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    sign of life

    1. when there was no sign of life she pressed the other two buttons

    2. There was still no sign of life except for the smoke coming from the chimney

    3. scouring the island for any sign of life

    4. I knocked, and waited for some sign of life

    5. The only sign of life came from the vases that burst with extravagant bouquets on every flat surface, the smell of the dying flowers hanging heavy in the still air

    6. Finally, I gave up waiting for some sign of life

    7. Ethan looked at the doctor, and then at the body once more, from head to toe, as if vainly trying to find a sign of life in that piece of charcoal lying in front of him

    8. But no other sign of life was visible around that star

    9. The only sign of life was Johan’s tightening grip on his shoulder, giving him a pure focus for pain

    10. Quickly I want to send you a sign of life

    11. Apart from the birds, the dog was the only sign of life in

    12. watched the body in front of them for some sign of life

    13. An SUV slowly rolled past the house, the first sign of life Angela had seen since coming outside

    14. Searching the room, he saw no sign of life

    15. Only on the southern wall and the roofs that overlooked it was there any sign of life

    16. There was no sign of life, friendly or hostile

    17. The only sign of life was a glint of steel on the far-off battlements, a raven in the sky that wheeled backward and forth, dipping and rising as if seeking something

    18. The boat was motionless and there was not a sign of life

    19. A sorry looking grey pigeon huddles amongst the chimney pots and is the only sign of life; and Dippa wishes he was somewhere else

    20. When that is finished, there will be a new sign of life in the

    21. It took five warriors to carry the unconscious giant, we made our way into the village, which as we expected was devoid of the slightest sign of life

    22. It was still raining quite heavily but I could see the storm damage that was all around, I made my way to the tree line seeing no sign of life, the beach was littered with fallen tree trunks, some with their roots still intact others where shattered showing the force with which the storm had struck

    23. but there was still no sign of life in his son

    24. It had been over a day and a half since she had to exit that ship in a hurry, yet there had not been any external sign of life or activity from the alien ship since, not even a single radio signal

    25. which was about 600m ahead, was in almost total darkness with no sign of life

    26. rear hatch, but it shows no sign of life, Sir

    27. ” There was still no sign of life in the motionless body

    28. single sign of life

    29. During the day there was never much sign of life in the

    30. “Can’t see a sign of life anywhere

    31. Only his tail gave a sign of life where it flicked slowly back and forth

    32. The only sign of life he has made was to send me the current number of the _Nineteenth Century_ he brought out with him, in which he has an article,--a very good one

    33. It’s the first sign of life she has shown since the funeral

    34. What more discussion did we need? It was the only sign of life

    35. It was the only sign of life

    36. She feels alone for all she can see in the dimly lit room is a dusty haze and no other sign of life

    37. It was harsh of you to give no sign of life all these years

    38. No sign of life

    39. Ingrid peered out over the parapet (part of it broken from where the ogre had made its pursuing leap a week ago), expecting to see some sign of life, however minor, present itself

    40. though he had the presence of mind to give no sign of life

    41. notion he had ventured to approach, and finding me without sign of life,

    42. As they closed in, there was still no sign of life

    43. There is a sign of life but I'm not hopeful

    44. The only sign of life was the horse tethered outside, and it wasn't Twoflower's horse

    45. I've lived on this floating island, it hasn't shown a sign of life

    46. From the moment that he took his seat, until the present instant, the lips of the patriarch had not severed, and scarcely a sign of life had escaped him

    47. No visible sign of life

    48. "It seems that the circumstance of his going down, or sinking, which in my extreme ignorance I had mistaken for something very fatal, was no other than a trick of diving, which I had not ever heard, or at least attended o, the mention of: and he was so long-breathed at it, that in the few moments in which I ran out to save him, he had not yet emerged, before I fell into the swoon, in which, as he rose, seeing me extended on the bank, his first idea was, that some young woman was upon some design of frolic or diversion with him, for he knew I could not have fallen asleep there without his having seen me before: agreebly to which notion he had ventured to approach, and finding me without sign of life, and still perplexed as he was what to think of the adventure, he took me in his arms at all hazards, and carried me into the summer-house, of which he observed the door open: there he laid me down on the couch, and tried, as he protested in good faith, by several means to bring me to myself again, till fired, as he said, beyond all bearing by the sight and touch of several parts of me, which were unguardedly exposed to him, he could no longer govern his passion; and the less, as he was not quite sure that his first idea of this swoon being a feint, was not the very truth of the case; seduced then by this flattering notion, and overcome by the present, as he styled them, super-human temptations, combined with the solitude and seeming security of the attempt, he was not enough his own master not to make it

    49. The boats had been pulled up on land and there was not a sign of life; no lights were shining in the houses on the other side of the water

    50. They had still not had any sign of life from him

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