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    slave driver Beispielsätze

    slave driver

    1. She already felt like a slave driver, even if the others decided what needed to be done by themselves most the time, there were still her suggestions – like removing the old wax

    2. Some of them complained that he was a slave driver, which made him slack off a bit to allow them to catch up before resuming the daily workload

    3. He also showed me that he was a slave driver

    4. Then, when he was a foolish idyllic young man, the Pharaoh sent him into exile for killing that psychotic slave driver

    5. slave drivers wanted her face to

    6. There are times in that slave driver, where you think you'll die without it; but the truth of it is: whenever it's over, when you lay your head down at night, you feel worse than you did before; because the job of the slave driver is to remove your basic dignity

    7. “His name was Leslie and he liked to wield his power like a slave driver

    8. That is exactly why I decided to settle here, for I have come to bring this war to the very doorstep of those slave drivers

    9. and with his right he drew a bead right between slave driver’s eyes

    10. That is the slave driver’s weakness; he is only one man

    11. “These slave drivers never asked us what we wanted, Jacob

    12. Whenever those who seek justice stand firm against the tyrants and slave drivers of this world, he shall be there

    13. cede the initiative to the slave drivers

    14. The preacher and the slave driver

    15. “But father, what happened to Jacob after the battle with the slave driver? Did he remain in Kansas with his people? Did he ever return to his father’s house?”

    16. Phil Bailey wasn't a slave driver, but he did plan his own work well

    17. The poor of England were brainwashed into worshipping and aiding their own masters and slave drivers

    18. Did you suppose I was such a monster, such a reactionary, such a slave driver? Ha, ha! By the way, do you remember, Rodion Romanovitch, how a few years ago, in those days of beneficent publicity, a nobleman, I've forgotten his name, was put to shame everywhere, in all the papers, for having thrashed a German woman in the railway train

    19. Did you suppose I was such a monster, such a reactionary, such a slave driver? Ha, ha! By the way, do you remember, Rodion Romanovitch, how a few years ago, in those days of beneficent publicity, a nobleman, I’ve forgotten his name, was put to shame everywhere, in all the papers, for having thrashed a German woman in the railway train

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