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    sick call

    1. I got them and was afraid to report to sick call because I thought I had some kind of bad venereal disease

    2. Ferguson made attempts to replace his medics, but with no result, so that Colling found him complaining one Tuesday morning about the need to provide transportation from Grabensheim to the Regimental aid station in Kummersfeld for soldiers answering sick call

    3. Colling interrupted the sergeant’s grumbling, “Sarge, what about me holding sick call?”

    4. “Sarge, sick call is not much different from working a prescription counter in a drug store

    5. Lewisohn informed Colling that he would be happy to sign any order assigning Colling to the Grabensheim dispensary as a medic, and expressed his relief that someone competent would be able to take sick call and take some of the workload off the Regimental aid station

    6. Colling found himself slightly nervous as he unlocked the dispensary door on Friday morning and, for the first time, announced to the half-dozen waiting soldiers that sick call was in progress

    7. Each patient’s complaint, symptoms and treatment had to be carefully entered in the dispensary log, and the same information duplicated on the sick call report

    8. Colling asked Gambelli to inform Sergeant Ferguson that sick call was over, and he was transporting a sick man to the regimental aid station

    9. There were no American soldiers present, and Colling assumed that the day’s sick call for the guards must have been completed

    10. “Yeah,” said the sergeant, “Right now we been having to take all our sick call to the Regimental Aid Station at Kummersfeld

    11. We got an ambulance, and I have one of our guys drive whoever goes on sick call over there

    12. Lewisohn and told him he wanted to have the following Tuesday off, after sick call was concluded, and assuming that there was no one to transport to Kummersfeld

    13. You can go up and see him right after you clear up sick call

    14. When Colling entered the office after completing sick call on the third day of his futile attempts to reach Quarles, Prinzman asked, “Colling, how many times you figure you’re going to try and reach this guy?”

    15. Two men had presented for sick call and were waiting for medical attention

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