Estwig was smart and could take direction, but he was still thirteen to twenty years short of three and hadn't reached his full bulk yet
That’s the short of it
"It was pretty boring here," Ava said, "There wouldn't have been much for you to do and I am so short of fabrication capacity it took awhile to build up enough room for another soul
She was becoming more of a mystery to me and she still refused to disclose the reasons why our bank account was so short of money
They were both girls, that was good, their community was short of women
She wouldn't mention being about 61 light years short of the most widely traveled person here
She certainly has Elf ears and the hills of Wescarp aren't short of Nordic blood
Not short of a penny or two then!
fall short of the day's mark
The change in Sarah was nothing short of a miracle
Keeping my eyes down, I mull over the statement … the last Element? What is he talking about? I haven’t retrieved the last one yet … He goes on to describe how we were pursued by Antis, escaping through Joris’ skill, though stopping short of mentioning that Joris actually killed two men and completely skirting over the actual cause of Joris’ death
For weeks they had me on anything short of horse tranquilizers even though the dosages would have killed a couple by now
I guess it takes nothing short of a high level Scientologist with a medical P
"Two hundred and thirty five years is far short of forever
His new wife also stopped short of her final insult and gave these wise words some serious consideration
“So I don’t have to hold back with her,” Rayne walked towards the door, “I can go full strength; short of killing her of course
And though it gnawed at his conscience, there was nothing he could do about it, short of killing them all
that most of them are scams, or at best, fall way short of expectations
wife also stopped short of her final insult and gave these wise
Casually he threw a flat stone and it skimmed across the river, falling just short of the bank on the other side
‘That would give you some hanging space and it’s not as though we’re short of space in this room
‘No … that’s why I was short of cash
’ Ozzie replied in an obvious attempt at being consoling, though from Chrissie’s viewpoint, it fell a long way short of the mark
She was very young as you thought, still a few years short of four
To what do I owe the pleasure?” He was quite flushed she thought, though it was hard to tell in the gloom, and a little short of breath
stopped short of his lips
Johnson paused with key in hand, just short of starting the vehicle
“Nothing short of force was going to stop her,” he tried to continue the conversation with Hyondahi when he really wanted to continue the conversation with Leand
Johnny stopped short of the doorway
Johnny walked over and stopped just short of the man’s head
Roman exited the taxi on the driver’s side, but was stopped short of paying
Heather opened her mouth and then stopped short of the words coming
short of the giant wood chipper and the fertilizer piles
Letting her know, how short of their expectations she fell
She stopped just short of passing through it
short of saying that he’d rather not rely on the vagaries of
Again Catholic priests and nuns in those days were completely above the law, completely above anything; they could do just about anything to you short of murder and get away with it; it's sad
"The Plague will be satisfied with nothing short of our deaths," Nicola replied
I also warn you they don't seem short of money and we have our own accountant
the best leadership, the most well trained soldiers, and the best of weaponry, only to fall short of preaching the Kingdom to the
The only way winter made itself felt was the speed the temperature dropped on those plains once dark set in and they found they were short of clothing to stay out there
" She was still short of breath but all smiles
Though short of being brilliant, the plan was simple and sound, and in the little time they had before the undead closed in on the city it was the best defense they could hope for
The whole quantity of such wines that is brought to market falls short of the effectual demand, or the demand of those who would be willing to pay the whole rent, profit, and wages, necessary for preparing and bringing them thither, according to the ordinary rate, or according to the rate at which they are paid in common vineyards
Their whole produce falls short of the effectual demand of Europe, and can be disposed of to those who are willing to give more than what is sufficient to pay the whole rent, profit, and wages, necessary for preparing and bringing it to market, according to the rate at which they are commonly paid by any other produce
The advantage which the landlord derives from planting can nowhere exceed, at least for any considerable time, the rent which these could afford him ; and in an inland country, which is highly cuitivated, it will frequently not fall much short of this rent
Some say Mesapit should have been rolled up as well but the Motorway stopped just short of the town, and there it stands today, a twin to Meat Pie Hill by Upper Swivel
'Of course you don't,' she thought, 'you're a layer or two short of neurons, even in simulation
It may even have fallen so far short of this demand, as somewhat to raise the price of those metals in the European market
If, on the contrary, the sum of the repayments from certain other customers, falls commonly very much short of the advances which it makes to them, it cannot with any safety continue to deal with such customers, at least if they continue to deal with it in this manner
In justice to their creditors, however, their own capital ought in this case to be sufficient to insure, if I may say so, the capital of those creditors; or to render it extremely improbable that those creditors should incur any loss, even though the success of the project should fall very much short of the expectation of the projectors
These advantages are sufficient to compensate a certain difference of revenue; but they will compensate a certain difference only ; and if the rent of land should fall short of the interest of money by a greater difference, nobody would buy land, which would soon reduce its ordinary price
unsafe and falls short of current standards
But no commodities regulate themselves more easily or more exactly, according to this effectual demand, than gold and silver ; because, on account of the small bulk and great value of those metals, no commodities can be more easily transported from one place to another ; from the places where they are cheap, to those where they are dear ; from the places where they exceed, to those where they fall short of this effectual demand
If, on the contrary, in any particular country, their quantity fell short of the effectual demand, so as to raise their price above that of the neighbouring countries, the government would have no occasion to take any pains to import them
He was visibly furious; his face had contorted and turned red and he was short of breath
“Mistress Helez, this is short of going naked,” one slave girl protested respectfully
If, by not raising the price high enough, he discourages the consumption so little, that the supply of the season is likely to fall short of the consumption of the season, he not only loses a part of the profit which he might otherwise have made, but he exposes the people to suffer before the end of the season, instead of the hardships of a dearth, the dreadful horrors of a famine
To her gaping crew mates her activities were nothing short of the miraculous, and they said so
The tube stopped just short of the central chimney stack
The account which Bernier gives of some works of this kind in Indostan, falls very short of what had been reported of them by other travellers, more disposed to the marvellous than he was
Then for it to interpret the format of the radio packets and start sending correctly formed data requests was little short of amazing
It is merely to enable the company to support the negligence, profusion, and malversation of their own servants, whose disorderly conduct seldom allows the dividend of the company to exceed the ordinary rate of profit in trades which are altogether free, and very frequently makes a fall even a good deal short of that rate
Again word come down that we would be continuing the attack tomorrow god help each and every one of us because this was nothing short of madness
Aspen’s words halted just short of her lips, and she found the only thing she was capable of producing was tears
But the land tax, at four shillings in the pound, falls short of two millions a-year
It probably fell somewhat short of its usual amount ; all the different taxes upon cyder, having, that year, produced less than ordinary
A tax upon the produce of those precious vineyards, of which the wine falls so much short of the effectual demand, that its price is always above the natural proportion to that of the produce of other equally fertile and equally well cultivated land, would necessarily reduce the rent and profit of those vineyards
“But she goes through anything short of lead and
complement of men for the Shenandoah was fixed at 120, even though they were well short of that number on this day in
is nothing short of glorious
“No Sir I’m afraid its kaput a cartridge jammed in the breech and the German gunner smashed the cocking handle trying to free it nothing short of an armourers workshop will get that working again
We dropped short of it into the grass and crawled forward just to make sure that no Huns were waiting for us in there, we crept up on the hole and peered over the rim of the crater
short of the two-thirds majority needed
down to his last few million and sometimes short of cash
“A little short of ten feet
Orders to prevent their further approach had a broad enough meaning to fall short of definitive
If we land short of the Old Port, their eyes will be on the mountain and we can slip in from behind and intermingle
The short of it is that we’re at least fifty miles offshore, surrounded by pirates, and a hurricane is blowing in on us fast
Short of shooting him, I can imagine that it would have taken more than ten policemen to arrest him
Growing up after her mum’s death had been hard, always short of money
“Maybe fifteen or more,” she said slowly, her mind edging toward an idea that was nothing short of blasphemous
If anyone found out, nothing short of civil war would follow
Her pain had eased but she was now complaining about being very weak and short of breath
Paul says, “For all have , and come short of the ” (Rom
Whenever social costs begin to (marginally) exceed their intended benefits because (limited) resources are either inefficiently allocated or mismanaged or depleting revenue is (simply) unable to keep pace with spending requirements or whenever non-recoverable anti-social attitudes begin to compromise that society‘s quality of life or whenever that society‘s efforts to rehabilitate its economic, intellectual or moral infrastructures or restore flagging morale are no longer effective or have lost their (spirited) momentum or whenever (public) proposals fall short of (private) expectations is that society said to be in a state of decline
Weeks passed in the draining heat, and short of the
The best of Intentions oftentimes fall short of our Designs!
Short of the door to the signal tower Crowley
Secondly, such intentions, in whatever manner their sentiments may be genuinely sincere, oftentimes fail to keep pace with popular expectations thereby heaping anger and resentment upon otherwise well-meaning individuals who may have fallen short of their intended purpose; that is to say, deliver their promises
‘I know you think he is nothing short of evil, but he isn’t like that with me
At last he reached the end of the tunnel and stopped just short of the opening, tentatively poking his snout out over the sheer drop for a look
As with all conflict the two sides have widely different views on each other with the colonials considering the insurrection to be nothing short of tribal barbarism and an attack on whites because they were white
What happened and is happening to the law abiding white Zimbabwean farmers being violently chased of their farms which they bought legally is nothing short of genocide and will be seen in history one day for what it is
Although some cases of ―pedophilia‖ may in fact exist, I am certain that the rate of such occurrences fall well short of the (social) norm
Short of breath, she reached forward with both hands as if begging for mercy
She stood her ground and said that she was short of doctors and since Namangan was a large city, she could not be without doctors
Disillusioned African Americans, persuaded that the Christian Community has fallen short of its intended promises of a color-blind society; that is to say, that the Christian Community has tacitly supported racist designs over the years while doing little to improve social conditions, have therefore decided to exchange their Christian identities (including their names) in favor of a religion perceived (more) receptive to their social and spiritual needs
They have consistently demonstrated an uncanny, some might call it cynical, capacity of imitating the structure and style of popular issues that oftentimes falls short of their stated intentions
Therefore, it may be properly argued that the relationship between poverty and (violent) crime is better understood as a potential for movement in association with (uncertain) prospects for economic improvement; each operating in an environment where results oftentimes fall short of what many had expected or hoped for