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    sing softly Beispielsätze

    sing softly

    1. Ricci ignores the remark, tuns on his CD player and then begins to sing softly along with the Carpenters (V

    2. The cat slid along the side of the cot until it was standing at the baby’s head, then lent over and looked directly into its eyes, teeth bared, hissing softly

    3. Receiving Moshe's instructions, Yigal patted Gad on the back, enthusing softly, “You sure got

    4. After a while Jaron began to sing softly, his voice was deep and rich

    5. Cursing softly, he put one foot carefully in front of the other,

    6. Cursing softly, she lowered her goggles

    7. Rising softly, for my charge lay fast asleep, I looked out of the window

    8. Their dark withered plumes bent and tossed in the light cold airs, hissing softly and sadly

    9. Presently his breath was hissing softly through his clenched teeth, hut he

    10. “Ah,” said he, “how good that is, how good and beautiful is all God's work!” He sat musing softly and sweetly

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