacked

    6. I looked from him to the beggar singing, the rain washing his bare head, streaming through his shellacked hair, trembling on his earlobes

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